新型PCR 扩增缓冲液 Ampdirect®Gene Amplification

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604-21469 Ampdirect®Plus(INT) 1ml×5(20μl 体系500 次)
602-21421 Ampdirect®PlusBIOTAQ ™ HS DNA Polymerase 1ml×5(20ul 体系500 次) 250 units (5 units/ul)
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Ampdirect® Gene Amplification

新型PCR 扩增缓冲液

  ——无需抽提DNA,直接PCR 扩增!

新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification

  Ampdirect® Gene Amplification 是一款新开发的PCR 缓冲液,可有效降低PCR 反应体系里的蛋白质、糖类等各种PCR 抑制物对PCR 扩增的影响。应用广泛,适合对昆虫、植物、微生物、土壤、血液、石蜡切片等各类样品直接进行PCR 扩增。



    无需DNA 抽提,直接进行PCR 反应,节省时间


    因为不需要DNA 抽提,不会产生样品损失,故此最适用于微量样品


    厂家自行开发的高性能聚合酶BIOTAQ ™


    扩增产物可用于后续的测序和RFLP 等片段分析


新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification


新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification


新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification

新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification

  注:动物样本,比如血液和黏膜细胞等可以直接加入PCR 反应液,不需消化处理。固体样本,比如植物和动物组织需要在含有SDS 和蛋白酶K 的消化液中处理后再进行PCR 反应,或者使用FTA 卡收

集植物组织中的DNA,取带有DNA 的FTA 卡加入PCR 反应液进行PCR 反应。




  ●植物、血液/ 滤纸血液、土壤




Ampdirect 推荐使用酶与不推荐使用酶

新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification


新型PCR 扩增缓冲液                  Ampdirect®Gene Amplification

Ampdiret 相关的FAQ


1. 采集后长期保存的血液作为模板,能进行PCR 吗?

  实验证明,采集后冻存了长达五年时间的血或纸血(干燥血)作为模板,依然能进行PCR。必须长期稳定保存血液时,可使用Whatman 公司的FTA Card(核酸保存用卡)进行保存。关于血液(全血)对PCR 的抑制作用,直接采集的血液(新鲜血)对PCR 抑制作用更强。

  另外,长久以来的经验证明,采用干燥血作为PCR 模板时,对比用一般的实验纸保存,使用FTACard 保存的血液进行PCR 的结果更稳定,因此推荐使用FTA Card 保存的血作为PCR 模板。

2. 从粪便中抽提的DNA 模板,可用PCR 检测出细菌吗?

  粪便抽提的DNA 对PCR 有抑制作用,因此用稀释后的DNA 反应。从粪便样品中简便进行PCR 的应用例子,在“使用实时PCR 法高灵敏度检测Vero Toxin”中有介绍。将10%的粪便悬浊液热处理(95℃,5 分钟)后,将离心后的上清液作为PCR 模板。实验证明,使用这个方法,大部分的粪便样品都能稳定进行PCR。

3. Ampdirect 可应用于RT-PCR 吗?粪便里存在的RNA 病毒也可以检测出来吗?

  从粪便样品中简便检测RNA 病毒的应用例子,可见“粪便中的RNA 病毒检测”。将粪便悬浊液离心后的上清液,涂布在Whatman 公司的FTA Card(核酸保存用卡)上,干燥后,在卡上打(φ1.25mm)就可作为模板使用。

  Ampdirect Plus 可做为逆转录反应的反应液,逆转录酶选用的是Invitrogen 公司的M-MLVReverse Transcriptase(Cat No. 28025-013)。

4. 样品的溶解处理最后步骤要在95℃,进行5 分钟的热处理,这个热处理步骤是必须的吗?

  因为要使溶解液中的Proteinase K 失活,所以必须热处理。如果不进行热处理,Proteinase K 仍保持活性的话,在往PCR 反应液里加入溶解液时,Proteinase K 会将PCR 酶(Taq DNA Polymerase)降解掉,从而不能进行稳定的PCR。实际上,这是从大部分得不到目的PCR 产物的例子上取得的经验。所以,必须在最后对溶解液进行热处理(95℃,5 分钟)。

5. 从植物的叶片抽提的DNA 作为PCR 模板进行反应,但得不到目的PCR 产物。考虑到是植物里所含的糖类抑制了PCR,使用Ampdirect 可以改善这个情况吗?

  至今为止,已有非常多客户反映,从实验植物、谷物、蔬菜、果蔬的叶片取样,用Ampdirect进行PCR,都取得了良好的结果。不同植物对PCR 的抑制作用也不尽相同,可参照“从植物取样的简便PCR 实例”。在PCR 前用溶解液进行前处理。如担心因为PCR 被抑制而得不到目的PCR 产物,用溶解处理液稀释5~10 倍,会对此情况有很大改善。

6. 小鼠尾部用溶解液溶解了大约1 个小时,还没完全溶解。可作为PCR 的模板使用吗?

  将小鼠尾巴1~5mm 浸入100μL 溶解液内,55℃下溶解约1 小时后,如小鼠尾巴还未完全溶解,对Proteinase K 进行失活处理(95℃,5 分钟)后,从溶解液中提取出来的DNA 量(拷贝

数)应该足以作为PCR 模板,大部分情况下进行PCR 没有问题。

  与此对照,如果是将大条的小鼠尾巴(5mm 以上)过夜处理以至完全溶解,溶解液会变成高粘度状态。这种情况下,过剩的DNA 反而会抑制PCR 反应,请用蒸馏水或TE 将溶解液稀释10 倍左右。请注意尽量不要让小鼠尾巴过度溶解。

  另外,溶解处理后的溶解液不需离心,只需取上清液就可作为PCR 模板使用。从以往经验得知,经溶解处理过的溶解液在冷藏保存条件下保存2~3 年内皆可作为PCR 模板使用。

7. 不对唾液进行前处理就直接作为PCR 模板是不可行的吧?“取样自口腔粘膜的PCR”这个应用,是对口腔黏膜细胞用溶解液进行溶解处理,如果是用唾液的话,也必须用溶解液进行溶解处理吗?

  目前,也有不少客户为了检测唾液中的微生物,不进行前处理,直接将唾液当成PCR 模板使用。当作为模板进入PCR 反应液的唾液中(数μL)有大量微生物,可获得良好的PCR 产物。与之相反,若微生物数量较少,根据唾液中的蛋白等物质对PCR 抑制的不同程度,有可能得不到稳定的PCR 产物。因此,推荐对溶液用溶解液进行溶解处理,再作为PCR 模板。对唾液进行了溶解处理的话,可得到以下两种结果,①“抽提微生物的DNA”和②“降低唾液对PCR 的抑制作用(分解唾液中的蛋白)”,也可得到稳定的PCR 结果。

8. 如何用PCR 检测血浆、血清样品中的微生物?

  血浆、血清这些全血,对PCR 有较强抑制作用,所以不能将全血直接用作PCR 模板。因此,要用于“检测血清中的病毒”时,将血浆、血清用溶解液进行溶解处理,分解掉血浆、血清中的蛋白,降低对PCR 的抑制作用。

  请注意,本方法适用于检测DNA 病毒、细菌,不可用于检测RNA 病毒。检测RNA 病毒时,在溶解处理步骤,因为血浆、血清中存在RNA 分解酶,从病毒外壳裸露出来的RNA 就会被分解。

9、使用FTA Card 和实验纸作为模板进行多样品PCR 时,因为使用打孔器等工具可能会引起污染。有没有相应的对策呢?

  采集血液样品时,首次打孔取样后,在下一次取样前,用打孔器在FTA Card 或实验纸上没有血样的空白处空打3 个孔,这样可保证打孔器上不会残留前一样品的模板(血样是白血球DNA)。因为从客户处得知,“每次用打孔器取样时,用金伯利(Kimwipe)浸渍酒精擦拭打孔器的打孔部分,这个方法反而引起污染”,所以推荐空打孔的方法。但是,检测拷贝数多的DNA,如线粒体DNA 和质粒DNA 等时,本方法不能防止污染。


● Zoophilic feeding behaviour of phlebotomine sand flies in the endemic areas of cutaneous leishmaniasis of Sindh Province, Pakistan. Tiwananthagorn S, et al.

● The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations. Lebel T, et al.

● Tandem repeat inserts in 13S globulin subunits, the major allergenic storage protein of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds. Khan N, et


Parasitol Res. 2012 Jan 14

・     Zoophilic feeding behaviour of phlebotomine sand flies in the endemic areas of cutaneous leishmaniasis of Sindh Province, Pakistan.

     Tiwananthagorn S, et al.

样品:sand fly(沙蝇)、Leishmania(原虫)

Fungal Diversity (2012) 52: 49-71

・     The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations.

     Lebel T, et al.

样品:菌類、FTA card        

Food Chemistry Volume 133, Issue 1, 1 July 2012, Pages 29-37

・     Tandem repeat inserts in 13S globulin subunits, the major allergenic storage protein of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds.

     Khan N, et al.



Acta Trop. 2012 Feb; 121(2): 93-8

・     Genotyping of sand fly species in Peruvian Andes where leishmaniasis is endemic.

     Fujita M, et al.

样品:sand fly(沙蝇)


Zool J Linn Soc. 2012 Feb; 164(2): 304-27

・     Revision of the Euthalia phemius complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on morphology and molecular analyses.

     Yago M, et al.



Limnology (3 November 2011), pp. 1-5

・     Surveillance of fish species composition using environmental DNA.

     Minamoto T, et al.

样品:Environmental water


Am. J. Pot Res (2011) 88: 500-10

・     Characterization of Crossability in the Crosses between Solanum demissum and S. tuberosum, and the F1 and BC1 Progenies.

     Sanetomo R, et al.



Systematic Botany (2011) 36(4): 836-44

・     A New Allotetraploid Species of Osmunda (Osmundaceae).

     Tsutsumi C, et al.


Am. J. Pot Res

・     Germplasm Release: Saikai 35, a Male and Female Fertile Breeding Line Carrying Solanum Phureja-Derived Cytoplasm and Potato Cyst Nematode Resistance (H1) and Potato Virus Y Resistance (Rychc) Genes.

     Mori K, et al.


Neurochem Res. 2011 Nov;36(11):2127-35.

・     Ceruloplasmin protects against rotenone-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity.

     Hineno A, et al.



Bone. 2011 Nov;49(5):1027-36.

・    Insertional mutation in the Golgb1 gene is associated with osteochondrodysplasia and systemic edema in the OCD rat.

     Katayama K, et al.





・    The genus Ponticulomyces (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) from Japan.

     Ushijima S, et al.

样品:菌類、FTA card     


Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2011 Oct;105(10):561-7.

・    Leishmania species identification using FTA card sampling directly from patients’ cutaneous lesions in the state of Lara, Venezuela.

      Kato H, et al.

样品:原虫(Leishmania)、FTA card  


Anticancer Res. 2011 Oct;31(10):3607-13.

・    Identification of The Distinctive Type i/XhoI+ Strain of Epstein-Barr Virus in Gastric Carcinoma in Peru.

     Ordonez P, et al.




Mol Genet Metab. 2011 Sep 10.

・    Newborn screening for Pompe disease in Japan.

     Oda E, et al.



Blood. 2011 Sep 29.

・    Developmental origins and impact of BCR-ABL1 fusion and IKZF1 deletions in monozygotic twins with Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

     Cazzaniga G, et al.



Mol Biol Evol. 2011 Sep 22.

・    Entangling Ancient Allotetraploidization in Asian Mitella: An Integrated Approach for Multilocus Combinations.

     Okuyama Y, et al.



Parasitol Res. 2011 Jul 8.

・    Prevalence of Trypanosoma sp. in cattle from Tanzania estimated by conventional PCR and loop-mediated isothermal of amplification (LAMP).

     Laohasinnarong D, et al.



J Agric Food Chem. 2011 Jul 13;59(13):6856-63.

・    Practicable group testing method to evaluate weight/weight GMO content in maize grains.

     Mano J, et al.



J Parasitol. 2011 Jun 14.

・    Molecular prevalence of different genotypes of theileria orientalis detected from cattle and water buffaloes in thailand.

     Altangerel K, et al.




・    Reciprocal differences in DNA sequence and methylation status of the pollen DNA between F1 hybrids of Solanum tuberosum × S. demissum.

     Sanetomo R, et al.



J Vet Sci. 2011 Jun;12(2):191-3.

・    A simplified PCR assay for fast and easy mycoplasma mastitis screening in dairy cattle.

     Higuchi H, et al.



Biol Pharm Bull. 2011;34(5):779-82.

・    Identification of dendrobium species used for herbal medicines based on ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequence.

     Takamiya T, et al.



Zootaxa 2905: 33-56 (3 Jun. 2011)

・    A survey of morphological variation in adult Meristogenys amoropalamus (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae), with a description of a new cryptic species.

     Shimada T, et al.



Plant Syst Evol (2011) 292: 177-188.

・    Phytogeographic aspects of Lysionotus pauciflorus sensu lato (Gesneriaceae) in the China, Japan and Taiwan regions: phylogenetic and morphological relationships and taxonomic consequences.

     Kokubugata G, et al.



FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2011 Jan 11.

・    Microbial diversity with dominance of 16S rRNA gene sequences with high GC contents at 74℃ and 98℃ subsurface crude oil deposits in Japan.

     Yamane K, et al.



J Mol Neurosci. 2011 Feb;43(2):217-24.

・    Decreased intake of sucrose solutions in orexin knockout mice.

     Matsuo E, et al.



Glycoconj J. 2010 Dec 21.

・    Excretion into feces of asialo GM1 in the murine digestive tract and Lactobacillus johnsonii exhibiting binding ability toward asialo GM1. A possible role of epithelial glycolipids in the discharge of intestinal bacteria.

     Iwamori M, et al.

样品:細菌(Lactobacillus johnsonii、Lactobacillus casei)   


Mycologia. 2010 Dec 21.

・    Two species of Strobilomyces (Boletaceae, Boletales), S. seminudus and S. hongoi sp. nov. from Japan.

     Sato H, et al.



Molecular Ecology Resources. 2010 Oct 28.

・    A primer set to determine sex in the small Indian mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus.

     Murata C, et al.



Entomological Science 2010 13: 303-310

・    An alien Sennertia mite (Acari: Chaetodactylidae) associated with an introduced Oriental bamboo-nesting large carpenter bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopa) invading the central Honshu Island, Japan.

     Kawazoe K, et al.



Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2010 Oct 18.

・    Natural Infections of Man-Biting Sand Flies by Leishmania and Trypanosoma Species in the Northern Peruvian Andes.

     Kato H, et al.

样品:原虫(Leishmania and Trypanosoma Species) 


BMC Ecol. 2010 Oct 15;10:21.

・    Genetic structure of the oak wilt vector beetle Platypus quercivorus: inferences toward the process of damaged area expansion.

     Shoda-Kagaya E, et al.



Mycoscience. 2010 Oct 30.

・    Rapid detection for sporeless trait from Pleurotus pulmonarius culture extracts by using real-time PCR.

     Okuda Y, et al.




IBC 2010, vol.2, article no.12, pp.1-7

・    Genetic Quality Control of the Rat Strains at the National Bio Resource Project – Rat.

     Kuramoto T, et al.

样品:大鼠、FTA card     

分析手法:Amp-FTA method              


Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 Mar;7(3):814-26.

・    Molecular epidemiology for vector research on leishmaniasis.

     Kato H, et al.




Am J Sports Med. 2010 Aug 19.

・    Cartilage Intermediate Layer Protein Gene Is Associated With Lumbar Disc Degeneration in Male, but Not Female, Collegiate Athletes.

     Min SK, et al.



BMC Evol Biol. 2010 Jun 18;10:185.

・    Geographic variation in the damselfish-red alga cultivation mutualism in the Indo-West Pacific.

     Hata H, et al.





J Biochem. 2010 Aug 10.

・    NF-kappaB regulates the expression of Nucling, a novel apoptosis regulator, with involvement of proteasome and caspase for its degradation.

     Tran NH, et al.



Med Mycol. 2010 Jun;48(4):665-8.

・    Nourseothricin acetyltransferase: a new dominant selectable marker for the dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

     Alshahni MM, et al.



J Plant Res. 2010 May 15.

・    Molecular database for classifying Shorea species (Dipterocarpaceae) and techniques for checking the legitimacy of timber and wood products.

     Tsumura Y, et al.



Forensic Toxicology 2010 July Volume 28, Number 2, 1-7

・    Chemical constituents and DNA sequence analysis of a psychotropic herbal product.

     Kikuchi H, et al.



J Clin Microbiol. 2010 Aug 18.

・    Use of FTA Cards for Direct Sampling of Patients' Lesions in the Ecological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

     Kato H, et al.

样品:原虫、FTA card         


Vet Parasitol. 2010 Aug 4;171(3-4):207-15.

・    Generation of IFN-gamma-producing cells that recognize the major piroplasm surface protein in Theileria orientalis-infected bovines.

     Yamaguchi T, et al.



Jpn J Infect Dis. 2010 May;63(3):173-80.

・    Development of triplex SYBR green real-time PCR for detecting Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, and Legionella spp. without extraction of DNA.

     Kerdsin A, et al.

样品:    細菌 (Mycoplasma pneumoniae、Chlamydophila pneumoniae、Legionella spp.)

分析手法:    real-time PCR    


Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2010 Jun;298(6):F1341-50.

・    Phosphaturic action of fibroblast growth factor 23 in Npt2 null mice.

     Tomoe Y, et al.



Exp Eye Res. 2010 Jul;91(1):26-33.

・    A novel middle-wavelength opsin (M-opsin) null-mutation in the retinal cone dysfunction rat.

     Xie B, et al.

样品:小鼠、FTA card         


Am. J. Botany 2010 97: 373-387.

・    Developmental morphology of seedling and shoot and phylogenetic relationship of Diplobryum koyamae (Podostemaceae).

     Koi S, et al.



Food Control Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 599-605

・    Meat species identification based on the loop mediated isothermal amplification and electrochemical DNA sensor.

     Ahmed MU, et al.



J Virol Methods. 2010 Feb;163(2):282-6.

・    Detection of noroviruses in fecal specimens by direct RT-PCR without RNA purification.

     Nishimura N, et al.



Theor Appl Genet. 2010 Jan;120(2):205-14.

・    DNA methylation in diploid inbred lines of potatoes and its possible role in the regulation of heterosis.

     Nakamura S, et al.





Genes Genet Syst. 2009 Oct;84(5):371-8.

・    Comparative differentiation in mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA among cultivated potatoes and closely related wild species.

     Hosaka K, et al.




J Fish Dis. 2009 Oct;32(10):857-64.

・    Distribution of the introduced cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in a wild population of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L.

     Uchii K, et al.



Plant Physiol. 2009 Dec;151(4):2046-57.

・    The phytochrome-interacting factor PIF7 negatively regulates DREB1 expression under circadian control in Arabidopsis.

     Kidokoro S, et al.



Divers. Distrib. 15 (6), 917-927 (2009)

・    Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of the endangered Japanese red maple (Acer pycnanthum): the spatial configuration of wetlands shapes genetic diversity.

     Saeki I, et al.



Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol.2 No. 10 (Oct 2009)

・    Development of activated sludge adapted to high concentrations of phenol and enhancement of its phenol removal ability by addition of a processed lignite.

     Ohtsuki T, et al.




Mol Ecol. 2009 Dec;18(23):4904-11.

・    Hybridization involving independent gametophytes in the Vandenboschia radicans complex (Hymenophyllaceae): a new perspective on the distribution of fern hybrids.

     Ebihara A, et al.




Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2009 Oct;34(5):926-32.

・    Is there a gender difference between ACE gene and race distance?

     Min SK, et al.

样品:人 口腔粘膜細胞            


Int J Sports Med. 2009 Sep;30(9):691-4.

・    The cartilage intermediate layer protein gene is associated with lumbar disc degeneration in collegiate judokas.

     Min SK, et al.



Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2009 Nov;73(11):2452-9.

・    Genome-wide identification, structure and expression studies, and mutant collection of 22 early nodulin-like protein genes in Arabidopsis.

     Mashiguchi K, et al.



Plant Biotechnology 26(4), 435-441, 2009

・    Modification of the surface carbohydrate composition of tobacco protoplasts transformed with the human UDP-galactose transporter gene hUGT1

     Horibe T, et al.



Genes Brain Behav. 2009 Oct;8(7):650-60.

・    A spontaneous mutation of the Wwox gene and audiogenic seizures in rats with lethal dwarfism and epilepsy.

     Suzuki H, et al.



J Plant Res 2009; 122: 585-95

・    Genetic population structure of Osmunda japonica, rheophilous Osmunda lancea and their hybrids

     Yatabe Y, et al.



Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2009; 297: F671-8

・    Npt2a and Npt2c in mice play distinct and synergistic roles in inorganic phosphate metabolism and skeletal development

     Segawa H, et al.



J Immunol 2009;183: 3053-63

・    Crucial contribution of thymic Sirp alpha+ conventional dendritic cells to central tolerance against blood-borne antigens in a CCR2-dependent manner

     Baba T, et al.



J Nat Med 2009; 63: 340-4

・    The botanical origin of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa; Rubiaceae) available as abused drugs in the Japanese markets

     Maruyama T, et al.




Emerg Infect Dis 2009;15: 912-5

・    Bartonella quintana in body lice and head lice from homeless persons, San Francisco, California, USA

     Bonilla DL, et al.



Plant Cell Physiol 2009; 50: 1579-86

・    Arabidopsis bile acid:sodium symporter family protein 5 is involved in methionine-derived glucosinolate biosynthesis

     Sawada Y, et al.



Mol Genet Metab 2009; 97: 190-5

・    High frequency of acid alpha-glucosidase pseudodeficiency complicates newborn screening for glycogen storage disease type II in the Japanese population

     Kumamoto S, et al.




Laboratory Animal research 2009; 25: 75-8

・    Simple Genotyping Method Using Ampdirect Plus and FTA Technologies: Application to the Identification of Transgenic Animals and Their Routine Genetic Monitoring

     Nakanishi S, et al.

样品:小鼠-大鼠、FTA card               


Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2009; 6: 999-1009

・    Association between a Polymorphism of Aminolevulinate Dehydrogenase (ALAD) Gene and Blood Lead Levels in Japanese Subjects

     Miyaki K, et al.



Jpn J Infect Dis 2009; 62: 164-7

・    Direct Colony PCR of Several Medically Important Fungi using Ampdirect(R) Plus

     Alshahni MM, et al.



Biochem. Eng J 2009; 45: 76-81

・    Characterization of bacterial population of raw milk from bovine mastitis by culture-independent

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