热烈祝贺获得research diets中国区代理!

热烈祝贺上海金畔生物科技有限公司与research diets公司达成代理合作协议,research diets上海金畔生物科技有限公司为其中国区代理,在这里我们要感谢广大客户对我们的支持,我们将一如既往的为广大新老客户提供research diets的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户,金畔实验试剂也会继续秉承客户至上的原则,为您的实验研究提供更多产品与服务。



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美国research diets公司是一家专业生产实验室动物饲料的大型公司,自成立20多年来一直致力于研究特定饲料成分对实验动物基因表达的影响,包括诱导动物肥胖、糖尿病、癌症、骨质疏松、动脉硬化、毒理学、代谢综合症、高血压等各个研究方向的特定食物,公司还研制开发了动物饮食、饮水检测系统,为科研领域的研究奠定了基础。


品牌 货号 品名 规格 价格¥
Research Diets D10102402 Ketogenic diet 12.5 kg 7475
Research Diets L10016 L10016A Mixed with Ethanol 12.5 kg 7540
Research Diets D10102403 Ketogenic control diet 12.5 kg 7150
Research Diets D10001 AIN-76A Rodent Diet 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets D12079B Western Diet 12.5 kg 5687.5
Research Diets A09073001 L-Amino Acid Rodent Diets With Added Folate 12.5 kg 11635
Research Diets A09073002 L-Amino Acid Rodent Diets Without Added Folate 12.5 kg 11635
Research Diets D12102C Low Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diets / without cholesterol or Sodium Cholate 12.5 kg 5915
Research Diets D10012102 Modified AIN-93G Rodent Diets With Coconut Oil 12.5 kg 5915
Research Diets D10012102 Modified AIN-93G Rodent Diets With Menhaden Oil 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D12108C High Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diets with 1.25% Cholesterol 12.5 kg 6045
Research Diets D12330 58 kcal% fat w/cornstarch Surwit Diet 12.5 kg 7670
Research Diets C01103 Purina Growena With 18% added Fat and Nutrient Additions 12.5 kg  
Research Diets D12104C Low Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diet with 1.25% Cholesterol 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D12106C High Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diet 12.5 kg 6045
Research Diets 5080207 L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet with low fat and 2X Leucine 12.5 kg 8645
Research Diets D12328 11% fat w/cornstarch 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets D12329 11% fat w/sucrose 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets C01104 Purina Porcine Grower 5084 With 18% added Fat and Nutrient Additions 12.5 kg  
Research Diets D110700 AIN-93G 12.5 kg 5037.5
Research Diets D12336 Paigen Atherogenic Diet 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets D12266B Condensed Milk Diet 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets D12103C Low Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diet with 0.5% Cholesterol 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D12331 58 kcal% fat w/sucrose Surwit Diet 12.5 kg 7670
Research Diets L1001 RD-LD89 Liquid Diet Premix, with Maltodextrin added 12.5 kg 7540
Research Diets L10039 Suspendible Rodent Diet Based on the AIN-76A Diet with Dextrose Replacing Sucrose 12.5 kg 5655
Research Diets L10001 Water Suspendible AIN-76A Rodent Diet 12.5 kg 5655
Research Diets L10015 L10016A Mixed with Water & Maltodextrin 12.5 kg 7540
Research Diets D12107C High Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diet with 0.5% Cholesterol 12.5 kg 6045
Research Diets D04112303 0脂肪含量鼠粮 / Rodent Diet with No Added Fat 12.5 kg 5850
Research Diets A10021B L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet 12.5 kg 8645
Research Diets D10073001 Modified AIN-93G with No Added Vitamin D3 12.5 kg 7475
Research Diets L10016A RD-LD89 Liquid Diet Premix 12.5 kg 7540
Research Diets D02031507 Modified Western Diet with Added Cholesterol (3g/kg) 12.5 kg 6240
Research Diets D02031501 Modified Western Diet without Added Cholesterol 12.5 kg 6240
Research Diets D06031302 45 kcal%脂肪热量高脂饲料,25%反式脂肪酸 / Rodent Diets With 45 kcal% Fat, Mainly Primex 12.5 kg 6362.2
Research Diets A04112204 胆碱缺乏饲料 / Choline Deficient L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet 12.5 kg 0
Research Diets D12022302 20 kcal%脂肪含量啮齿类动物饲料 / Rodent Diet with 20 kcal% Fat 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D12489B D12266B Low Fat Control 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets A02082003B MCD control diet 12.5 kg 8645
Research Diets D10012M AIN-93M 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets D07091401 低钙(0.02 gm%)鼠粮 / Modified D10012G With Low (0.02%) Calcium 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D12450B 10%脂肪热量饲料,对照用 / 10 kcal% Fat 12.5 kg 5525
Research Diets D11022501M Rodent Diet With 60 kcal% Fat and Modification With 27% (w/w) Menhaden Oil 12.5 kg 8450
Research Diets A05080202 亮氨酸缺乏饲料 / L-Amino Acid Rodent Diet without Leucine 12.5 kg 8645
Research Diets D00041102 Modified AIN-76A Rodent Diet With 70% Sucrose (wt./wt.) and No Added Fat 12.5 kg 5889
Research Diets D02022704 低脂高果糖饲料 / Rodent Diet with 10 kcal% Fat and 60 kcal% Fructose 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D08040107 低脂高果糖饲料 / Rodent Diet with 10 kcal% Fat and 70 kcal% Fructose 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D11725 低脂高蔗糖饲料 / Low Fat Rodent Diet with High Sucrose 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D05011703 高盐AIN-76A啮齿类动物饲料 / AIN-76A with 8% added NaCl 12.5 kg 5460
Research Diets S10001 AIN-76A饲料用复合矿物质 / Mineral Mix for AIN-76A Rodent Diet 1kg 0
Research Diets D08072301 鼠类高脂饲料(TD93075) / High Fat Rodent Diet Based on TD93075 12.5 kg 6630
Research Diets D11724 低脂高玉米淀粉饲料 / Low Fat Rodent Diet with High Corn Starch 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D10030801 低维生素D3纯化饲料 / AIN-93G Rodent Diet with 25 IU Vitamin D3 /kg 12.5 kg 7215
Research Diets D17005 低盐AIN-76A啮齿类动物饲料 / AIN-76A with no added NaCl 12.5 kg 5460
Research Diets C11300-0200 含200ppm强力霉素鼠粮 / Purina Rodent Chow #5001 with 200 ppm Doxycycline 12.5 kg 5850
Research Diets D03111811 20 kcal%脂肪含量啮齿类动物饲料(不含蔗糖) / Rodent Diet with 20 kcal% Fat without Sucrose 12.5 kg 5980
Research Diets D72206 45 kcal%高脂饲料 / Purified Dog Diet With 45 kcal% Fat 12.5 kg 7475
Research Diets D08090903N 维生素D缺乏饲料 / AIN-76A Rodent Diet with No Added Vitamin D 12.5 kg 7215
Research Diets D12109C High Fat Clinton-Cybulsky Rodent Diet with 1.25% Cholesterol and 0.5% Sodium Cholate 12.5 kg 6695
Research Diets D12450H 10% kcal%脂肪热量低脂饲料(D12451对照用) / Rodent Diet with 10% kcal% fat 12.5 kg 5687.5
Research Diets V10001 AIN-76A饲料用复合维生素 / Vitamin Mix for AIN-76A Rodent Diet 1kg 0
Research Diets D12492 60%脂肪热量饲料 / 60 kcal% Fat 12.5 kg 5850
Research Diets C11300-0200i 经过辐射灭菌的含200ppm强力霉素鼠粮 / Irradiated Purina Rodent Chow #5001 with 200 ppm Doxycycline 12.5 kg 7150
Research Diets C30362 高脂高胆固醇(2%)兔粮 / Purina Rabbit Chow #5322 with 6% Hydrogenated Coconut Oil and 2% Cholesterol 12.5 kg 6396
Research Diets mHFD 60 kcal%脂肪热量高脂饲料,低酪蛋白、蛋氨酸和胆碱 / Rodent Diet with 60 kcal% Fat with Lower Casein and Reduced Methionine and Choline 12.5 kg 6240









 Pentapharm公司是为制药,诊断和化妆品行业提供创新可靠的活性成份的传统供应商。研发历史可以追溯至1948年。Pentapharm在当今的商业环境中因有着快速,的反应速度而取得了良好的声誉。 Pentapharm公司在研究和开发环境友好型的生产方法和设备先进的工具,世界化妆品的发展趋势,和国家先进的管理流程具备强大的企业形象。您可以通过我们的世界各地的高素质的综合分销商,他们和我们一样,会自豪地为你们提供我们的产品和服务。




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
069-03 Prionex® 10% 0.1L 18000 pentapharm2015
073-70 Aprotinin Conc. Solution Mio.KIU 1350 pentapharm2015
080-03 Pefachrome® PK 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
080-03 Pefachrome® PK 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
081-01 Pefachrome® TH 5244 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
081-01 Pefachrome® TH 5244 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
081-03 Pefachrome® TH  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
081-03 Pefachrome® TH  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
081-09 Pefachrome® TH 5251 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
081-09 Pefachrome® TH 5251  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
081-11 Pefachrome® TH 5253  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
081-11 Pefachrome® TH 5253 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
081-17 Pefachrome® TG  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
081-17 Pefachrome® TG  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
081-19 Pefafluor® TH For research use only* 1G 72000 pentapharm2015
081-19 Pefafluor® TH For research use only*  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
081-40 Pefachrome® TG For research use only* 10UM 1350 pentapharm2015
082-03 Pefafluor® uPA For research use only* 1G 72000 pentapharm2015
082-03 Pefafluor® uPA For research use only*  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
082-33 Pefachrome® uPA 8294 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
083-01 Pefachrome® PL/Tryp 5261  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
083-01 Pefachrome® PL/Tryp 5261 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
083-02 Pefachrome® PL 5262 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
083-02 Pefachrome® PL 5262  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
083-03  Pefachrome® PL 5263 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
083-03  Pefachrome® PL 5263 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
083-04 Pefachrome® PL 5264  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
083-04 Pefachrome® PL 5264  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
084-01 Pefachrome® TRY 5274  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
084-01 Pefachrome® TRY 5274 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
085-01 Pefachrome® FXa 5277 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
085-01 Pefachrome® FXa 5277  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
085-03 Pefachrome® FXa 5279 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
085-03 Pefachrome® FXa 5279  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
085-06 Pefachrome® FXa/LAL 5288 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
085-06 Pefachrome® FXa/LAL 5288 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
085-12 Pefafluor® Fxa For research use only*  1G 72000 pentapharm2015
085-12 Pefafluor® Fxa For research use only*  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
085-21 Pefafluor® Fxa For research use only*  10UM 1350 pentapharm2015
085-26 Pefachrome® FXa 8592 For research use only*  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
085-27 Pefachrome® FXa 8595  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
085-65 Pefachrome® FXa  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
086-06 Pefachrome® LAL For research use only* 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
086-06 Pefachrome® LAL For research use only* 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
087-03 Pefachrome® C1E 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
087-03 Pefachrome® C1E 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
089-02 Pefachrome® PCa 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
089-02 Pefachrome® PCa  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
089-05 Pefafluor® Pca For research use only*  1G 72000 pentapharm2015
089-05 Pefafluor® Pca For research use only*  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
089-08 Pefachrome® PCa3297 For research use only* 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
089-08 Pefachrome® PCa3297 For research use only*  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
090-40 Pefachrome® FXIa3371  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
090-40 Pefachrome® FXIa3371  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
090-41 Pefachrome® FXIa  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
090-41 Pefachrome® FXIa 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
091-01 Pefachrome® tPA  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
091-01 Pefachrome® tPA 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
091-06 Pefafluor® tPA For research use only* 1G 72000 pentapharm2015
091-06 Pefafluor® tPA For research use only*  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
091-20 Pefachrome® tPA For research use only* 10UM 1350 pentapharm2015
093-01 Pefachrome® FVIIa For research use only*  1G 64800 pentapharm2015
093-01 Pefachrome® FVIIa For research use only* 25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
095-02 Pefachrome® FIXa 1G 64800 pentapharm2015
095-02 Pefachrome® FIXa  25MG 3240 pentapharm2015
095-03 Pefafluor® FIXa 1G 72000 pentapharm2015
095-03 Pefafluor® FIXa  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
095-20 Pefachrome® FIXa 10UM 1350 pentapharm2015
099-01 Pefabloc® FG  1G 14400 pentapharm2015
099-11 Pefabloc® FG 50MG 1440 pentapharm2015
101-04 Batroxobin maranhao 100BU 100 BU/vial 2160 pentapharm2015
101-06 Batroxobin maranhao  1000 BU/vial 21600 pentapharm2015
113-01 Protac® 3 U/vial  vial 702 pentapharm2015
116-01 Ecarin 50 EU / vial  50 EU/vial 2160 pentapharm2015
116-10 HEPES-Buffer  vial 1080 pentapharm2015
119-02 Convulxin 50UG 10800 pentapharm2015
121-03 RVV-Factor V Activator  1000 U/vial 3960 pentapharm2015
121-06 RVV Factor X Activator 5U  vial 810 pentapharm2015
121-07 RVV-Factor X-Activator  50 U/vial 5400 pentapharm2015
126-05 r-Hirudin 2'000 ATU/vial  vial 3600 pentapharm2015
380-03 Pefabloc® PK For research use only* 5mg 1800 pentapharm2015
381-01 Pefabloc® TH (ðNAPAP) 5mg 1350 pentapharm2015
382-03 Pefabloc® uPA 6074 For research use only* 5mg 1800 pentapharm2015
383-03 Pefabloc® PL For research use only* 5mg 1800 pentapharm2015
385-03 Pefabloc® Xa For research use only* 5mg 1800 pentapharm2015
391-03 Pefabloc® tPA/Xa For research use only* 5mg 1800 pentapharm2015
398-01 Pefabloc® SP For research use only* 0.5G 9900 pentapharm2015
399-01 Pefabloc® SC 1G 2700 pentapharm2015
502-01 Pefakit® APC-R Factor V Leiden 3 x 40 tests Kit 3600 pentapharm2015
502-21 Pefakit® APC-R Factor V Leiden Control 2 x 3 x 20 Tests  Kit 1080 pentapharm2015
505-01 Pefakit® PiCT®  Kit 4320 pentapharm2015
505-11 Pefakit® PiCT® Calibrators LMWH  Kit 4500 pentapharm2015
505-12 Pefakit® PiCT® Calibrators UFH  Kit 4500 pentapharm2015
505-21 Pefakit® PiCT® Controls LMWH  Kit 4500 pentapharm2015
505-22 Pefakit® PiCT® Controls UFH  Kit 4500 pentapharm2015
800186 Pefakit® TAFI  Kit 6840 pentapharm2015
800187 Pefakit® TAFI Controls and Calibrator  Kit 3780 pentapharm2015
800191 Pefakit® Reptilase® Time  Kit 2790 pentapharm2015
800412 Pefafluor® TG For research use only*  1G 72000 pentapharm2015
800412 Pefafluor® TG For research use only*  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
801058 Pefafluor® TH 6000  1G 72000 pentapharm2015
801058 Pefafluor® TH 6000  25MG 3600 pentapharm2015
801206 Pefachrome® TH 6067  g 64800 pentapharm2015
801682 RB-Cephalin, freeze dried 100mg 9000 pentapharm2015




OMICRON生化公司成立于1982年,由安东尼Serianni和罗伯特巴克创办,公司起初在纽约州注册成立,后来实验室搬迁至印第安那州圣母大学校园内,目前实验室位于印第安那州的南本德山街,是专业稳定的同位素标记物的供应商。自成立以来一直坚守成立之初的承诺:为客户提供高质量的稳定的同位素标记碳水化合物,核苷及其衍生物,提供的个性化客户定制服务。其同位素标记的产品得到了科学研究领域的广泛支持,其产品频繁出现在有影响力的科学杂志上。详细的产品及订购信息可点击公司:Omicron Biochemicals, Inc.有竞争力的价格和及时的供货方式是该公司产品的另一大亮点。


货号 品名 准则 CAS号 品牌
GAL-001 N-acetyl-D-[1-13C]galactosamine 13CC7H15NO6 478518-53-5 Omicron 
GLC-001 N-acetyl-D-[1-13C]glucosamine 13CC7H15NO6 253679-94-6 Omicron 
GLC-049 N-acetyl-D-[2-13C]glucosamine 13CC7H15NO6 478529-39-4 Omicron 
GLC-002 N-acetyl-D-[UL-13C6]glucosamine 13C6C2H15NO6 478518-83-1 Omicron 
GLC-067 N-acetyl-D-[6,6'-2H2]glucosamine C82H2H13NO6   Omicron 
GLC-003 N-acetyl-D-[15N]glucosamine C8H1515NO6 478518-85-3 Omicron 
GLC-050 N-acetyl-D-[1-13C;15N]glucosamine 13CC7H1515NO6 478529-40-7 Omicron 
GLC-051 N-acetyl-D-[UL-13C6;15N]glucosamine 13C6C2H1515NO6 478529-41-8 Omicron 
GLC-004 N-[1-13C]acetyl-D-glucosamine 13CC7H15NO6 478518-87-5 Omicron 
GLC-005 N-[2-13C]acetyl-D-glucosamine 13CC7H15NO6 478518-89-7 Omicron 
GLC-006 N-[1,2-13C2]acetyl-D-glucosamine 13C2C6H15NO6 157668-96-7 Omicron 
GLC-052 N-[1,2-13C2]acetyl-D-[UL-13C6]glucosamine 13C8H15NO6 478529-42-9 Omicron 
GLC-053 N-[1,2-13C2]acetyl-D-[1-13C;15N]glucosamine 13C3C5H1515NO6 478529-43-0 Omicron 
GLC-054 N-[1,2-13C2]acetyl-D-[UL-13C6;15N]glucosamine 13C8H1515NO6 478529-44-1 Omicron 
MAN-001 N-acetyl-D-[1-13C]mannosamine 13CC7H15NO6   Omicron 
MAN-016 N-acetyl-D-[2-13C]mannosamine 13CC7H15NO6   Omicron 
MAN-017 N-acetyl-D-[UL-13C6]mannosamine 13C6C2H15NO6   Omicron 
MAN-002 N-acetyl-D-[15N]mannosamine C8H1515NO6   Omicron 
NEU-007 N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid C11H19NO9 131-48-6 Omicron 
NEU-001 N-acetyl-D-[1-13C]neuraminic acid (free acid) 13CC10H19NO9   Omicron 
NEU-002 N-acetyl-D-[2-13C]neuraminic acid (free acid) 13CC10H19NO9   Omicron 
NEU-003 N-acetyl-D-[3-13C]neuraminic acid (free acid) 13CC10H19NO9   Omicron 
NEU-006 N-acetyl-D-[2,3-13C2]neuraminic acid (free acid) 13C2C9H19NO9   Omicron 
NEU-004 N-acetyl-D-[1,2,3-13C3]neuraminic acid (free acid) 13C3C8H19NO9   Omicron 
NEU-005 N-[1-13C]acetyl-D-neuraminic acid (free acid) 13CC10H19NO9   Omicron 
RIB-022 1-O-acetyl 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-beta-D-[1-13C]ribofuranoside 13CC27H24O9   Omicron 
RIB-023 1-O-acetyl 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-beta-D-[5-13C]ribofuranoside 13CC27H24O9   Omicron 
RIB-024 1-O-acetyl 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-beta-D-[UL-13C5]ribofuranoside 13C5C23H24O9   Omicron 
NUC-001 [1'-13C]adenosine 13CC9H13N5O4 201996-55-6 Omicron 
NUC-002 [2'-13C]adenosine 13CC9H13N5O4 714950-52-4 Omicron 
NUC-003 [3'-13C]adenosine 13CC9H13N5O4 714950-53-5 Omicron 
NUC-004 [5'-13C]adenosine 13CC9H13N5O4 54447-57-3 Omicron 
NUC-005 [1',2',3',4',5'-13C5]adenosine 13C5C5H13N5O4 159496-13-6 Omicron 
NUC-047 [1'-2H]adenosine C102HH12N5O4   Omicron 
NUC-060 [2'-2H]adenosine C102HH12N5O4   Omicron 
NUC-006 [5',5''-2H2]adenosine C102H2H11N5O4   Omicron 
NCT-001 [1'-13C]adenosine 5'-monophosphate (disodium salt) 13CC9H12N5O7PNa2   Omicron 
NCT-002 [5',5''-2H2]adenosine 5'-monophosphate (disodium salt) C102H2H10N5O7PNa2   Omicron 
ALD-001 allitol C6H14O6 488-44-8 Omicron 
ALD-002 D-[1-13C]allitol 13CC5H14O6   Omicron 
ALL-003 D-allose C6H12O6 7283/9/2 Omicron 
ALL-004 L-allose C6H12O6 7635/11/2 Omicron 
ALL-001 D-[1-13C]allose 13CC5H12O6 70849-28-4 Omicron 
ALL-002 D-[2-13C]allose 13CC5H12O6   Omicron





热烈祝贺获得neuro probe中国区代理!

热烈祝贺上海金畔生物科技有限公司与neuro probe公司达成代理合作协议,neuro probe上海金畔生物科技有限公司为其中国区代理,在这里我们要感谢广大客户对我们的支持,我们将一如既往的为广大新老客户提供neuro probe的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户,金畔实验试剂也会继续秉承客户至上的原则,为您的实验研究提供更多产品与服务。


neuro probe始建于60年代末,zui初专注于慢性立体定向设备的研发和制造。在70年代初期,企业增长和多样化导致的趋化工具的开发和生产,与改良的Boyden室。 1980年,48孔微趋化室的开发,与博士爱德华·伦纳德和维尔纳·福尔克博士在美国国立卫生研究院的工作协作。该室已经成为该领域的标准,并曾担任许多新产品的开发奠定了基础。

货号 品名 包装 报价 品牌
BY312 Boyden chamber 5100 neuroprobe
AA12 12 Well Chemotaxis Chamber 12750 neuroprobe
AA10 10 Well Chemotaxis Chamber 11900 neuroprobe
PFD3 Framed filters, PVP-free, 3um pores (15) 2244 neuroprobe
201-2 ChemoTx(R) 201-2 1088 neuroprobe
MBA96 96-well microplate chamber w/32mm area 28815 neuroprobe
MBB96 96-well microplate chamber w/18mm area 28815 neuroprobe
MBC96 96-well microplate chamber w/8mm area 28815 neuroprobe
AA96 96-well chamber with 80uL lower wells 25415 neuroprobe
AB96 96-well chamber with 30uL lower wells 25415 neuroprobe
AC96 96-well chamber with 25uL lower wells 25415 neuroprobe
AP48 48 Well Micro Chemotaxis Chamber 14875 neuroprobe
AC48 48-well chamber with filter-retaining hardware 18360 neuroprobe
A3BP48 3-tiered chamber 20400 neuroprobe
BW25 Blindwell chamber with 25uL volume 1020 neuroprobe
BW100 Blindwell chamber with 100uL volume 1020 neuroprobe
BW200S Blindwell chamber with 200uL volume, 18mm area 1207 neuroprobe
BW200L Blindwell chamber with 200uL volume, 50mm area 1020 neuroprobe
BY312 Boyden chamber 5100 neuroprobe
Z02 Zigmond cell orientation chamber 5100 neuroprobe
CT300L2/5 Protein Crystallization System 3366 neuroprobe
PFD8 Framed filters, PVP-free, 8um pores (15) 2244 neuroprobe
PFD3 Framed filters, PVP-free, 3um pores (15) 2244 neuroprobe
PFD5 Framed filters, PVP-free, 5um pores (15) 2244 neuroprobe
PFD3 Framed filters, PVP-free, 3um pores (15) 2244 neuroprobe


















