Solulink S‐1002 说明书

界*实验材料供应商 Solulink上海金畔生物为其中国代理, Solulink在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Solulink就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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Solulink — 生物分子标记的 
Solulink公司致力于发展高性能的生物分子连接产品,他们不断的努力帮助您保持在生物科学研究的zui前沿。可用于任何含有氨基的生物分子标记的ChromaLink™抗体标签试剂盒  (ChromaLink™ Antibody Labeling Kit),和One-Shot(单标签)系列试剂盒的成功开发代表着他们始终如一地提供创新产品的承诺,以满足客户不断变化的需求。 



C13H14N4O4 MW 290.27 



货号 品名  规格 目录价 品牌
B-1002-120 Biotin/PEG4/Succinimidyl Ester 10 x 2.0 mg 2340  Solulink
B-1002-025 Biotin/PEG4/Succinimidyl Ester 25 mg 2700  Solulink


Introduction to SoluLinK Bioconjugation Technology

SoluLinK’s core technology is based on the formation of a stable bis‐arylhydrazone formed from an aromatic hydrazine and an aromatic aldehyde.  S‐HyNic 1 (succinimidyl 6‐hydrazinonicotinate acetone hydrazone, SANH) is used to incorporate aromatic hydrazine moieties on biomolecules.  S‐HyNic is an amino‐reactive reagent that directly converts amino groups on biomolecules and surfaces to HyNic groups.  S‐ 4FB 2 (succinimidyl 4‐formylbenzoate, SFB) is used to convert amino groups to aromatic aldehydes (4‐formylbenzamide (4FB) groups).   Addition of a HyNic‐modified biomolecule to a 4FB‐modified biomolecule or surface directly leads to the formation of the conjugate (Figure 1).  The bis‐arylhydrazone bond is stable to 92O C and pH 2.0‐10.0.    The recommended pH for antibody conjugation is 6.0.    Unlike thiol‐based conjugation protocols where reducing reagents are required that that can compromise the activity of proteins by cleaving disulfide bonds, the HyNic‐4FB conjugation couple leaves disulfide bonds intact. No oxidants, reductants or metals are required in the preparation of conjugate.    Further enhancing the many advantages of the HyNic/4FB conjugation couple is the discovery by Dirksen et al.1 that showed that aniline catalyzes the formation of this Schiff’s base.    This is especially effective for large biomolecule conjugations.    In the case of antibody‐protein conjugations the addition of 10 mM aniline to the reaction mixture converts >95% of the antibody to conjugate in ~2 hours using 1‐2 mole equivalents of second protein. The HyNic‐4FB conjugation couple is chromophoric‐  the conjugate bond absorbs at 354 nm and has a molar extinction coefficient of 29000.    This allows (1) real time spectrophotometric monitoring of a conjugate reaction, (2) ability to ‘visualize’ the conjugate during chromatographic purification using a UV or photodiode array detector and (3) quantification of conjugation.  Furthermore, the level of incorporation of HyNic groups can be quantified colorimetrically as reaction with 2‐ sulfobenzaldehyde (SoluLinK catalog# # S‐2005‐100) yields a chromophoric product that absorbs at A350 with a molar extinction coefficient of 20000 (Figure 2).  Links to procedures and calculators to guide users through this process are given in the procedures below.   S‐HyNic (Solulink catalog: S‐1004‐105 (5 X 1.0 mg) and S‐1004‐010 (25 mg)) is an NHS ester that converts amines on biomolecules and surfaces to HyNic moieties for conjugation to 4FB‐modified biomolecules.