
上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供DiI碘化物 ,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息。

产品编号 D-9115
英文名称 DiI iodide
中文名称 DiI碘化物
别    名 DiI iodide [1,1‘-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3’,3‘- tetramethylindocarbocyanine iodide]   
保存条件 Store at -20℃, protect from light.
产品介绍 DiI, DiO, DiD and DiR dyes are a family of lipophilic fluorescent stains for labeling membranes and other hydrophobic structures. The fluorescence of these environment-sensitive dyes is greatly enhanced when incorporated into membranes or bound to lipophilic biomolecules such as proteins although they are weakly fluorescent in water. They have high extinction coefficients, polarity-dependent fluorescence and short excited-state lifetimes. Once applied to cells, these dyes diffuse laterally within the cellular plasma membranes, resulting in even staining of the entire cell at their optimal concentrations. The distinct fluorescence colors of DiI (orange fluorescence), DiO (green fluorescence), DiD (red fluorescence) and DiR (deep red fluorescent) provide a convenient tool for multicolor imaging and flow cytometric analysis of live cells. DiO and DiI can be used with standard FITC and TRITC filters respectively. Among them DiI and its analogs are most frequently used since they usually exhibit very low cell toxicity. In addition, DiI is widely used for determining lipoproteins such as LDL and HDL.

DiD,DiO,DiI,DiR和DiS染料是一族亲脂性的荧光染料,可以用来染细胞膜和其它脂溶性生物结构。当与细胞膜结合后其荧光强度大大增强,这类染料有着很高的淬灭常数和激发态寿命。一旦对细胞染色,这类染料在整个细胞膜上扩散,最佳浓度时可以使整个细胞膜染色。它们的荧光颜色区分明显:DiI(橙色荧光),DiO(绿色荧光),DiD(红色荧光)和 DiR (深红色荧光)这使得他们可以用来对活细胞进行多色成像和流式分析。DiI和DiO可以分别用标准的 FITC和TRITC的滤光片。DiD可以用 633 nm He–Ne 激光器激发,有着比DiI更长的激发波长和发射波长,在细胞和组织染色中更有价值。 DiR的红外荧光可以穿透细胞和组织,在活体成像中用来示踪。

1. DiD,DiO,DiI,DiR和DiS细胞膜染色液制备
(1)配置DMSO或EtOH 储存液:储存液用 DMSO或EtOH配置浓度1~5 mM。
注意:未使用的储存液保存在-20 oC,避免反复冻融。
(2)工作液制备:用合适的缓冲液(如:无血清培养基,HBSS或PBS)稀释储存液,配制浓度为1~5 µM的工作液。
2. 悬浮细胞染色
(1)悬浮细胞密度为 1 × 106/mL加入到工作液中。
(2)在37 ℃培养细胞 2~20分钟,不同的细胞最佳培养时间不同。
3. 粘壁细胞的染色
(4)在37 ℃培养细胞 2~20分钟,不同的细胞最佳培养时间不同。
4. 显微镜检测
a) DiI和DiO=Omega XF52,Chroma 51004;
b) DiI和DiD=Omega XF92,Chroma 51007;
c) DiI,DiO和DiD=Omega XF93,Chroma 61005
5. 流式细胞仪的检测
DiD,DiO,DiI,DiR和DiS 染色的细胞可以分别用经典的FL1,FL2,FL3和FL4流式细胞仪检测。