moradec AR-202-AE说明书

moradec AR-202-AE说明书



具有可裂解连接子的Fab抗大鼠IgG Fc-MMAE抗体
Fab-αRFc-CL-MMAE是抗大鼠IgG Fc特异性抗体的Fab片段,该抗体通过可切割的接头与单甲基澳瑞他汀E(MMAE)偶联。抗体部分是对大鼠IgG的Fc区具有特异性的多克隆抗体Fab片段。单甲基耳他汀E(MMAE)是一种细胞毒性小分子,可通过阻止微管蛋白的聚合来抑制细胞分裂。将MMAE连接至抗体的可裂解连接子在细胞外液中稳定,但进入细胞后可被组织蛋白酶裂解。Fab 2°ADC的单价性质在某些应用中可能比全长IgG 2°ADC具有一些优势。



SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S

SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S

SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S

  • 商品品牌: Sartorius赛多利斯
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S-Sartorius赛多利斯-CPA423S

    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 量程范围:320~520g
    • 精度:1mg
    • 校准:内校
    天平 精密天平
    SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S



    所有 CPA 分析天平都结合了高性能的技术特点,并具有坚固耐用,经典的设计确保在持续的实验室应用中保持最高的准确性。

    每一个 CPA 分析天平都具有快速,专业的处理称重任务的功能。包括符合 ISO/GLP 标准的记录和打印,与 YDP03-0CE 打印机和赛多利斯或者电脑连接。双向的RS-232C 数据接口为与其他设备通讯提供基础,例如电脑。



    ● 防静电涂层玻璃防风罩,能有效地屏蔽外界静电荷的干扰
    ● 四级防震
    ● 内置全自动校准砝码(微量/准微量/分析天平)
    ● 由时间和温度触发的全自动校准和调整功能isoCAL
    ● 五面度0.01mg/0.1mg的天平有全玻璃防风罩,视野清晰
    ● 动态温度补偿
    ● 全自动故障诊断
    ● 超载保护

    ● 应用程序:百分比称量,公式求和,动态称量/动物称重,


    ● 超级单体传感器
    ● 40M超高速微处理器MC1
    ● 内置RS232接口,符合GLP标准
    ● 下部吊钩,满足大体积称量

    ● 带蓝色背景光的液晶显示屏(CP2P、CP2P-F、CP225D型号没有背景光),

    字体高度:16.5mm ,0.001g精密天平防风罩的侧面玻璃板可取出,

    ● 只需按一个键,就可以使用外校砝码进行全自动校准和调整(所有精密天平)
    ● 称量室中所有部件可方便地取下清洗
    ● 左、右去皮键满足不同的使用习惯
    ● 可选交流、直流、可充电电池


    ◆ 赛多利斯最新CPA系列电子天平全部采用Monolithic称重传感器。不但异常精确,而且极为坚固、可靠。

    ◆ 另外CPA拥有的更多技术优势,确保其即使连续操作,也能得到最高精度。

    ◆ 内置电机驱动校准砝码:无论何时,只需轻按CAL键,天平就能进行自动内置校准和调整。

    ◆ isoCAL功能:当环境温度改变达到一定值,或在特定的时间间隔后isoCAL就能进行全自动内置校准和调整。也就是说,CPA天平


    ◆ 高对比度带背景光显示屏,在任何光线下都能得到清晰的读数(微量、准微量天平不带背景光)。


    ◆ 由于拥有强大的核心——Monolithic称重传感器,使CPA的外壳和结构都更耐用,能够满足苛刻的日常使用。触感反馈式按键不但


    ◆ CPA不但能得到精确的称量结果,并且即便使用多年也始终能保持最高性能。

    ◆ CPA共有29种型号,从准微量天平倒34kg大量程天平,型号齐全。


    ◆ 赛多利斯最新CPA系列电子天平就像一个成功的拳击手,一击即中,然后就是得分,赢得冠军。

    ◆ 连接赛多利斯YDP03-0CE数据打印机或电脑,CPA就能输出符合ISO/GLP标准的文档记录,可用于质量管理系统。

    ● 优异的防护功能

    ● 防风门开启顺畅,方便进入称量室

    ● 卓越的易清洁式设计

    ● 双向RS-232C接口,可与电脑、分析仪器或机器人相连









    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 量程范围:320~520g
    • 精度:1mg
    • 校准:内校
    商品名称 SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S-CPA423S-Sartorius赛多利斯
    型号 CPA423S
    类别 实验室常用设备|||天平、泵|||实验天平|||SARTORIUS赛多利斯卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S
    品牌 Sartorius赛多利斯
    品牌简介 Sartorius赛多利斯
    关键字 天平 精密天平,天平,称重,传感器,电子天平,技术,微量

    SARTORIUS赛多利斯 卓越型电子天平(内校)CPA423S



    目前产品涉及以下领域: 产品分类: 
    细胞免疫学分型 小鼠Ig/细胞因子 
    细胞免疫学 同型对照 
    分型细胞因子/趋化因子 重组蛋白质 
    肿瘤学研究 人Ig/细胞因子 
    蛋白磷酸化作用 二抗试剂 
    细胞周期分析 大鼠Ig/细胞因子 



    货号 品名 规格 厂家 价格
    800101 Purified anti-GFAP 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    800301 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 200 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    800302 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 500 ug Biolegend(Covance) 12922
    800303 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    800304 Biotin anti-CD230 (Prion) 200 ug Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    800305 Biotin anti-CD230 (Prion) 500 ug Biolegend(Covance) 15428
    800306 Biotin anti-CD230 (Prion) 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 27286
    800307 Anti-CD230 (Prion) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12586
    800401 Anti-Neurofilament α-Internexin (NF-66) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    800501 Purified anti-CD105 (Endoglin) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6510
    800701 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    800702 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12922
    800703 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    800704 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    800705 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 15428
    800706 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 27286
    800707 HRP anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7868
    800709 Anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12586
    800710 Anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 25606
    800711 Anti-β-Amyloid, 17-24 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 42924
    800801 Purified anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    800901 Purified anti-APP 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6370
    800902 Purified anti-APP 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12922
    800903 Purified anti-APP 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20454
    801001 Purified anti-CCL2 (MCP-1) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    801101 Anti-GFAP 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    801201 Purified anti-Tubulin β 3 (TUBB3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3780
    801202 Purified anti-Tubulin β 3 (TUBB3) 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    801203 Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-Tubulin β-3 (TUBB3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5124
    801501 Purified anti-human CD283 (TLR3) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    801601 Purified anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Phosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5096
    801701 Purified anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Nonphosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5096
    801801 Purified anti-MAP2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    801901 Anti-Neurofilament M/H (NF-M, NF-H) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    802001 Purified anti-Tubulin β-3 (TUBB3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    802101 Purified anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase Phospho (Ser40) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    802201 Purified anti-MARCKS Phospho (Ser152/156) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    802301 Purified anti-CAMKII Phospho (Thr286) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    802401 Purified anti-GluR1 Phospho (Ser831) 150 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    802501 Purified anti-GluR1 Phospho (Ser845) 150 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    802601 Purified anti-Synapsin I 10 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    802801 Purified anti-APP C-Terminal Fragment 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6510
    802802 Purified anti-APP C-Terminal Fragment 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 21560
    802901 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6034
    803001 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    803002 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12922
    803003 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    803006 LEAF™ Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 25522
    803007 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    803008 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 15428
    803009 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 27286
    803011 HRP anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 400 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7868
    803013 Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8092
    803015 Anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12586
    803016 Anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 25606
    803017 Anti-β-Amyloid, 1-16 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 42924
    803101 Anti-Alpha-I Spectrin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6930
    803201 Anti-Alpha-II Spectrin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6930
    803301 Purified anti-Apo E 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6692
    803303 Purified anti-Apo E 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20874
    803401 Purified anti-Apo E 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6692
    803402 Purified anti-Apo E 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12586
    803403 Purified anti-Apo E 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20874
    803601 Purified anti-human CD36 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    804301 Purified anti-mouse/rat MPO 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6720
    804501 Purified anti-NSE 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    804701 Purified anti-Stonin-2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    804801 Purified anti-AMIGO-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    804901 Purified anti-NSE 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    805001 Purified anti-SNAP-25 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    805101 Purified anti-Synaptobrevin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4018
    805201 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-8 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    805203 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-8 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    805301 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-8 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    805401 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    805402 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12362
    805403 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    805404 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7098
    805405 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 14028
    805406 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 24822
    805407 HRP anti-β-Amyloid, 1-40 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    805501 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-42 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    805502 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-42 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12348
    805503 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-42 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    805504 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-42 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7098
    805507 HRP anti-β-Amyloid, 1-42 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    805601 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-43 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    805602 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-43 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12362
    805603 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-43 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    805604 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-43 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7098
    805605 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-43 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 14028
    805606 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-43 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 24822
    805701 Purified anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid, 1-16 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6510
    805702 Purified anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid, 1-16 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 21560
    805703 Biotin anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid, 1-16 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7784
    805704 Biotin anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid, 1-16 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 27118
    805801 Purified anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    805803 Biotin anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 8260
    805901 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, x-40 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    805903 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, x-40 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5572
    806001 Purified anti-APP, 573-596 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6370
    806002 Purified anti-APP, 573-596 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12922
    806004 Biotin anti-APP, 573-596 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7504
    806101 Purified anti-APP, 61-77 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6370
    806102 Purified anti-APP, 61-77 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12922
    806103 Purified anti-APP, 61-77 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20454
    806201 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, 1-10 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6370
    806301 Purified anti-Tau, x-421 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4858
    806302 Purified anti-Tau, x-421 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 10458
    806303 Purified anti-Tau, x-421 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    806401 Purified anti-Tau, 210-230 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4858
    806402 Purified anti-Tau, 210-230 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 10458
    806403 Purified anti-Tau, 210-230 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    806501 Purified anti-Tau, 6-18 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4858
    806502 Purified anti-Tau, 6-18 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    806601 Purified anti-Tau, 404-421 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4466
    806701 Purified anti-Tau 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4858
    806702 Purified anti-Tau 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    806801 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Thr181) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    806901 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Thr205) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807001 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Thr212) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807101 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Ser214) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807201 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Thr231) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807301 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Ser235) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807401 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Ser396) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807501 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Ser404) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6076
    807601 Purified anti-Parkin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    807602 Purified anti-Parkin 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 10234
    807603 Purified anti-Parkin 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 18116
    807701 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 115-121 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    807702 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 115-121 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12362
    807703 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 115-121 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    807704 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 115-121 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7238
    807705 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 115-121 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 14238
    807706 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 115-121 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 23548
    807801 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 103-108 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    807802 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 103-108 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12362
    807803 Purified anti-α-Synuclein, 103-108 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    807901 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6930
    807902 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 13622
    807903 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 22526
    808001 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    808002 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 11816
    808003 Purified anti-CD230 (Prion) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    808101 Purified anti-DJ-1 (PARK7) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 7098
    808201 Purified anti-LRRK2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 1358
    808301 Purified anti-TDP43 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4410
    808401 Purified anti-Myelin Basic Protein 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3626
    808402 Purified anti-Myelin Basic Protein 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6412
    808501 Purified anti-Parkin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    808502 Purified anti-Parkin 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 10234
    808503 Purified anti-Parkin 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 18116
    808601 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, 1-38 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    808603 Purified anti-human MPEG1 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5670
    808901 Purified anti-S100A4 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    810101 Purified anti-TDP43 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4606
    810201 Purified anti-PSD95 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2828
    810301 Purified anti-PSD95 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    810401 Purified anti-GluR2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    810501 Purified anti-Cofilin1 Phospho (Ser3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    810601 Purified anti-DJ-1 (PARK7) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    810701 Purified anti-Galectin-3 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2604
    810801 Purified anti-human sMD-2 and TLR4 (CD284)/sMD-2 Complex 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2604
    810901 Anti-Neurofilament α-Internexin (NF-66) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4718
    811001 Purified anti-Presenilin 1 (NH2-terminus) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    811101 Purified anti-Nicastrin (CO2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    811201 Purified anti-NMDAR2B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    811301 Purified anti-Abi-1 10 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    811401 Purified anti-Abi-1 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6930
    811402 Purified anti-Abi-1 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 13622
    811403 Purified anti-Clathrin Light Chain (CLTA) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 22526
    811501 Purified anti-Apo E4 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3640
    811601 Purified anti-Apo E4 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    811701 Purified anti-AICD 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    811901 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, x-42 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    812101 Biotin anti-β-Amyloid, x-42 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    812103 Purified anti-Amyloid Fibril (pan reactive) 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5572
    812201 Purified anti-Ubiquitin 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    812301 Purified anti-rat CD36L1 (SCARB1, SR-BI) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    812601 Purified anti-Apo E2 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7504
    812701 Purified anti-human MPO 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    812801 Purified anti-Apo J (Clusterin) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    813301 Purified anti-sAPPβ 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    813401 Purified anti-sAPPα 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    813501 Purified anti-Apo E4 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    813601 Purified anti-Apo E4 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4746
    813602 Purified anti-Apo E4 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19670
    813701 Purified anti-Apo E4 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4746
    813702 Purified anti-DJ-1 (PARK7) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19670
    813801 Purified anti-DJ-1 (PARK7) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    813802 Purified anti-DJ-1 (PARK7) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12362
    813803 Purified anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain (CLTCL2) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    813901 Purified anti-MECP2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3640
    814001 Anti-Presenilin 2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814201 Purified anti-Tau, 189-195 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    814301 Purified anti-Tau, 185-195 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814401 Purified anti-Tau, 267-278 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814501 Purified anti-Mitofusin-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814601 Purified anti-RhoG 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814701 Purified anti-p62 (SQSTM1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814801 Purified anti-KCNA5 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    814901 Purified anti-Apo E2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815001 Purified anti-HDAC1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815101 Purified anti-HDAC2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815201 Purified anti-HDAC3 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815301 Purified anti-PPP2R5E 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815401 Purified anti-Histone H3 Dimethyl (Lys9) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815501 Purified anti-Histone H3 Trimethyl (Lys9) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    815601 Purified anti-Histone H3 Nonmethyl (Lys9) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    815701 Purified anti-Peripherin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    815801 Purified anti-CCL2 (MCP-1) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    815901 Purified anti-CD107b (LAMP-2) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3976
    816101 Purified anti-Dopamine Transporter, EL2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    816301 Purified anti-Tryptophan Hydroxylase 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    816401 Purified anti-NMDAR2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    816501 Purified anti-Tau, 1-100 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5124
    816601 Purified anti-Tau, 316-355 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    816701 Purified anti-Tau, 316-355 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    816702 Purified anti-2N Tau 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    816801 Purified anti-I1PP2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    816901 Purified anti-I1PP2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    816902 Purified anti-I1PP2A 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    817001 Purified anti-I1PP2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    817002 Purified anti-I2PP2A 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    817101 Purified anti-I2PP2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6608
    817102 Purified anti-PAR-2 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 21266
    817201 Purified anti-Dynamin-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    817301 Purified anti-PPP3CA (CnA1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    817601 Purified anti-IP3R1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    817701 Purified anti-MAGUK (pan reactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    817801 Purified anti-WAVE1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    817901 Purified anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818001 Purified anti-Hsp70 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818101 Purified anti-human CD271 (p75NTR) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818201 Purified anti-PSD-93 (Chapsyn-110) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818301 Purified anti-ADAM22 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818401 Purified anti-GABRB3 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818501 Purified anti-NMDAR1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818601 Purified anti-NMDAR2B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818701 Purified anti-Grp75 (Mortalin) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818801 Purified anti-LRRK2 (NH2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    818901 Purified anti-Neuroligin-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819001 Purified anti-Notch 1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819101 Purified anti-g protocadherin A (pan reactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819201 Purified anti-SALM2 (LRFN1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819301 Purified anti-Histone H3 (C-terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819401 Purified anti-Tau Dimethyl (Lys281) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819501 Purified anti-Tau Dimethyl (Lys311) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    819601 Purified anti-MMP-9 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    819701 Purified anti-GluR1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819801 Purified anti-SVOP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    819901 Purified anti-Thorase (Atad1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820001 Purified anti-Brevican 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820101 Purified anti-Dicer 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820201 Purified anti-Mitofusin-2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820301 Purified anti-Synaptotagmin-12 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820401 Purified anti-GABA(B)R2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820501 Purified anti-PARIS (ZNF746) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820601 Purified anti-VDAC1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820701 Purified anti-GABBR1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820801 Purified anti-PME-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    820901 Purified anti-Tmem91 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821001 Purified anti-CD205 (DEC-205) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821101 Purified anti-PSD-93 (Chapsyn-110) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821201 Purified anti-VGlut1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821301 Purified anti-Ankyrin-B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821401 Purified anti-Ankyrin-B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821501 Purified anti-NrCAM 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821601 Purified anti-KCC2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821701 Purified anti-RGS14 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    821801 Purified anti-Neuroligin-3 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    822001 Purified anti-AMIGO-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    822101 Purified anti-β-Amyloid Pyroglutamyl (Glu3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    822301 Purified anti-Pin1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    822401 Purified anti-MAP2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2604
    822501 Purified anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H) 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    822601 Purified anti-Neurofilament M (NF-M) 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    822701 Purified anti-NMDAR2C 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    822801 Purified anti-GABRA4 10 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    822901 Purified anti-Aph-1a, 245-265 (C terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    823101 Purified anti-Aph-1a, 92-115 (L/S Loop) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    823201 Purified anti-Presenilin 1, 21-80 (NH2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    823301 Purified anti-Presenilin 1, 21-80 (NH2 terminus) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5978
    823302 Purified anti-Presenilin 1, 21-80 (NH2 terminus) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12418
    823303 Purified anti-Presenilin 1 (NH2 terminus) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    823401 Purified anti-Presenilin 1 (NH2 terminus) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5978
    823402 Purified anti-Presenilin 1 (NH2 terminus) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12418
    823403 Purified anti-Presenilin 1, 260-378 (Loop domain) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    823501 Purified anti-Presenilin 1, 260-378 (Loop domain) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5978
    823502 Purified anti-Presenilin 1, 260-378 (Loop domain) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12418
    823503 Purified anti-4R Tau 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    823701 Purified anti-0N Tau 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    823801 Purified anti-1N Tau 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    823901 Purified anti-CX3CR1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824001 Purified anti-PP2AC (Leu309) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824101 Purified anti-Histone H3 Monomethyl (Lys9) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824201 Purified anti-α-Synuclein 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    824301 Purified anti-PPP2R4 (PTPA) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824401 Purified anti-LCMT1 (PPM1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824501 Purified anti-Tau, 157-168 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824601 Purified anti-MAP6 (STOP) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824701 Purified anti-TREM-2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    824801 Purified anti-PPP2R1A 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    824901 Purified anti-APP C-Terminal Fragment 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    825001 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, x-38 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    825101 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, x-40 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    825201 Purified anti-β-Amyloid, x-42 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    825301 Purified anti-CD33 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    825601 Purified anti-α-Synuclein Phospho (Ser129) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    825701 Purified anti-HSF1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    825801 S100 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    825901 S100 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3024
    825902 S100 Polyclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2786
    826001 S100 Polyclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2898
    826002 S100 Polyclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2128
    826003 Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1974
    826101 Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7126
    826102 Synaptophysin (SY38) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    826201 Synaptophysin (SYP) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    826301 Synaptophysin (SYP) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 5614
    826302 Purified anti-CD34 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    826401 Purified anti-CD34 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2506
    826403 Purified anti-Apo-D 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4424
    826503 Purified anti-Apo-D 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6930
    826504 Purified anti-Apo-D 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 13622
    826505 Purified anti-CD171 (L1) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 22526
    826701 Purified anti-mouse/rat β-Amyloid 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7448
    826801 Purified anti-LRP2 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    826901 Purified anti-Syntaxin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827001 Purified anti-Pan-LC3-A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827101 Purified anti-Pancortin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827201 Purified anti-AMIGO-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827301 Purified anti-TARP g2 (Stargazin) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827401 Purified anti-Dopamine D3 receptor 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827501 Purified anti-GABRD 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827601 Purified anti-Histone H4 Trimethyl (Lys 20) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827701 Purified anti-KCC2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    827901 Purified anti-Histone H4 Monomethyl (Lys20) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    828001 Purified anti-MAP2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    828101 Purified anti-NMDAR1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3906
    828201 Purified anti-p120 Catenin 15 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4410
    828301 Purified anti-PPP2R5D 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    828401 Purified anti-PP2AC 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    828501 Purified anti-IGBP-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    828601 Purified anti-PP2AC Methyl (Leu 309) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    828801 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Thr231) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    828901 Purified anti-Tau Phospho (Ser396) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4256
    829001 Purified anti-PPP2R1A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4256
    829101 Purified anti-Mouse CD172b (SIRPβ1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    829201 Purified anti-HSF2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    829301 Purified anti-GFAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    829401 Purified anti-mouse/rat Tau 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5922
    829601 Purified anti-Tau Nitrated (Tyr18) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2268
    829701 Purified anti-Tau Nitrated (Tyr18) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4858
    829702 Purified anti-Tau Nitrated (Tyr29) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 19684
    829801 Purified anti-TDP43 Phospho (Ser409/410) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4858
    829901 Purified anti-CaMKIV 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4326
    830101 Purified anti-IL-17F 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830201 Purified anti-CD3 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830301 Purified anti-CD11a 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830401 Purified anti-CD18 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830501 Purified anti-CASK 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830601 Purified anti-SAP97 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830701 Purified anti-PICK1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    830901 Purified anti-ADAM22 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831001 Purified anti-Mitofusin-1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831101 Purified anti-GABBR2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831201 Purified anti-PPP2R2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831301 Purified anti-CD18 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831401 Purified anti-Annexin A1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831601 Purified anti-γ-protocadherin (pan reactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831701 Purified anti-SAPAP1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831801 Purified anti-c-Abl 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    831901 Purified anti-SAP102 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832001 Purified anti-NMDAR2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832101 Purified anti-LRP4 (NH2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832201 Purified anti-GABRA1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832301 Purified anti-NMDAR2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832401 Purified anti-NMDAR2B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832501 Purified anti-SAPAP (pan reactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832601 Purified anti-γ-protocadherin-B2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832701 Purified anti-VGlut2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832801 Purified anti-PINK1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    832901 Purified anti-CD209a 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833001 Purified anti-GRK (pan-reactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833101 Purified anti-Doc2b 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833201 Purified anti-SynCAM4 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833301 Purified anti-FMIP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833401 Purified anti-ASIC1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833501 Purified anti-CD172b (SIRPβ1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833601 Purified anti-CD45R 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833701 Keratin 15 Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    833901 Purified anti-Presenilin 1 (CO2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    834001 Purified anti-NMDAR2A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    834101 Purified anti-ApoD Matched Pair 10 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    834201 Purified anti-α-Synuclein PAIR Biolegend(Covance) 31094
    834301 Purified anti-α-Synuclein 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6300
    834302 Purified anti-α-Synuclein 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 12362
    834303 Purified anti-ERAB 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 20482
    834401 Purified anti-ERAB 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6930
    834402 Purified anti-ERAB 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 13622
    834403 Purified anti-FOX3 (NeuN) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 22526
    834501 Purified anti-FMRP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2828
    834601 Purified anti-FMRP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    834701 Purified anti-PINK1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    834801 Anti-Ubiquitin, 64-76 (free/bound) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    834901 Anti-Ubiquitin, 64-76 (free/bound) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 13622
    834902 Anti-Ubiquitin, 64-76 (free/bound) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 27286
    834903 Anti-Ubiquitin, 50-65 (bound) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 45500
    835001 Anti-Ubiquitin, 50-65 (bound) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 13622
    835002 Anti-Ubiquitin, 50-65 (bound) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 27286
    835003 Anti-β-Amyloid, 1-11 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 45500
    835101 Anti-Tau, 20-35 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    835201 Anti-GFAP (Cocktail) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    835301 Anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Non-Phosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    835401 Anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Non-Phosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5264
    835402 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Phosphorylated 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 9324
    835501 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Phosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    835502 Anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Hypophosphorylated 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8022
    835601 Anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Hypophosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    835602 Purified anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Hypophosphorylated 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8022
    835604 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Phosphorylated 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5110
    835701 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Phosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    835702 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8022
    835801 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    835901 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4816
    835902 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8512
    836001 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    836002 Anti-Tau, 95-108 (PHF) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8022
    836101 Anti-Tau, 95-108 (PHF) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3262
    836102 Purified anti-SNAP-25 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    836304 Anti-Myelin CNPase 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3850
    836401 Anti-Myelin CNPase 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3626
    836402 Purified anti-Myelin CNPase 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6412
    836404 Anti-Myelin Basic Protein 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    836501 Anti-Myelin Basic Protein 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5264
    836502 Anti-Synuclein-α/β, 130-140 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 9324
    836601 Anti-nAchR, α7-Subunit 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    836701 Anti-Rat Blood-Brain Barrier 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    836801 Anti-Rat Blood-Brain Barrier 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    836802 Anti-Ubiquitin 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5754
    836901 Anti-Synaptobrevin (VAMP) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    837001 Anti-Synaptophysin 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5208
    837101 Anti-GFAP 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    837201 Anti-GFAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    837202 Anti-GFAP 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5754
    837301 Anti-GFAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    837302 Anti-GFAP 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5754
    837401 Anti-GFAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    837402 Anti-GFAP 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5754
    837501 Anti-GFAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    837502 Anti-GFAP (Cocktail) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5754
    837601 Anti-GFAP (Cocktail) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3696
    837602 Anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Phosphorylated 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5754
    837701 Anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Phosphorylated 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    837702 Purified anti-Neurofilament H & M (NF-H/NF-M), Phosphorylated 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8022
    837704 Anti-Neurofilament Marker (pan-neuronal, cocktail) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5110
    837801 Anti-Neurofilament Marker (pan-neuronal, cocktail) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    837802 Purified anti-Neurofilament Marker (pan axonal, cocktail) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8022
    837904 Anti-O-GlcNAc 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 5390
    838001 Anti-O-GlcNAc 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3066
    838002 Anti-CD171 (L1CAM) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    838101 Anti-α-Synuclein 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    838201 Anti-nAchR, α1, α3 & α5 Subunits 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    838301 Anti-nAchR, α7-Subunit 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    838401 Anti-nAchR, β2-Subunit 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    838501 Anti-nAchR, γ-Subunit 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    838601 Anti-Ubiquitin 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    838701 Anti-Ubiquitin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3402
    838702 Anti-Synuclein-α/β, Nitrated 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    838801 Anti-Synuclein-α, Nitrated 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    838901 Anti-Neurofilament H (NF-H), Phosphorylated 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    839001 Anti-nAchR, α1-Subunit 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    839101 Anti-nAchR, α4-Subunit 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    839201 Anti-Neurofilament M (NF-M) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    839301 Anti-PP2Aα 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3500
    839501 Anti-PP2Aα 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3640
    839502 Anti-GABRA6 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    839601 Anti-CD271 (p75NTR) 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    839701 Anti-Nestin Tail 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    839801 Anti-Coronin 1a 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    839901 Anti-GFAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 2604
    840001 Anti-BACE1 (CO2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    840101 Anti-BACE1 (CO2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    840201 Anti-Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    840301 Anti-ER81 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    840401 Anti-MAP2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    840601 Anti-Neurofilament α-Internexin (NF66) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    840701 Anti-Neurofilament H Phospho (NF-H) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    840801 Anti-Neurofilament L (NF-L) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    840901 Anti-Neurofilament M (NF-M) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    841001 Anti-Peripherin (panreactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    841101 Anti-PEN2 (CO2 terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    841201 Anti-Nestin (Repeat region) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    841601 Anti-Nestin (Repeat region) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    841701 Anti-Nestin (C terminus) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    841801 Anti-Nestin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    841901 Serotonin Polyclonal Antibody 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    842001 BetaMark™ β-Amyloid x-40 ELISA Kit (Chemiluminiscent) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    842101 BetaMark™ β-Amyloid x-42 ELISA Kit (Chemiluminiscent) 1 kit Biolegend(Covance) 8050
    842201 BetaMark™ β-Amyloid x-40 ELISA Kit (TMB) 1 kit Biolegend(Covance) 8050
    842301 BetaMark™ β-Amyloid x-42 ELISA Kit (TMB) 1 kit Biolegend(Covance) 8050
    842401 Recombinant Human Tau-441 (2N4R) 1 kit Biolegend(Covance) 8050
    842501 Recombinant Human APP751 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    842601 Recombinant Human Tau-352 (0N3R) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    842701 Recombinant Human Tau-381 (1N3R) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    842801 Recombinant Human Tau-410 (2N3R) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    842901 Recombinant Human Tau-383 (0N4R) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    843001 Recombinant Human Tau-412 (1N4R) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    843101 Recombinant Human APP770 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    843201 Recombinant Human DJ-1 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2646
    843401 Recombinant Human sAPPbeta (APP751 isoform) 50 ug Biolegend(Covance) 6314
    843501 Recombinant Human Tubulin β 3 (TUBB3) Peptide 20 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3626
    843601 Recombinant Human β-Amyloid Peptide (1-40) 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    843701 Recombinant Human β-Amyloid Peptide (1-42) 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    843801 Recombinant Human β-Amyloid Scrambled Peptide (1-40) 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 5516
    843901 Recombinant Human β-Amyloid Scrambled Peptide (1-42) 500 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2968
    844001 Human α-Synuclein ELISA Kit 500 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    844101 Purified anti-CRISPR (CAS9) 1 kit Biolegend(Covance) 8386
    844301 Purified anti-LRRK2 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4130
    844401 Purified anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65/GAD2) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    844502 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65/GAD2) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    844503 Purified anti-β Catenin 1 (CTNNB1) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    844602 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-β Catenin 1 (CTNNB1) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3430
    844603 Purified anti-CD325 (N-Cadherin) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4130
    844702 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-CD325 (N-Cadherin) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 1470
    844703 Purified anti-α-E-Catenin 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 2030
    844801 Purified anti-α-E-Catenin 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 1330
    844802 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-α-E-Catenin 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    844803 Purified anti-Histone Lysine Demethylase (NO66) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    844902 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-Histone Lysine Demethylase (NO66) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4130
    844903 Purified anti-CD209/CD299 (DC-SIGN/L-SIGN) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4830
    845002 Purified anti-Syntrophin 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    845102 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-Syntrophin 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    845103 Purified anti-Tubulin β 3 (TUBB3) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    845501 Purified anti-Tubulin β 3 (TUBB3) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 1400
    845502 Purified anti-Neurogranin (NRGN) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3500
    845602 Purified anti-Neurogranin (NRGN) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    845702 Purified anti-Neurofilament L (NF-L) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    845802 Purified anti-Neurofilament L (NF-L) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    846002 Anti-BrdU 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    900201 Anti-Glu-Glu Epitope Tag Affinity Matrix 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3780
    900301 Anti-6-His Epitope Tag Affinity Matrix 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    900501 Anti-AU1 Epitope Tag Affinity Matrix 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    900601 Anti-AU5 Epitope Tag Affinity Matrix 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    900701 Anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag Affinity Matrix 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    900801 Purified anti-Cre Recombinase 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7560
    900901 Biotin anti-Cre Recombinase 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    900903 Purified anti-Pax-2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    901001 Purified anti-TNF-α 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    901201 Purified anti-Pax-6 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    901301 Anti-CD243 (ABCB1, P-glycoprotein 1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4914
    901401 Purified anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6356
    901501 Purified anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    901502 Purified anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    901503 Biotin anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 10094
    901505 FITC anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    901507 Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    901509 Alexa Fluor® 594 anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5124
    901511 Anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5124
    901513 Anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3402
    901514 Anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5460
    901515 Purified anti-GST Epitope Tag 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 8806
    901601 Purified anti-GST Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    901602 Purified anti-Glu-Glu Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    901801 Purified anti-Glu-Glu Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    901802 Biotin anti-Glu-Glu Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    901803 Purified anti-AU1 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    901901 Purified anti-AU1 Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    901902 Purified anti-AU5 Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    902002 Biotin anti-AU5 Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    902003 Purified anti-CD141 (Thrombomodulin) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    902101 Purified anti-CD141 (Thrombomodulin) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    902201 Purified anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    902301 Purified anti-HA.11 Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    902302 Purified anti-DYKDDDDK Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8414
    902401 Anti-BCRP (ABCG2) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5138
    902501 Purified anti-GFP Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7658
    902601 Purified anti-GFP Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    902602 Purified anti-Nesprin-1 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    902701 Purified anti-mAKAP 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    902801 Purified anti-Nuclear Pore Complex Proteins 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    902901 Purified anti-Nuclear Pore Complex Proteins 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3542
    902902 Purified anti-FITC 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6174
    903001 Purified anti-AU1 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3444
    903101 Purified anti-T7 Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    903201 Purified anti-β-Tubulin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    903401 Purified anti-p38 MAPK Phospho (Thr180/Tyr182) 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    903501 Purified anti-p53 Phospho (Ser392) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    903601 Purified anti-CD243/ABCB4 (ABCB1, P-glycoprotein1/MDR3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    903701 Purified anti-V5 Epitope Tag 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7924
    903801 Purified anti-VSV-G Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    903901 Purified anti-RNA Polymerase II 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    904001 Purified anti-MLK-2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    904101 Anti-Cytokeratin 7 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4326
    904201 Anti-Cytokeratin 10 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3262
    904301 Purified anti-c-myc Epitope Tag 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4424
    904401 Anti-Vimentin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    904501 Anti-Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3948
    904601 Anti-Alpha Skeletal Muscle Actin 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4200
    904701 Cytokeratin-8 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3962
    904801 Purified anti-Cytoplasmic Dynein Intermediate Chain 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    904901 Anti-Fibrillarin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    905001 Loricrin Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    905101 Keratin 1 Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905201 Keratin 14 Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905301 Keratin 10 Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905401 Keratin 5 Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905501 Purified anti-Keratin 1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905601 Purified anti-Mouse Keratin 6A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905701 Filaggrin Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905801 Keratin 5 Polyclonal Chicken Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    905901 Keratin 14 Polyclonal Chicken Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    906001 Purified anti-6-His Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    906101 Purified anti-6-His Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    906102 Biotin anti-6-His Epitope Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    906103 FITC anti-6-His Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    906105 Purified anti-NUP153 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    906201 Purified anti-c-myc Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3640
    906301 Purified anti-c-myc Epitope Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5334
    906302 Purified anti-PTH1R (Peptide IV) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8246
    906401 Purified anti-PTH1R (Peptide VII) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    906501 Purified anti-PTH1R 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    906601 Purified anti-β-Galactosidase 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    906701 Purified anti-HIV gp120 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    906801 Purified anti-Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    906901 Purified anti-CD243 (ABCB1, P-glycoprotein 1) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    907001 Purified anti-MRP1 (ABCC1) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 9226
    907201 Anti-MRP2 (ABCC2, cMOAT) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8526
    907301 Anti-MRP3 (ABCC3) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7658
    907401 Purified anti-Flightless-I Protein 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7658
    907701 Anti-Peripherin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3906
    907801 Purified anti-Alpha Crystallin B 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    907901 Purified anti-Alpha Crystallin B 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    907902 Purified anti-Cre Recombinase 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 6846
    908001 Purified anti-Hoxb-1 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4270
    908101 Cytokeratin (OSCAR) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    908201 Cytokeratin (OSCAR) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    908202 Cytokeratin (OSCAR) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3388
    908203 Purified anti-Folate Binding Protein 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2814
    908301 Purified anti-CLIC4 N-Terminal 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7196
    908401 Purified anti-HE4 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4746
    908501 Purified anti-HE4 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 1904
    908502 Purified anti-CD66C (CEACAM 6) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7448
    908601 Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-Giantin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3108
    908701 Biotin anti-c-myc Epitope Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5124
    908805 Purified anti-Kinesin Heavy Chain 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    908901 Purified anti-KIF3A 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    909001 Purified anti-Tubulin-β 2B (TUBB2B) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    909101 Purified anti-Tubulin-β 2B (TUBB2B) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    909201 Purified anti-LASP1 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    909301 Anti-Myosin II (pan reactive) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3906
    909401 Purified anti-Detyrosinated α-Tubulin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4088
    909501 Purified anti-α-Tubulin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3906
    909601 Purified anti-Giantin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3906
    909701 Purified Non-muscle Myosin Heavy Chain II-A 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    909801 Purified Non-muscle Myosin Heavy Chain II-B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    909901 Anti-CD31 (PECAM-1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    910003 Purified anti-CD31 (PECAM-1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    910005 Purified anti-CD49D 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    910101 Purified Rabbit Polyclonal Isotype Ctrl 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    910801 Purified anti-CD49b (Integrin α2) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 1274
    910901 Purified anti-ABCA3 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    911001 α-1-Fetoprotein Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    911101 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2338
    911201 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2338
    911202 Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA) Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1890
    911301 Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA) Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2968
    911302 Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA) Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2786
    911303 Factor VIII Related Antigen Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2338
    911401 HMB-45 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2786
    911501 HMB-45 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6202
    911502 Purified anti-Prostate Specific Antigen 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3094
    911601 Purified anti-Prostate Specific Antigen 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2338
    911602 Calcitonin Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1596
    911801 Chromogranin A Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2212
    911901 Chromogranin A Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3080
    911902 Growth Hormone (GH) Polyclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2520
    912001 Growth Hormone (GH) Polyclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2982
    912002 Thyroglobulin Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2268
    912101 Thyroglobulin Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    912102 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Polyclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2422
    912201 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Polyclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    912202 α-1-Antitrypsin Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2156
    912301 Anti-BG-8 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2912
    912501 CD20 B Cell Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    912601 CD20 B Cell Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    912602 CD30 Ki Antigen Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2156
    912701 CD30 Ki Antigen Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6314
    912702 Leukocyte Common Antigen Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2324
    912801 Leukocyte Common Antigen Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    912802 Anti-CD15 (BG-7) 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2688
    912901 Bcl-2 Oncoprotein Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    913001 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4676
    913101 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1834
    913102 Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1428
    913201 Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1834
    913202 Kappa Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1428
    913301 Kappa Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1666
    913302 Lambda Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1414
    913401 Lambda Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1666
    913402 Purified anti-H. pylori 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1414
    913501 Purified anti-HSV 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2786
    913801 Purified anti-HSV 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2338
    913802 Purified anti-HSV 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1974
    913803 Muscle Specific Actin Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1876
    913901 Muscle Specific Actin Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4578
    913902 Cytokeratin (AE-1) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3752
    914001 Cytokeratin (AE-3) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2814
    914101 Cytokeratin (AE-3) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2814
    914102 Cytokeratin (AE-3) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1890
    914103 Pan-Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1414
    914201 Pan-Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2814
    914202 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 18 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1414
    914301 Glial Fibriallary Acid Protein (GFAP) Polyclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5236
    914501 Neurofilament (2F11) Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    914601 Vimentin (V9) Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4046
    914701 Vimentin (V9) Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4046
    914702 BRST-1 (CU-18) Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2814
    915001 BRST-1 (CU-18) Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7518
    915002 BRST-2 (GCDFP-15) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4760
    915101 BRST-2 (GCDFP-15) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7518
    915102 BRST-2 (GCDFP-15) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4760
    915103 BRST-2 (GCDFP-15) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4410
    915104 BRST-3 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4900
    915201 BRST-3 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7518
    915202 BRST-3 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4760
    915203 BRST-3 Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4410
    915204 CD99 (Ewing's Sarcoma Marker, MIC2) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4900
    915601 CD99 (Ewing's Sarcoma Marker, MIC2) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7294
    915602 CD99 (Ewing's Sarcoma Marker, MIC2) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3752
    915603 Purified anti-CD227 (MUC-1) 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3262
    915701 CD10/CALLA Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7518
    915901 CD10/CALLA Monoclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 8680
    915902 Purified anti-CD68 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2772
    916101 DC-Purified anti-CD68 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3906
    916102 Purified anti-Estrogen Receptor 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1792
    916201 Purified anti-Estrogen Receptor 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 5908
    916202 Purified anti-Estrogen Receptor 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3542
    916203 Purified anti-Estrogen Receptor 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2940
    916301 Purified anti-Estrogen Receptor 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 5908
    916302 Cytokeratin, HMW Monoclonal Antibody 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2940
    916501 D2-40 Lymphatic Endothelial Marker Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2156
    916601 D2-40 Lymphatic Endothelial Marker Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4312
    916602 D2-40 Lymphatic Endothelial Marker Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7812
    916603 D2-40 Lymphatic Endothelial Marker Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4704
    916604 Purified anti-Podoplanin (Lymphatic Endothelial Marker) 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3990
    916605 Purified anti-Podoplanin (Lymphatic Endothelial Marker) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 1470
    916606 Purified anti-VEGF 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3150
    916701 Purified anti-VEGF 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6972
    916702 Purified anti-Hepsin 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4872
    916801 Purified anti-Hepsin 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 8106
    916802 Purified anti-Hepsin 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4844
    916803 Micropthalmia Transcription Factor (MITF) Monoclonal Antibody, Purified 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4018
    916901 Purified anti-Bin-1 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 6636
    917001 Purified anti-Bin-1 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    917002 Purified anti-COL17A1 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7168
    917101 Purified anti-URO-1 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7798
    917201 Purified anti-URO-2 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    917301 Purified anti-URO-4 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4928
    917401 Purified anti-URO-5 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4928
    917501 Purified anti-URO-7 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4928
    917601 Purified anti-GD3 (MEL-1) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4928
    917701 Anti-TYRP1 (MEL-5) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4676
    917801 Purified anti-MART-1 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4676
    917901 Purified anti-MART-1 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7126
    917902 Purified anti-MART-1 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    918001 Purified anti-TTF-1 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 7126
    918101 Purified anti-Lamin A/C 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3654
    918901 Purified anti-HIV TAT 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3640
    919001 Purified anti-Vimentin 250 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    919101 Purified anti-NMHC II-C 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    919201 Purified anti-MAPK Phospho (Thr202/Tyr204) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3640
    919301 Purified anti-CD243 (ABCB1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4648
    919401 Anti-GAPDH 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 9226
    919501 Purified anti-CD106 (VCAM-1) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3724
    919801 Anti-Desmin 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3276
    919902 Anti-CD51 (Integrin αvβ5) 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4046
    920001 Anti-RNA Polymerase II 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    920101 Anti-RNA Polymerase II 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    920102 Anti-RNA Polymerase II 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5460
    920201 Anti-RNA Polymerase II 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    920202 Anti-RNA Polymerase II 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5460
    920301 Anti-RNA Polymerase II 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3934
    920302 Anti-RNA Polymerase II Sampler 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 5460
    920401 Anti-HOX C8 3 x 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 8246
    920501 Anti-HOX C8 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    920502 Anti-CD93 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    920601 Anti-CD93 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    920701 Anti-Tubulin β-3, Depolymerized (TUBB3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    920801 Anti-Tubulin β-3, Polymerized (TUBB3) 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4144
    921001 Anti-Msx-1 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4144
    921101 Anti-Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    921201 Anti-CD29 (Integrin β1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3066
    921301 Anti-CD29, Activating (Integrin β1) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    921401 Anti-CD49C (Integrin α3) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    921601 Anti-CD49E (Integrin α5) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    921701 Purified anti-BG-2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    921902 Anti-BG-3 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    922002 Anti-BG-4 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    922102 Anti-BG-5 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    922202 Anti-BG-6 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    922302 Anti-MPF 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4788
    922402 Anti-URO-8 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 8904
    922502 Anti-Bax 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4928
    922601 Anti-Myosin Heavy Chain 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4312
    922701 Anti-MAP2 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3052
    922801 Anti-MAP1B 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3766
    922901 Anti-MAN2A1 (Mannosidase II) 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3766
    923101 Purified anti-mAKAP 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 3136
    923201 CD43 T-Cell Monoclonal Antibody 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    923301 Anti-Lamin A 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 5628
    923401 Anti-HA Tag 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4550
    923501 Anti-HA Tag 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    923502 Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7336
    923601 Anti-Pericentrin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    923701 Anti-GPP130 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    923801 Anti-c-myc 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4760
    924201 Anti-c-myc 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    924202 Anti-Giantin 500 ul Biolegend(Covance) 7196
    924302 Anti-Involucrin 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4760
    924401 Anti-Tubulin γ 1 (TUBG1) 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    924501 Anti-MAD2 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4480
    924601 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Polyclonal Antibody 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4830
    924701 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Polyclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    924702 Anti-GST Tag 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2156
    924801 Anti-KIN-28 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4662
    924901 Anti-GAL4 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    925001 Anti-Myosin Phosphatase 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    925101 Anti-Prox1 100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4242
    925201 Somatostatin Polyclonal Antibody 200 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4830
    925301 Somatostatin Polyclonal Antibody 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 3290
    925302 Tris-Buffered Saline 20X (1.0 M) w/ Tween 20 L26 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2156
    925501 Tris-Buffered Saline 20X (1.0 M) 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1372
    925601 AEC Chromogen System, 300 Tests 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1386
    925701 AEC Chromogen System, 1000 Tests 300 tests Biolegend(Covance) 1190
    925702 AEC Chromogen Concentrate 1000 tests Biolegend(Covance) 1876
    925801 AEC Substrate Buffer 1 ml Biolegend(Covance) 868
    925901 Antibody Diluent Buffer 2 x 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 616
    926001 Antibody Diluent Buffer 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 504
    926002 PAMM (Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium), 5 mL 250 ml Biolegend(Covance) 2128
    926101 PAMM (Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium), 15 mL 5 ml Biolegend(Covance) 294
    926102 PBS, 10x Concentrate 15 ml Biolegend(Covance) 392
    926201 Humidity Chamber Plus 1 L Biolegend(Covance) 1512
    926301 DAB Chromogen System, 300 Test 1 pk Biolegend(Covance) 630
    926401 DAB Chromogen System, 1000 Test 300 tests Biolegend(Covance) 1288
    926402 DAB Chromogen Concentrate 1000 tests Biolegend(Covance) 1876
    926501 DAB Chromogen Concentrate 4 ml Biolegend(Covance) 826
    926502 DAB Chromogen Concentrate 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1260
    926503 DAB Chromogen Concentrate 10 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1568
    926504 DAB Substrate Buffer 100 ml Biolegend(Covance) 12642
    926601 DAB Substrate Buffer 15 ml Biolegend(Covance) 630
    926602 DAB Substrate Buffer 2 x 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 658
    926603 DAB Substrate Buffer 250 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1274
    926604 Boost DAB Enhancer, 50X 1 L Biolegend(Covance) 4998
    926701 DAB 2 Component with Stabilizer 3 ml Biolegend(Covance) 616
    926801 DAB Substrate Buffer with Stabilizer 1 kit Biolegend(Covance) 1260
    926901 FAST RED Chromogen System 2 x 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 910
    927001 FAST RED Chromogen System 300 tests Biolegend(Covance) 1414
    927002 FAST RED Chromogen 1000 tests Biolegend(Covance) 1876
    927101 FAST RED Substrate Buffer 20 tabs Biolegend(Covance) 1414
    927201 Avidin/Biotin Blocking System 2 x 5 ml Biolegend(Covance) 658
    927301 Peroxide Blocking Reagent 2 x 15 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1218
    927401 Peroxide Blocking Reagent 15 ml Biolegend(Covance) 392
    927402 Normal Serum Block 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 518
    927501 Normal Serum Block 6 ml Biolegend(Covance) 448
    927502 Normal Serum Block 15 ml Biolegend(Covance) 686
    927503 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 3: Acidic, 100X 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 1344
    927601 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 3: Acidic, 1X 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    927701 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 3: Acidic, 10X 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 714
    927801 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 1: Universal, 100X 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    927901 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 1: Universal, 1X 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4046
    928001 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 1: Universal, 10X 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 532
    928101 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 2: Basic, 100X 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4046
    928201 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 2: Basic, 1X 50 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    928301 Retrieve-All Antigen Unmasking System 2: Basic, 10X 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 714
    928401 Sodium Citrate H.I.E.R., 1x 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    928501 Sodium Citrate H.I.E.R., 10x 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 560
    928601 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Rabbit, DAB) 500 ml Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    928701 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Rabbit) 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 2632
    928801 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Rabbit) 150 tests Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    928802 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Murine, AEC) 500 tests Biolegend(Covance) 6650
    929001 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Murine, DAB) 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 2632
    929101 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Murine) 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 2632
    929201 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Murine) 150 tests Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    929202 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Multi-Species, AEC) 500 tests Biolegend(Covance) 6650
    929401 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Multi-Species, DAB) 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 2632
    929501 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Multi-Species) 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 2632
    929601 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Multi-Species) 150 tests Biolegend(Covance) 4214
    929701 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Multi-Species, AEC) 500 tests Biolegend(Covance) 6384
    929801 Ultra Streptavidin (USA) HRP Detection Kit (Multi-Species, DAB) 1000 tests Biolegend(Covance) 12642
    929901 Capillary Action Buffer 1 1000 tests Biolegend(Covance) 12642
    930001 Capillary Action Buffer 2/3 1 L Biolegend(Covance) 1582
    930101 Capillary Action Water Wash 1 L Biolegend(Covance) 1582
    930201 Capillary Action Trays 1 L Biolegend(Covance) 1582
    930301 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System (Cap Gap) Kit 250 pcs Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    930501 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System (Cap Gap) Complete Kit 700 tests Biolegend(Covance) 19698
    930601 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System Complete Kit 700 tests Biolegend(Covance) 30296
    930701 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System AEC Kit 10,000 tests Biolegend(Covance) 236488
    930901 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System DAB Kit 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 3024
    931001 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System Kit 50 tests Biolegend(Covance) 3024
    931101 ACUITYAdvanced Biotin Free Polymer Detection System Kit 150 tests Biolegend(Covance) 6048
    931201 Recombinant Posi-Tag Epitope Tag Protein 500 tests Biolegend(Covance) 9086
    931301 HA Peptide Tag 50 ul Biolegend(Covance) 1568
    931401 GLU-GLU Peptide Tag 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    931502 6-His Peptide Tag 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    931601 6-His Peptide Tag 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    931602 c-Myc Peptide Tag 5 mg Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    931701 c-Myc Peptide Tag 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    931702 AU1 Peptide Tag 5 mg Biolegend(Covance) 5166
    931801 AU5 Peptide Tag 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    931901 Purified anti-E1 Ubiquitin Activating Enzyme 1 mg Biolegend(Covance) 2534
    932002 Purified anti-Blood Group Antigen Precursor (BG1) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3710
    932101 Purified anti-Blood Group Antigen Precursor (BG1) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 1400
    932102 Purified anti-Polyubiquitin (K63-linkage) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3430
    932201 Purified anti-Polyubiquitin (K63-linkage) 25 ug Biolegend(Covance) 1190
    932202 Purified anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3430
    932302 Purified anti-DUX4 100 ug Biolegend(Covance) 3430
    932401   100 ul Biolegend(Covance) 4186






    流速范围为0.06 – 3400毫升/分(取决于驱动器转速和泵管尺寸)









    防水式控制器外壳为环氧涂层铝制,等级IP66/NEMA 4X;驱动器外壳是环氧涂层精制钢,IP66/NEMA 4X


        连接驱动器和控制器的线缆长6英尺(1.8米);使用优化的延长线07557-51可延长到15英尺(4.6米) L/S®分体式驱动器可逆向泵送,让您拥有电机和控制器分离的灵活性。这些**的分体式驱动器拥有大功率电机、速度显示屏,以及±0.25%速度控制,能**调节流速,是计量应用的理想选择。


















    6 to 600








    10.5″L x 8.25″W x 5″H
    (26.7 x 21 x 12.7


    10.75″L x 4.38″W x 4.5″H
    (27.3 x 11.1 x 11.4





