INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc公司是一家专业开发生产用于研究哮喘以及其他过敏性疾病的免疫诊断和相关生物学检测产品的生物技术公司,IB由两家子公司组成,一家是位于美国弗吉尼亚的INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc. (IBI),另一家为位于英国INDOOR Biotechnologies Limited (IBL)。IB的创始人Martin D. Chapman博士曾经是美国弗吉尼亚大学的医学和微生物教授,并曾经担任过美国NIH、环保署已及多家生物公司的顾问科学家。做为环境过敏原(变应原)检测系统的公司,IB生产的一系列过敏原研究和检测用抗体拥有来自美国弗吉尼亚大学的*,能够用于检测屋尘螨、猫、狗、蟑螂和真菌来源过敏原。 IB开发生产面向实验室用户的过敏原Elisa检测试剂盒以及面向家庭用户的过敏原快速检测试剂盒,利用后者用户在家中即可于10分钟之内检测出屋尘螨抗原。
货号 | 品名 | 规格 | 价格 | 品牌 |
LTN-DP1-1 | LoTox™ natural Der p 1 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-DP2-1 | LoTox™ natural Der p 2 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-DPE-4 | LoTox™D. pter. Extract | 1ml | 7470 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-DP1-1 | Natural Der p 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-DF1-1 | Natural Der f 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-DP2-1 | Natural Der p 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-DF2-1 | Natural Der f 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DP1D-1 | Recombinant Der p 1(DG) | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DF1-1 | Recombinant Der f 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DP2A-1 | Recombinant Der p 2.0101 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DP2C-1 | Recombinant Der p 2.0103 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DF2-1 | Recombinant Der f 2.0103 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DP7-1 | Recombinant Der p 7 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-DP10-1 | Recombinant Der p 10 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-DP23-1 | Recombinant Der p 23 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-EM2-1 | Recombinant Eur m 2.0101 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-LP2-1 | Recombinant Lep d 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-GD2-1 | Recombinant Gly d 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BG2-1 | Natural Bla g 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-BG1-1 | Recombinant Bla g 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-BG2-1 | Recombinant Bla g 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-BG4-1 | Recombinant Bla g 4 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-BG5-1 | Recombinant Bla g 5 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-PA7-1 | Recombinant Per a 7 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-CF1-1 | LoTox™ natural Can f 1 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-FD1-1 | LoTox™ natural Fel d 1 | 250ug | 12690 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-MM1-1 | LoTox™ natural Mus m 1 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-FD1-1 | Natural Fel d 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-FD1D-1 | Recombinant Fel d 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-FD2-1 | Natural Fel d 2 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-FD4-1 | Recombinant Fel d 4 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-CF1-1 | Natural Can f 1 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-CF1-1 | Recombinant Can f 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-CF2-1 | Recombinant Can f 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-CF3-1 | Natural Can f 3 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CF4-1 | Recombinant Can f 4 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CF6-1 | Recombinant Can f 6 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-MM1-1 | Natural Mus m 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-RN1-1 | Recombinant Rat n 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-BD2-1 | Recombinant Bos d 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-EC1-1 | Recombinant Equ c 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-OC3-1 | Recombinant Ory c 3 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-GD1-1 | LoTox™ natural Gal d 1 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-GD2-1 | LoTox™ natural Gal d 2 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-GD3-1 | Natural Gal d 3 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-GD4-1 | LoTox™ natural Gal d 4 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-GD5-1 | LoTox™ natural Gal d 5 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-AHRE-4 | LoTox™ Peanut Protein | 1ml | 7470 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-AH1-1 | LoTox™ natural Ara h 1 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-AH2-1 | LoTox™ natural Ara h 2 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-AH3-1 | LoTox™ natural Ara h 3 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
LTN-AH6-1 | LoTox™ natural Ara h 6 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
BI-NAH1-1 | Biotin natural Ara h 1 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
BI-NAH2-1 | Biotin natural Ara h 2 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
BI-NAH3-1 | Biotin natural Ara h 3 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
BI-NAH6-1 | Biotin natural Ara h 6 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
BI-RAH8-1 | Biotin recomb. Ara h 8 | 1mg | 62910 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-AH1-1 | Natural Ara h 1 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-AH2-1 | Natural Ara h 2 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-AH3-1 | Natural Ara h 3 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-AH6-1 | Natural Ara h 6 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AH2-1 | Recombinant Ara h 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AH8-1 | Recombinant Ara h 8 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AH9-1 | Recombinant Ara h 9 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-CA1-1 | Recombinant Cor a 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-CA8-1 | Recombinant Cor a 8 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-CA9-1 | Natural Cor a 9 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-CA14-1 | Recombinant Cor a 14 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AO3-1 | Recombinant Ana o 3 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-JR1-1 | Recombinant Jug r 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-JR3-1 | Recombinant Jug r 3 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-JR5-1 | Recombinant Jug r 5 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-PD3-1 | Recombinant Pru du 3 | 250ug | 0 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-PD6-1 | Natural Pru du 6 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BE1-1 | Natural Ber e 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-BE1-1 | Recombinant Ber e 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BE1-2 | Natural Ber e 2 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-STM-1 | Nat. Shrimp Tropomyosin | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-PA1-1 | Recombinant Pen a 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CC1-1 | Recombinant Cyp c 1 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BD4-1 | Natural Bos d 4 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BD5-1 | Natural Bos d 5 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BD6-1 | Natural Bos d 6 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BD8-1 | Natural Bos d 8 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BD11-1 | Natural Bos d 11 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-GM4-1 | Recombinant Gly m 4 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-GM5-1 | Natural Gly m 5 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-GM6-1 | Natural Gly m 6 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-PP3-1 | Recombinant Pru p 3 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-SI1-1 | Recombinant Ses i 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AG1-1 | Recombinant Api g 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-SA1-1 | Recombinant Sin a 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-TA14-1 | Recombinant Tri a 14 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-TA19-1 | Recombinant Tri a 19 | 250ug | 询价 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CS3-1 | Recombinant Can s 3 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-MD1-1 | Recombinant Mal d 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
AGAL-1 | Natural Alpha-Gal | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-AD8-1 | Recombinant Act d 8 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-FA1-1 | Recombinant Fra a 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-CI1-1 | Recombinant Car i 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RPI-PP1-1 | Recombinant Pin p 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AF1-1 | Recombinant Asp f 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-AA1-1 | Recombinant Alt a 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-AAR1 | Natural Amb a 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-BV1-1 | Natural Bet v 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
LTR-PP1-1 | LoTox™ recomb.Ph1 p 1 | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
LTR-PP5A-1 | LoTox™ recomb.Ph1 p 5a | 250ug | 12330 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-PP6-1 | Recombinant Phl p 6 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-BV1-1 | Recombinant Bet v 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-BV2-1 | Recombinant Bet v 2 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-OE1-1 | Recombinant Ole e 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-CJ1-1 | Natural Cry j 1 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
NA-LP1-1 | Natural Lol p 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CA101-1 | Recombinant Cor a 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-AV1-1 | Recombinant Art v 1 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-AV3-1 | Recombinant Art v 3 | 250ug | 11250 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-VV1-1 | Recombinant Ves v 1 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-VV5-1 | Recombinant Ves v 5 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-AM1-1 | Recombinant Api m 1 | 250ug | 10350 | inbio(indoor) |
RP-PD5-1 | Recombinant Pol d 5 | 250ug | 10890 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CV2-NCR-01 | SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain | 100ug | 7110 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CV2-NCR-4 | SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain | 1mg | 44910 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CV2-RBD-01 | SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain | 100ug | 7110 | inbio(indoor) |
RE-CV2-RBD-4 | SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain | 1mg | 44910 | inbio(indoor) |
RM-CV2-SP-01 | SARS-CoV-2 Full-length Spike Protein | 100ug | 14310 | inbio(indoor) |
LTR-CV2-NCR-4 | LoTox™SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid RNA-Binding Domain | 1mg | 55710 | inbio(indoor) |
LTR-CV2-RBD-4 | LoTox™ SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain | 1mg | 55710 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BT5-1 | Blo t 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BT5-5 | Blo t 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DP1-1 | Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DP1-5 | Der p 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DF1-1 | Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DF1-5 | Der f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DF2-1 | Der f 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DF2-5 | Der f 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-D2-1 | Der p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-D2-5 | Der p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DP23-1 | Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 9450 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DP23-5 | Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 37710 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-DP23-25** | Der p 23 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Twenty-five Plate Pack | 25PK | 169110 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-TP2-1 | Tyr p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-TP2-5 | Tyr p 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BG1-1 | Bla g 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BG1-5 | Bla g 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BG2-1 | Bla g 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BG2-5 | Bla g 2 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BG5-1 | Bla g 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BG5-5 | Bla g 5 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-PA7-1 | Per a 7 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-PA7-5 | Per a 7 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CF1-1 | Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CF1-5 | Can f 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-FD1-1 | Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-FD1-5 | Fel d 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-FD4-1 | Fel d 4 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-FD4-5 | Fel d 4 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GPUP-1 | GPUP ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GPUP-5 | GPUP ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-MM1-1 | Mus m 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-MM1-5 | Mus m 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-OC3-1 | Ory c 3 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-OC3-5 | Ory c 3 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-RN1-1 | Rat n 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-RN1-5 | Rat n 1 ELISA 2.0 Kit- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AO3-1 | Ana o 3- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AO3-5 | Ana o 3- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AG1-1 | Api g 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AG1-5 | Api g 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH1-1 | Ara h 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH1-5 | Ara h 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH2-1 | Ara h 2- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH2-5 | Ara h 2- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH3-1 | Ara h 3- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH5-5 | Ara h 3- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH6-1 | Ara h 6- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH6-5 | Ara h 6- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH8-1 | Ara h 8- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AH8-5 | Ara h 8- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-NBD5-1 | Native Bos d 5 (ß-Lactoglobulin)- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-NBD5-5 | Native Bos d 5 (ß-Lactoglobulin)- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BD11-1 | Bos d 11 (ß-casein)- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BD11-5 | Bos d 11 (ß-casein)- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CA9-1 | Cor a 9- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CA9-5 | Cor a 9- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CC1-1 | Cyp c 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CC1-5 | Cyp c 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GD1-1 | Gal d 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GD1-5 | Gal d 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GD2-1 | Gal d 2- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GD2-5 | Gal d 2- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GM5-1 | Gly m 5- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-GM5-5 | Gly m 5- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-JR1-1 | Jug r 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-JR1-5 | Jug r 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-TPM-1 | Shrimp Tropomyosin- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-TPM-5 | Shrimp Tropomyosin- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-SA1-1 | Sin a 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-SA1-5 | Sin a 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-TA19-1 | Tri a 19- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-TA19-5 | Tri a 19- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AA1-1 | Alt a 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AA1-5 | Alt a 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AF1-1 | Asp f 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AF1-5 | Asp f 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AM1-1 | Amb a 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-AM1-5 | Amb a 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BV1-EP1 | Bet v 1 EP- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 9450 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BV1-EP5 | Bet v 1 EP- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 37710 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-BV1-EP25** | Bet v 1 EP- Twenty-five Plate Pack | 25PK | 169110 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CS3-1 | Can s 3- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CS3-5 | Can s 3- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CJ1-1 | Cry j 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-CJ1-5 | Cry j 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-LP1-1 | Lol p 1- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-LP1-5 | Lol p 1- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-PP5-1 | Phl p 5- Single Plate Pack | 1PK | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
EPC-PP5-5 | Phl p 5- Five Plate Pack | 5PK | 32310 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M1 | Custom 1-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 1-plex | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M2 | Custom 2-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 2-plex | 11970 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M3 | Custom 3-plex MARIA®with Magnetic Beads | 3-plex | 14310 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M4 | Custom 4-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 4-plex | 17010 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M5 | Custom 5-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 5-plex | 20070 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M6 | Custom 6-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 6-plex | 23130 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M7 | Custom 7-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 7-plex | 25830 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M8 | Custom 8-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 8-plex | 28620 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M9 | Custom 9-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 9-plex | 32040 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M10 | Custom 10-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 10-plex | 35100 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M11 | Custom 11-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 11-plex | 38250 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M12 | Custom 12-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 12-plex | 41400 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M13 | Custom 13-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 13-plex | 44550 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M14 | Custom 14-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 14-plex | 44550 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-M15 | Custom 15-plex MARIA® with Magnetic Beads | 15-plex | 46800 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-LAA-M1 | Custom 1-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads | 1-plex | 7650 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-LAA-M2 | Custom 2-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads | 2-plex | 10080 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-LAA-M3 | Custom 3-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads | 3-plex | 12060 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-LAA-M4 | Custom 4-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads | 4-plex | 14310 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-LAA-M5 | Custom 5-plex Multiplex Array for Laboratory Animal Allergens with Magnetic Beads | 5-plex | 17010 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF1 | Custom 1-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 1-plex | 8910 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF2 | Custom 2-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 2-plex | 11970 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF3 | Custom 3-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 3-plex | 14310 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF4 | Custom 4-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 4-plex | 17010 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF5 | Custom 5-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 5-plex | 20070 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF6 | Custom 6-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 6-plex | 23130 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF7 | Custom 7-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 7-plex | 25830 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF8 | Custom 8-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 8-plex | 28620 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF9 | Custom 9-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 9-plex | 32040 | inbio(indoor) |
MRA-MF10 | Custom 10-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | 10-plex | 35100 | inbio(indoor) |
E-2L11 | 2L11 anti Der p 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-2G1 | 2G1 anti Der p 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-1B8 | 1B8 anti Der p 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-11A12 | 11A12 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-6A1 | 6A1 anti Fel d 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-1E18 | 1E18 anti Fel d 4 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-1J11 | 1J11 anti Can f 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-13B6 | 13B6 anti Can f 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-11B6 | 11B6 anti Gal d 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-1E7 | 1E7 anti Gal d 4 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-4G4 | 4G4 anti Ara h 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-16A8 | 16A8 anti Ara h 2 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-15C2 | 15C2 anti Ara h 6 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-9H7 | 9H7 anti Jug r 1 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 200ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
E-2F5 | 2F5 anti Ana o 3 Human IgE Monoclonal Antibody | 100ul | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5H8 | 5H8 anti Der p 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4C1 | 4C1 anti Der p 1, Der f l | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10B9 | 10B9 anti Der p 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4E5 | 4E5 anti Der p 23 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-9B9 | 9B9 anti Der p 23 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-6A8 | 6A8 anti Der f 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1D8 | 1D8 anti Group 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-DPX | DpX anti Group 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10E11 | 10E11 anti Group 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7A1 | 7A1 anti Group 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1A6 | 1A6 anti Tropomyosin | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4D9 | 4D9 anti Blo t 5 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4G9 | 4G9 anti Blo t 5 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10A6 | 10A6 anti Bla g 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7C11 | 7C11 anti Bla g 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1F3 | 1F3 anti Bla g 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2F1 | 2F1 anti Bla g 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1G9 | 1G9 anti Bla g 5 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4B8 | 4B8 anti Bla g 5 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-6F9 | 6F9 anti Fel d 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3E4 | 3E4 anti Fel d 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-FD1 | FD1 anti Fel d 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1A8 | 1A8 anti Fel d 4 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5B2 | 5B2 anti Fel d 4 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-6E9 | 6E9 anti Can f 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7E6 | 7E6 anti Can f 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10D4 | 10D4 anti Can f 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10A4 | 10A4 anti Rat n 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10H4 | 10H4 anti Rat n 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2H6 | 2H6 anti Rat n 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4F7 | 4F7 anti Api g 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2C12 | 2C12 anti Ara h 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2F7 | 2F7 anti Ara h 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5C2 | 5C2 anti Ara h 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2H3 | 2H3 anti Ara h 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1C4 | 1C4 anti Ara h 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4B6 | 4B6 anti Ara h 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3C12 | 3C12 anti Ara h 3 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-6D2 | 6D2 anti Ara h 3 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7D12 | 7D12 anti Ara h 3 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-8H3 | 8H3 anti Ara h 6 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3E12 | 3E12 anti Ara h 6 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3B8 | 3B8 anti Ara h 6 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5A12 | 5A12 anti Cyp c 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3G4 | 3G4 anti Gal d 2 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7E12 | 7E12 anti Gly m 4 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5B5 | 5B5 anti Gly m 4 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5C1-Gly m 4 | 5C1 anti Gly m 4 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2A12 | 2A12 anti Gly m 5 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1E1 | 1E1 anti Jug r 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3B1 | 3B1 anti Jug r 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2B10 | 2B10 anti Ses i 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7C1 | 7C1 anti Ses i 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-8B1 | 8B1 anti Ses i 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3G7 | 3G7 anti Sin a 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-4A6 | 4A6 anti Asp f 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2C10 | 2C10 anti Alt a 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5F5 | 5F5 anti AveX | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-9A5 | 9A5 anti AveX | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3E11 | 3E11 anti SchX | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-2C9 | 2C9 anti SchX | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-10F2 | 10F2 anti SchX | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3F10 | 3F10 anti SchY | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5F6 | 5F6 anti Amb a 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5F7 | 5F7 anti Amb a 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3C7 | 3C7 anti Amb a 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-7F11 | 7F11 anti Amb a 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-3B4 | 3B4 anti Bet v 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5H8SB | 5H8SB anti Bet v 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5G10 | 5G10 anti Cry j 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-8C10 | 8C10 anti Lol p 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-1D11 | 1D11 anti Phl p 5 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
MA-5C1-Ole e 1 | 5C1 anti Ole e 1 | 100uL | 8190 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-GD2 | Rabbit anti Gly d 2 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-LD2 | Rabbit anti Lep d 2 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-TP2 | Rabbit anti Tyr p 2 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-BG1 | Rabbit anti Bla g 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-BG2 | Rabbit anti Bla g 2 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-BG5 | Rabbit anti Bla g 5 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-PAE | Rabbit anti P. americana | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-FD1 | Rabbit anti Fel d 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-FD4 | Rabbit anti Fel d 4 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-CF1 | Rabbit anti Can f 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-MM1 | Rabbit anti Mus m 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-GPUP | Guinea Pig Urinary Protein | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-AH1 | Rabbit anti Ara h 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-AH2 | Rabbit anti Ara h 2 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-AH8 | Rabbit anti Ara h 8 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-SHM | Rabbit anti Shrimp Tropomyosin | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-AF1 | Rabbit anti Asp f 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
PA-AM1 | Rabbit anti Amb a 1 | 100uL | 9990 | inbio(indoor) |
CH-1 | Mouse anti Der p 2/human IgE (2B12-IgE) | 500uL | 9810 | inbio(indoor) |
CH-2 | Mouse anti Der p 2/human IgG1 (2B12-IgG1) | 500uL | 9810 | inbio(indoor) |
CH-3 | Mouse anti Der p 2/human IgG4 (2B12-IgG4) | 500uL | 9810 | inbio(indoor) |
ST-UAS | 8-plex: DP1, DF1, DP2, FD1, CF1, BG2, RN1, MM1 | 400uL | 10710 | inbio(indoor) |