Advanced BioMatrix 5005-100ML说明书

Advanced BioMatrix 5005-100ML说明书

Advanced BioMatrix是组织培养,细胞分析和细胞增殖三维(3D)应用的生命科学领域的者。我们的产品被认为是纯度,功能和一致性的标准。



Advanced BioMatrix位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥,拥有大的生物技术集群。其位于加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德的先进的设施包括制造洁净室,质量控制实验室和研发套件,以确保和支持产品质量和新创新产品的开发。


Advanced BioMatrix 5005-100ML说明书


Bovine Type I Atelo-Collagen Solution, 3 mg/ml, 100 ml

Catalog #5005-100ML (formerly #5005-B)

Liter bottles available upon request

牛I型Atelo-胶原蛋白溶液,3 mg / ml,100 ml





PureCol®胶原蛋白被称为所有胶原蛋白的标准,用于纯度(> 99.9%胶原蛋白含量),功能性和原生的胶原蛋白。PureCol®是从牛皮中分离出来的,这些牛皮源自美国受控的封闭牛群。先进的BioMatrix制造工艺符合严格的质量标准,已经证明可以产生的批次一致性。

PureCol®胶原蛋白约为97%I型去端肽胶原蛋白,其余为III型胶原蛋白。它含有通过凝胶渗透色谱法测量的高单体含量。PureCol®胶原蛋白的浓度约为3 mg / ml。每个特定批次的浓度在购买每种产品时可获得的分析证书上提供。PureCol®是可溶性去端肽胶原在0.01 N HCl中,因此,pH约为2.0。PureCol®胶原蛋白是表面涂层的理想选择,可为细胞培养提供薄层,或用作固体凝胶。















胶原蛋白浓度(mg / ml) – 缩二脲


(SDS-PAGE电泳 – 银染)

> 99.9%


1.9 – 2.1


<  40分钟


> 0.5

(SDS-PAGE电泳 – 考马斯蓝)

>  85%的胶原蛋白含有α,β 
和γ带  <  15%的胶原蛋白含有比α更快的条带




< 1.0 EU / ml

重量摩尔渗透压浓度(mOsmo H2O / kg)

< 35


~2300μs/ cm




牛皮 – 提取胃蛋白酶








1. 从瓶中取出所需量的胶原蛋白并分配到稀释容器中。

2. 稀PureCol ®在水中〜50至100μg/ ml(约1:30)。也可以使用0.01N HCl溶液。

3. 轻轻旋转内容物直至材料*混合。

4. 添加稀释PureCol适量®材料到培养表面确保整个表面被涂覆。

5. 在室温下孵育,覆盖1-2小时。吸入任何剩余的材料。或者,在室温下孵育直至表面干燥。

6. 用无菌介质或PBS仔细冲洗涂层表面,避免划伤表面。

7. 涂层表面即可使用。如果保持无菌,它们也可以在2-10°C的潮湿条件下储存或风干。


1. 将1份冷冻的10X PBS或10X培养基缓慢加入8份冷冻胶原溶液中,轻轻旋转。

2. 使用无菌0.1M NaOH将混合物的pH调节至7.0-7.5。仔细监测pH值调节(pH计,酚红或pH纸)。

3. 用无菌水将终体积调整为总共10份。

4. 为防止凝胶化,将混合物的温度保持在2-10°C。

5. 为了形成凝胶,加热至37℃。凝胶形成约90至120分钟。





























6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知*批发,欢迎合作。


Advanced Biosystems产品列表

Advanced Biosystems产品列表

Advanced Biosystems一直致力于为许多的IHC零售公司提供原始制造服务。我们专注于生物结合物和纯化技术。我们生产的产品包括一步聚合物免疫探针和两步聚合物imunohistoprobes plus。我们提供即用型试剂。我们提供HRP聚合物和碱性磷酸酶聚合物。我们有越来越多的来自不同物种的聚合物缀合物对抗不同的一抗。根据要求也可提供不同的吸收曲线。

Advanced Biosystems产品列表



One Step Polymer Immunohistoprobe是一种非生物素,基于聚合物的检测系统,可用于石蜡包埋组织,低温恒温切片,血涂片,细胞涂片和细胞制备中的抗原证明。它使用专有的生物共轭技术开发,通过聚合物骨架直接用更多酶标记免疫球蛋白。 




Immunohistoprobe One Step Polymer


Detector Probe

Cat No.

 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Hm)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) specific (min. cross to Hm,  Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) specific (min. cross to Hm, Rbt)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Hm, Rat)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) specific (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Mouse +Rabbit IgG (H+L) specific (Broad) (min.  cross to Hm)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Rat IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Llama anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Hm, Rbt)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Llama anti-Rabbit IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Llama anti-Mouse +Rabbit IgG (min. cross to Hm)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Rat-anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Rat)


Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase



两步聚合物Immunohistoprobe Plus


两步聚合物Immunohistoprobe Plus是一种极其敏感的免疫组化检测系统。它基于使用两步聚合物检测方法的信号放大。通过用于一抗的放大器检测对组织切片上的抗原特异的一抗,然后检测聚合物检测器。然后用合适的底物/色原体强烈可视化抗原位点。Immunohistoprobe Plus不使用抗生物素蛋白或生物素,它*消除了内源性抗生物素蛋白 – 生物素活性的非特异性染色。它是目前灵敏的IHC应用检测系统。


Immunohistoprobe plus Two Step Polymer


Detector Probe

Cat No.

 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Hm)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) specific (min. cross to Hm,  Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) specific (min. cross to Hm, Rbt)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Hm, Rat)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) specific (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Mouse +Rabbit IgG (H+L) specific (Broad) (min.    cross  to Hm)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Goat anti-Rat IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Llama anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Hm, Rbt)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Llama anti-Rabbit IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Llama anti-Mouse +Rabbit IgG (min. cross to Hm)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG (min. cross to Hm, Ms)

Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase


 Rat-anti-Mouse IgG (min. cross to Rat)


Horseradish Peroxidase


Alkaline Phosphatase












6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知*批发,欢迎合作。

Advanced Protein Assay等产品价格表

货号 品名 规格 目录价($) 目录价(¥)
AAN01-A Anti-actin antibody (rabbit polyAb) + control 1 x 100 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
AAN01-B Anti-actin antibody (rabbit polyAb) + control 3 x 100 µg $545.00 ¥7,630.00
AB07-A Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
AB07-C Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle) 20 x 20 µg $675.00 ¥9,450.00
AB07-D Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
ACD03-A Anti-Cdc42 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody  1 x 100 µg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
ACD03-B Anti-Cdc42 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody  3 x 100 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
ACFL02-A Cofilin antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
ACFL02-B Cofilin antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AD99-A Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $90.00 ¥1,260.00
AD99-B Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
AD99-C Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
ADV01-A Advanced Protein Assay (5X conc) 1 x 500 ml $170.00 ¥2,380.00
ADV01-B Advanced Protein Assay (5X conc) 3 x 500 ml $465.00 ¥6,510.00
ADV02-A Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay (1X conc) 1 x 500 ml $105.00 ¥1,470.00
ADV02-B Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay (1X conc) 3 x 500 ml $295.00 ¥4,130.00
AFB01-A Fibrillarin monoclonal antibody 1 x 100 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AFB01-B Fibrillarin monoclonal antibody 3 x 100 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKF99-A Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle) 1 x 1 mg $155.00 ¥2,170.00
AKF99-B Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle) 5 x 1 mg $615.00 ¥8,610.00
AKF99-C Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle) 20 x 1 mg $1,650.00 ¥23,100.00
AKIN01-A Kinesin motor antibody (host rabbit + control) 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN01-B Kinesin motor antibody (host rabbit + control) 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN04-A CenPE motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN04-B CenPE motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN05-A MCAK motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN05-B MCAK motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN06-A MKLP1 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN06-B MKLP1 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN09-A KIF3C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN09-B KIF3C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN11-A KIF1C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN11-B KIF1C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN12-A Kid motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN12-B Kid motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN13-A Klp2 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN13-B Klp2 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKL95-B Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 1 x 1  mg $75.00 ¥1,050.00
AKL95-C Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 5 x 1  mg $345.00 ¥4,830.00
AKL95-D Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 10 x 1 mg $625.00 ¥8,750.00
AKL95-E Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,075.00 ¥15,050.00
AKL95-XL Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
AKL99-A Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 4 x 250 µg $180.00 ¥2,520.00
AKL99-B Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 2 x 1 mg $205.00 ¥2,870.00
AKL99-C Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
AKL99-D Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 10 x 1 mg $725.00 ¥10,150.00
AKL99-E Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,325.00 ¥18,550.00
AKL99-XL Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
AP05-A Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle) 1 x 1 mg $185.00 ¥2,590.00
AP05-B Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle) 5 x 1 mg $685.00 ¥9,590.00
AP05-XL Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
APHL99-A Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) 2 x 250 µg $170.00 ¥2,380.00
APHL99-C Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $245.00 ¥3,430.00
APHL99-E Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $850.00 ¥11,900.00
APHL99-XL Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
APHR-A Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle) 4 x 10 µg $245.00 ¥3,430.00
APHR-C Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle) 20 x 10 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
APHR-D Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
APUF01-A Profilin polyclonal antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $245.00 ¥3,430.00
APUF01-B Profilin polyclonal antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $595.00 ¥8,330.00
AR05-B Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle) 10 x 20 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
AR05-C Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle) 20 x 20 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
AR05-D Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
ARC03-A Anti-Rac1 specific mouse MAb 100 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
ARC03-B Anti-Rac1 specific mouse MAb 300 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
ARH03-A Anti-RhoA antibody (mouse MAb) + control. 100 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
ARH03-B Anti-RhoA antibody (mouse MAb) + control. 300 µg $495.00 ¥6,930.00
AS99-A Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $90.00 ¥1,260.00
AS99-B Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
AS99-C Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
AT01-A Alpha-actinin (rabbit skeletal muscle) 2 x 50 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
AT01-C Alpha-actinin (rabbit skeletal muscle) 10 x 50 µg $775.00 ¥10,850.00
ATN02-A Anti-tubulin polyAb pan specific (sheep) + control 1 x 100 µg $125.00 ¥1,750.00
ATN02-B Anti-tubulin polyAb pan specific (sheep) + control 3 x 100 µg $295.00 ¥4,130.00
BK001 Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $625.00 ¥8,750.00
BK003 Actin Polymerization Biochem Kit  KIT 30-100 assays $695.00 ¥9,730.00
BK004P / CDS01P Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>97% pure porcine brain tubulin) KIT 24 assays $585.00 ¥8,190.00
BK005 F-Actin Visualization Kit KIT 300 assays $325.00 ¥4,550.00
BK006P / CDS03P Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>99% pure porcine brain tubulin) KIT 24 assays $850.00 ¥11,900.00
BK008 Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit KIT 50 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK008-S Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK010S Plant Tubulin Polymerization Kit (soybean tubulin) KIT 30 assays $1,850.00 ¥25,900.00
BK011P Tubulin Polymerization Assay (fluoresc-96assays porcine brain tubulin) KIT 96 assays $850.00 ¥11,900.00
BK013 Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Kit (Non-muscle) KIT 30-100 assays $675.00 ¥9,450.00
BK029 Microtubule Binding Protein Spin Down Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $625.00 ¥8,750.00
BK030 Combo RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 Activation Assay Kit KIT 3 x 10 assays $650.00 ¥9,100.00
BK032-S Arf1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK033-S Arf6 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK034 Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 50 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK034-S Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK035 Rac1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 50 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK035-S Rac1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK036 RhoA Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 80 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK036-S RhoA Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK037 G-Actin : F-Actin In Vivo Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $650.00 ¥9,100.00
BK038 Microtubule / Tubulin In Vivo Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $650.00 ¥9,100.00
BK040 RalA Activation Assay Biochem Kit KIT 50  assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK051 ATPase ELIPA™ (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay) KIT 96 assays $255.00 ¥3,570.00
BK052 GTPase ELIPA™ (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay) KIT 96 assays $255.00 ¥3,570.00
BK053 HTS Kinesin ATPase Endpoint Assay KIT 1000 assays $685.00 ¥9,590.00
BK054 CytoPhos™ Phosphate Assay (1-500ug/ml protein reactions) KIT 1000 assays $255.00 ¥3,570.00
BK060 Kinesin ELIPA (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay TM) KIT 96 assays $675.00 ¥9,450.00
BK100 GEF Exchange Assay KIT 60-300 assays $585.00 ¥8,190.00
BK105 GAP Assay Kit KIT 80-160 assays $585.00 ¥8,190.00
BK121 RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay (luminescence) KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK124 RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay (absorbance) KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK125 Rac1,2,3 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK126 Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK127 Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK128 Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK129 RalA G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK131 Ras G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK132 Arf1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK133 Arf6 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK150 RhoA ELISA Kit KIT 96 assays $395.00 ¥5,530.00
BM01-A BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.) 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
BM01-B BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.) 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
BM01-XL BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.)  1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
BS01 GTP gamma S 1 x 500 µg $85.00 ¥1,190.00
BSA01-001 General Actin Buffer 1 x 10 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BSA01-010 General Actin Buffer 1 x 100 ml $150.00 ¥2,100.00
BSA02-001 Actin Polymerization Buffer (10x stock) 1 x 2 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BSA04-001 ATP (100mM Stock) 1 x 1 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BST01-001 General Tubulin Buffer 1 x 10 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BST01-010 General Tubulin Buffer 1 x 100 ml $135.00 ¥1,890.00
BST01-100 General Tubulin Buffer 1 x 1000 ml $350.00 ¥4,900.00
BST05-001 Tubulin Glycerol Buffer 1 x 10 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BST06-001 GTP (100mM Stock) 1 x 100 µl $56.00 ¥784.00
BST06-010 GTP (100mM Stock) 10 x 100 µl $180.00 ¥2,520.00
C17G01-A Cdc42-GST protein: dominant negative 1 x 25 µg  $235.00 ¥3,290.00
C17G01-C Cdc42-GST protein: dominant negative 4 x 25 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
C6101-A Cdc42-His Protein: constituitively active 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
C6101-C Cdc42-His Protein: constituitively active 4 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
CD01-A Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
CD01-C Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
CD01-XL Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type 1 x 1 mg $980.00 ¥13,720.00
CDG01-C Cdc42-GST Protein: Wild type 8 x 25 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
CF01-A Cofilin (Human Recombinant) 1 x 100 µg $215.00 ¥3,010.00
CF01-C Cofilin (Human Recombinant) 4 x 100 µg $695.00 ¥9,730.00
CN01-A Rho Activator 5 x 10 units $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN01-B Rho Activator 20 x 10 units $665.00 ¥9,310.00
CN02-A Rac and Cdc42 Activator 5 x 10 units $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN02-B Rac and Cdc42 Activator 20 x 10 units $665.00 ¥9,310.00
CN03-A Rho activator II 3 x 20 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN03-B Rho activator II 9 x 20 µg $525.00 ¥7,350.00
CN04-A Rho/Rac/Cdc42 Activator I 3 x 20 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN04-B Rho/Rac/Cdc42 Activator I 9 x 20 µg $525.00 ¥7,350.00
CN06-A Rho Pathway Inhibitor I 5 x 10 units $70.00 ¥980.00
CN06-B Rho Pathway Inhibitor I 20 x 10 units $215.00 ¥3,010.00
CP01-A CENP-E Motor domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
CP01-B CENP-E Motor domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
CP01-XL CENP-E Motor domain ( (Bulk discount avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
CR01-A Chromokinesin Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
CR01-B Chromokinesin Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
CT03-A C3 transferase protein 1 x 25 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CT03-B C3 transferase protein 2 x 25 µg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
CT03-C C3 transferase protein 4 x 25 µg $635.00 ¥8,890.00
CT04-A Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based)) 1 x 20 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CT04-B Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based)) 5 x 20 µg $545.00 ¥7,630.00
CT04-C Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based)) 20 x 20 µg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
EG01-A Eg5 Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
EG01-B Eg5 Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
EG01-XL Eg5 Motor Domain ( (Bulk discount avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
EG02-A Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.) 2 x 15 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
EG02-B Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.) 10 x 15 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
EG02-XL Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
F001 Fungal Cell Tubulin (Agaricus bisporus) 1 x 250 µg $755.00 ¥10,570.00
FNR01-A Fibronectin Rhodamine (bovine plasma) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
FNR01-B Fibronectin Rhodamine (bovine plasma) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
FNR02-A Fibronectin HiLyte488™ (bovine plasma) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
FNR02-B Fibronectin HiLyte488™ (bovine plasma) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
FNR03-A Fibronectin Biotin (bovine plasma) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
FNR03-B Fibronectin Biotin (bovine plasma) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
FTZ01-A FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recomb. no tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ01-B FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recomb. no tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ02-A FtsZ Protein (Staphylococcus aureus recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ02-B FtsZ Protein (Staphylococcus aureus recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ03-A FtsZ Protein (Streptococcus pneumoniae recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ03-B FtsZ Protein (Streptococcus pneumoniae recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ04-A FtsZ Protein (Enterococcus faecalis recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ04-B FtsZ Protein (Enterococcus faecalis recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ05-A FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recombinant, 6xHis-tagged) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ05-B FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recombinant, 6xHis-tagged) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
GAP01-A Rho GAP Protein GST 1 x 50 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GAP01-B Rho GAP Protein GST 4 x 50 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
GAS01-A Rho GAP Protein: catalytic domain GST 1 x 50 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GAS01-B Rho GAP Protein: catalytic domain GST 4 x 50 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
GDI01-A GDP dissociation inhibitor protein GST fusion 1 x 25 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GDI01-B GDP dissociation inhibitor protein GST fusion 4 x 25 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
GE01-A Dbs protein GEF domain – HIS fusion 2 x 50 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GE01-B Dbs protein GEF domain – HIS fusion 8 x 50 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
H001-B Hela Cancer Cell Tubulin 1 x 250 µg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
H003 Hela Cancer Cell Tubulin Biotinylated 1 x 40 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
H005 MCF-7 Cancer Cell Tubulin 1 x 250 µg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
HPG6-A Gelsolin (recomb. Human) 4 x 20 µg $265.00 ¥3,710.00
HPG6-B Gelsolin (recomb. Human) 20 x 20 µg $850.00 ¥11,900.00
HTS03-A Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 8 assays) 1 x 4 mg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
HTS03-B Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 96 assays) 1 x 40 mg $1,370.00 ¥19,180.00
HTS03-XL Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 250 assays) 1 x 100 mg $2,730.00 ¥38,220.00
KC01-A KIFC3 Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
KC01-B KIFC3 Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
KF01-A KIF3C Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
KF01-B KIF3C Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
KF01-XL KIF3C Motor Domain ( (Bulk discounts avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
KR01-A KHC Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
KR01-B KHC Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
KR01-XL KHC Motor Domain ( (Bulk discounts avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
LMN01-A Laminin Rhodamine (mouse tumor) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
LMN01-B Laminin Rhodamine (mouse tumor) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
LMN02-A Laminin HiLyte488™ (mouse tumor) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
LMN02-B Laminin HiLyte488™ (mouse tumor) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
LMN03-A Laminin Biotin (mouse tumor) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
LMN03-B Laminin Biotin (mouse tumor) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
MAPF-A MAP Fraction 1 x 100 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
MAPF-C MAP Fraction 5 x 100 µg $695.00 ¥9,730.00
MH01-A Myosin: Heavy Meromyosin 4 x 50 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
MH01-B Myosin: Heavy Meromyosin 20 x 50 µg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
MK01-A MCAK Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
MK01-B MCAK Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
MK01-XL MCAK Motor Domain (  1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
ML116-A Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 1 x 1 mg $99.00 ¥1,386.00
ML116-B Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 5 x 1 mg $425.00 ¥5,950.00
ML116-C Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 20 x 1 mg $1,170.00 ¥16,380.00
ML116-DX Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 1 x 10 mg $645.00 ¥9,030.00
ML116-XL Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
MP01-A MKLP Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
MP01-B MKLP Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
MP01-XL MKLP Motor Domain (  1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
MT001-A Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready (bovine) 4 x 500 µg $325.00 ¥4,550.00
MT001-XL Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready (bovine) 1 x 10 mg $1,130.00 ¥15,820.00
MT002-A Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready(porcine) 4 x 500 µg $325.00 ¥4,550.00
MT002-XL Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready(porcine) 1 x 10 mg $1,130.00 ¥15,820.00
MY02-A Myosin Skeletal Muscle 5 x 1 mg $180.00 ¥2,520.00
MY02-B Myosin Skeletal Muscle 20 x 1 mg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
MY03-A Myosin Cardiac Muscle 5 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
MY03-B Myosin Cardiac Muscle 10 x 1 mg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
PAK01-A PAK Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein 1 x 250 µg $325.00 ¥4,550.00
PAK01-B PAK Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein 4 x 250 µg $930.00 ¥13,020.00
PAK02-A PAK Beads, Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein on beads 1 x 500 µg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
PAK02-B PAK Beads, Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein on beads 4 x 500 µg $1,185.00 ¥16,590.00
PHDG1-A Acti-stain™ 488 phalloidin 1 x 500 µl (300 slides) $145.00 ¥2,030.00
PHDH1-A Acti-stain™ 555 phalloidin 1 x 500 µl (300 slides) $145.00 ¥2,030.00
PHDN1-A Acti-stain™ 670 phalloidin 1 x 500 µl (300 slides) $145.00 ¥2,030.00
PHDR1 Rhodamine Phalloidin (14uM in methanol) 1 x 500 µl $125.00 ¥1,750.00
PIC02 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x strength) 1 x 1 ml $60.00 ¥840.00
PR01-A Profilin 1 (recombinant human) 1 x 50 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
PR01-C Profilin 1 (recombinant human) 4 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
R17G01-A Rac1 GST Protein: dominant negative 1 x 25 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
R17G01-C Rac1 GST Protein: dominant negative 4 x 25 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
R6101-A Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
R6101-C Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active 4 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
R6301-A RhoA His Protein: constitutively active 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
R6301-C RhoA His Protein: constitutively active 4 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RC01-A Rac1 His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RC01-C Rac1 His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RC01-XL Rac1 His Protein: wild type 1 x 1 mg $1,250.00 ¥17,500.00
RC02-A Rac2 His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RC02-B Rac2 His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RCG01-C Rac1 GST Protein: wild type 8 x 25 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
RF02-A Raf protein ras binding domain on GST beads 1 x 2 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
RF02-B Raf protein ras binding domain on GST beads 4 x 2 mg $1,185.00 ¥16,590.00
RH01-A RhoA His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RH01-C RhoA His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RH01-XL RhoA His Protein: wild type 1 x 1 mg $1,250.00 ¥17,500.00
RH03-A RhoC His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RH03-C RhoC His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RHG01-C RhoA GST Protein: wild type 8 x 25 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
RN01-A Ran protein (Human wild type, His) 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RN01-B Ran protein (Human wild type, His) 3 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RN03-A Ran protein (Human Q69L mutant, His) 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RN03-B Ran protein (Human Q69L mutant, His) 3 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RN05-A Ran protein (Human T24N mutant, His) 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RN05-B Ran protein (Human T24N mutant, His) 3 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RN07-A Ran BP1 protein (Xenopus wild type, His) 1 x 250 µg $280.00 ¥3,920.00
RN07-B Ran BP1 protein (Xenopus wild type, His) 3 x 250 µg $640.00 ¥8,960.00
RP01-A Arp2/3 Protein Complex (Bovine brain) 2 x 50 µg $375.00 ¥5,250.00
RP01-B Arp2/3 Protein Complex (Bovine brain) 6 x 50 µg $975.00 ¥13,650.00
RR02-A Rap1b protein (Human wild type, His) 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RR02-B Rap1b protein (Human wild type, His) 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RS01-A H-Ras-His Protein wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RS01-C H-Ras-His Protein wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RT01-A Rhotekin RBD protein GST fusion 1 x 500 µg $380.00 ¥5,320.00
RT01-B Rhotekin RBD protein GST fusion 3 x 500 µg $980.00 ¥13,720.00
RT02-A Rhotekin RBD protein on GST beads 2 x 2 mg $475.00 ¥6,650.00
RT02-B Rhotekin RBD protein on GST beads 6 x 2 mg $1,130.00 ¥15,820.00
T238P-A Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $150.00 ¥2,100.00
T238P-B Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $595.00 ¥8,330.00
T238P-C Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
T240-A Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $110.00 ¥1,540.00
T240-B Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $495.00 ¥6,930.00
T240-C Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,685.00 ¥23,590.00
T240-DX Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 1 x 10 mg $825.00 ¥11,550.00
T240-XL Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
T333P-A Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
T333P-B Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
T333P-XL Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain) 1 x 500 µg $630.00 ¥8,820.00
TA01-A Tau (bovine brain) 1 x 50 µg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
TA01-B Tau (bovine brain) 3 x 50 µg $610.00 ¥8,540.00
TL238-A Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 4 x 250 µg $170.00 ¥2,380.00
TL238-B Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 1 x 1 mg $120.00 ¥1,680.00
TL238-C Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 5 x 1 mg $525.00 ¥7,350.00
TL238-D Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 10 x 1 mg $950.00 ¥13,300.00
TL238-DX Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 1 x 10 mg $875.00 ¥12,250.00
TL238-E Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 20 x 1 mg $1,780.00 ¥24,920.00
TL238-F Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
TL440M-A Tubulin (AMCA dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL440M-B Tubulin (AMCA dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL488M-A Tubulin (HiLyte 488TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL488M-B Tubulin (HiLyte 488TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL590M-A Tubulin (Rhodamine labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL590M-B Tubulin (Rhodamine labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL620M-A Tubulin (X-rhodamine labeled; Bovine Brain micr-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL620M-B Tubulin (X-rhodamine labeled; Bovine Brain micr-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL670M-A Tubulin (HiLyte 647TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL670M-B Tubulin (HiLyte 647TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TP005 Tubulin protein Soybean plant 1 x 250 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
TXD01 Paclitaxel  (2mM in DMSO) 10 x 100 µl $160.00 ¥2,240.00
V01-A Vimentin (Recombinant Syrian Hamster) 2 x 50 µg $295.00 ¥4,130.00
V01-C Vimentin (Recombinant Syrian Hamster) 10 x 50 µg $1,060.00 ¥14,840.00
VCG03-A VCA domain of WASP (GST fusion) 1 x 500 µg $375.00 ¥5,250.00
VCG03-B VCA domain of WASP (GST fusion) 5 x 500 µg $1,280.00 ¥17,920.00

Advanced ImmunoChemica 产品简介

Advanced ImmunoChemica 产品简介

简要描述:Advanced ImmunoChemica公司是*的的研究和医疗诊断市场提供*质的单克隆和多克隆抗体,抗原,酶,激酶和纯化蛋白质。



Advanced ImmunoChemica公司是*的的研究和医疗诊断市场提供的单克隆和多克隆抗体,抗原,酶,激酶和纯化蛋白质。几乎我们所有的产品进行验证的用法,在定量夹心免疫和定性的快速检测。



Advanced BioMatrix 5153 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商 Advanced BioMatrix上海金畔生物为其中国代理, Advanced BioMatrix在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Advanced BioMatrix就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 Advanced BioMatrix中国代理, Advanced BioMatrix上海代理, Advanced BioMatrix北京代理, Advanced BioMatrix广东代理, Advanced BioMatrix江苏代理 Advanced BioMatrix湖北代理, Advanced BioMatrix天津,Advanced BioMatrix黑龙江代理, Advanced BioMatrix内蒙古代理, Advanced BioMatrix吉林代理, Advanced BioMatrix福建代理, Advanced BioMatrix江苏代理, Advanced BioMatrix浙江代理, Advanced BioMatrix四川代理,


美国Advanced BioMatrix(简称ABM) 是美国一家的生物公司,获得了Allergan Inc的(Allergan用25年时间不断完善胶原蛋白相关的产品的生产工艺),将Allergan的专业和技术用于蛋白生产与检测,致力于为组织工程、细胞分析及细胞增殖等研究领域提供稳定的产品。 Advanced BioMatrix不断丰富已有产品线,目前可为三维细胞培养提供各种胶原蛋白、纤连蛋白

RatCol® Rat Tail Type I Collagen with Neutralization Solution for 3D Gels

Type I Collagen Solution in 0.02 N Acetic Acid,  100 mg at  ~ 4 mg/mL

Catalog #5153-100MG (formerly #5153-A)

RatCol®I型酸可溶性大鼠尾巴胶原蛋白在0.02M乙酸溶液(pH2至3)中含有浓度为约4mg / mL的100mg。RatCol®胶原蛋白是可溶的O -collagen。每个产品包括一瓶含有胶原蛋白溶液的瓶子,配有一瓶用于形成胶原蛋白凝胶的预先配制的中和溶液。这种胶原蛋白产品提供在用户友好的包装中以供使用和储存。该产品经过无菌过滤,可作为即用型溶液提供。每个特定批次的集中度在产品标签和每个产品购买时可用的分析证书上提供。






胶原 – 约25mL 
中和溶液 – 4ml





3.5-4.5 mg / mL










>  85%胶原蛋白含有α,β 
和γ带  <  15%胶原蛋白,其带速度比α更快


<  1.0欧盟/毫升





