
Biolabs(NEB)酶 |Sigma-aldrich VWR 代理商Amresco中国代理商


innovexbio NB306-7说明书

innovexbio NB306-7说明书


Innovex Background Buster,背景去除




innovexbio NB309说明书


innovexbio NB309说明书

Fc 受体阻断剂 –(即用型)

可用 尺寸:60 毫升 – NB309 –$ 695.00
30 毫升 – NB309-30 – $ 425.00
15 毫升 – NB309-15 – $ 295.00
5 ml 试用装 – NB309-5S – 129.00美元

Fc受体(FCR)是分子量约为50-70 kD的糖蛋白。它们在免疫细胞中广泛表达。它们存在于白细胞上,如单核细胞、组织巨噬细胞、B细胞、粒细胞(嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、中性粒细胞)、NK细胞和一些T细胞。Fc受体也存在于肥大细胞、滤泡树突状细胞、上皮细胞、内皮细胞、肝细胞和朗格汉斯细胞等。有几种类型的Fc受体(FcR)是根据
对于IHC检测:一级和/或二级抗体的Fc区域与淋巴组织和其他含有Fc受体的组织上的Fc受体结合,在免疫组织化学(IHC)染色中产生非特异性Fc受体染色。富含Fc受体的组织包括淋巴切片、淋巴瘤、扁桃体、淋巴结、骨髓标本、血液涂片和组织染色,以检测大多数CD标记物、免疫球蛋白(Igs)以及Kappa和Lambda标记物。为避免Fc受体染色,在应用血清或蛋白质阻断剂之前,尤其是在应用一级抗体之前,组织切片与Innovex Fc阻断剂孵育一小段时间(参见本数据表的说明部分)。
流式细胞术分析:Fc受体存在于白细胞(白血球)、许多细胞系以及人类和动物组织中的几种其他细胞类型上。Fc受体产生非特异性Fc受体 在流式细胞术分析中,通过抗体的Fc区和免疫球蛋白(Igs)与细胞上的Fc受体结合。将细胞与INNOVEX Fc阻滞剂一起培养可消除非特异性Fc受体染色

Innovex Fc受体阻滞剂是一种通用Fc受体阻滞剂,适用于阻断所有类型的Fc受体,如I、II和III型Fcγ受体;Fc-ε受体Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型;Fc–α受体,Fcα/µR和FcRn。Innovex Fc阻滞剂不含抗体、免疫球蛋白或免疫球蛋白片段。
INNOVEX Fc阻滞剂可通过多种免疫分析,如IHC、免疫荧光(IF)和流式细胞术,用于阻断所有物种(包括人类、小鼠和所有动物物种的细胞和组织)中的所有类型的Fc受体。



  • Innovex CytoBlue   -100ml







  • Innovex CytoBlue   – 10ml






  • Innovex 核红





  • STAT Aqua 苏木精



STAT Aqua 苏木精Innovex 自己*的配方允许在 10 秒内进行 Stat H&E 染色、复染和特殊染色。先进和*的功能:


  • 在几秒钟内产生核染色。

  • 可使用二甲苯基和水基封固剂封固

  • 不随时间褪色

  • 适用于H&E染色(60秒)、IHC复染(10-20秒)和特殊染色

  • 用快速水冲洗变成蓝色,不需要氨水冲洗

  • 无沉淀物

  • 无需过滤

  • 没有处理或丢弃

  • 随着时间的推移不会失去活动,直到最后一滴都可以使用

  • 经济

Innovex核红 用于 BCIP/NBT 染色的原位探针的红色复染,用于复染用蓝色色原染色的 IHC 染色剂和特殊染色剂。

  • 可使用基于二甲苯的封固剂封固

  • 可与 Innovex 探针安装座一起安装

  • 高度稳定,不随时间褪色


Innovex Cytoblue,细胞质复染剂,用于细胞质的蓝色染色或复染,特别适用于 ER、PR、P53、PCNA 等的IHC 核染色。

  • 不与细胞核结合;不会发生 AEC 或 DAB 染色的细胞核的掩蔽或重叠染色

  • 非常适合复染 DAB(棕色)或 AEC(红色)染色的原位探针

  • 可使用 Innovex Probe Mount 或基于二甲苯的安装介质 NUCLEAR 安装




INNOVEX 提供广泛的无背景、短期孵育(30 分钟)主要抗体产品线,保质期为 2 年。适用于石蜡和冷冻组织染色;使用 Innovex 染色试剂盒染色时不需要血清或蛋白质封闭。

所有 Innovex 一抗均适用于 IHC 和 IF 的冷冻和石蜡切片染色。


  • 无背景

  • 免洗

  • 自交货起至少有 2 年的保质期

  • 不依赖固定:抗体可与所有组织学固定剂一起使用

  • Innovex 染色系统孵育时间短,10-20 分钟

  • 7 ml 大小,适用于 95% 的预先滴定的即用型抗体, 

  • 数小时至过夜孵化所需的无加湿室

  • 所有抗体均经过亲和纯化

  • 自动化兼容

  • 与所有其他染色系统兼容。

  • 成本效益






ACTH (Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone) antibody – Concentrate

货号:PAB395C类别:一抗(经 IHC 验证)

ACTH(促肾上腺皮质激素)抗体 – 浓缩

INNOVEX 提供广泛的无背景、短期孵育(30 分钟)主要抗体产品线,保质期为 2 年。适用于石蜡和冷冻组织染色;使用 Innovex 染色试剂盒染色时不需要血清或蛋白质封闭。

所有 Innovex 一抗均适用于 IHC 和 IF 的冷冻和石蜡切片染色。


  • 无背景

  • 免洗

  • 自交货起至少有 2 年的保质期

  • 不依赖固定:抗体可与所有组织学固定剂一起使用

  • Innovex 染色系统孵育时间短,10-20 分钟

  • 7 ml 大小,适用于 95% 的预先滴定的即用型抗体, 

  • 数小时至过夜孵化所需的无加湿室

  • 所有抗体均经过亲和纯化

  • 自动化兼容

  • 与所有其他染色系统兼容。

  • 成本效益





货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
NB300 Advantage Mounting Media for permanent mounting/coverslipping of IHC & special stains from water, 60ml 60 ml 5865 innovexbio2021
NB300A Advantage Mounting Media for permanent mounting/coverslipping of IHC & special stains from water, 125ml 125 ml 7735 innovexbio2021
NB300-30 Advantage Mounting Media for permanent mounting/coverslipping of IHC & special stains from water, 30ml 30 ml 3655 innovexbio2021
NB319 AEC Enhancer, 15ml 15 ml 2975 innovexbio2021
NB314SCS AEC Chromogen & Substrate (stable) 2-component AEC system, 70ml (Large volume) 70 ml 5865 innovexbio2021
NB314SCS-35 AEC Chromogen & Substrate (stable) 2-component AEC system, 35ml (Small volume)     NEW 35 ml 4335 innovexbio2021
NB302S Alk.Phos Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinsing IHC and Fluorescence stain, 1 Liter; Ready-To-Use 1 Liter 2635 innovexbio2021
NB302 Alk.Phos Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinsing IHC and Fluorescence stain, 4 Liter; Ready-To-Use 4 Liters 5865 innovexbio2021
NB302-5C Alk.Phos Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinsing IHC and Fluorescence stain, 1 Liter of 5X; Concentrate 1 Liter 6375 innovexbio2021
NB306-7 Background Buster, 7ml (trial size) 7 ml 1955 innovexbio2021
NB306 Background Buster, 125ml 125 ml 7565 innovexbio2021
NB306-50 Background Buster, 50ml 50 ml 5083 innovexbio2021
NB306-1L Background Buster, 1 Liter 1 Litter 37315 innovexbio2021
NB321NBT BCIP/NBT, permanent blue chromogen for immuno-alkaline phosphatase (IHC) staining, 10ml 10 ml 2363 innovexbio2021
NB319-SBB Black-DAB Substrate/Chromogen System (stable) for IHC staining, 30ml (Small volume) 30 ml 4913 innovexbio2021
NB319-BB70 Black-DAB Substrate/Chromogen System (stable) for IHC staining, 70ml (Large volume) 70 ml 6613 innovexbio2021
NC914 Chicken negative control sera, (purified) for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 2975 innovexbio2021
NB310 Cyto-Blue, Cytoplasmic counterstain for counterstaining nuclear IHC stain such as ER, PR, Ki-67 and all antibodies staining nuclear markers, 10ml (Small volume) 10 ml 2363 innovexbio2021
NB354 Cyto-Blue, Cytoplasmic counterstain for counterstaining nuclear IHC stain such as ER, PR, Ki-67 and all antibodies staining nuclear markers, 100ml (Large volume) 100 ml 6035 innovexbio2021
NB308 DAB Enhancer for ampliying and darkening DAB stains in IHC staining, 60ml (Large volume) 60 ml 6035 innovexbio2021
NB308-30 DAB Enhancer for ampliying and darkening DAB stains in IHC staining, 30ml (Small volume) 30 ml 3995 innovexbio2021
NB314SBD DAB Liquid/Substrate (stable), 2-component system, 70ml (Large volume) 70 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB314SBD-35 DAB Liquid/Substrate (stable), 2-component system, 35ml (Small volume)     NEW 35 ml 3825 innovexbio2021
NB301 Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinse/amplification of IHC-DAB & AEC stains and for fluorescence stains, 4 Liters; Ready-To-Use 4 Liters 6375 innovexbio2021
NB301S Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinse/amplification of IHC-DAB & AEC stains and for fluorescence stains, 1 Liter; Ready-To-Use 1 Liter 2635 innovexbio2021
NB301-5C Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinse/amplification of IHC-DAB & AEC stains and for fluorescence stains, 1 liter of 5X; Concentrate 1 Liter of 5X 6715 innovexbio2021
NB322 Fast Red Enhancer for amplifying Fast Red-IHC stains, 15ml 15 ml 3655 innovexbio2021
NB317SBF Fast Red Substrate/chromogen, 2-component system, 70ml (Large volume) 70 ml 6613 innovexbio2021
NB317SBF-35 Fast Red Substrate/chromogen, 2-component system, 35ml (Small volume)     NEW 35 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB309-5S Fc Receptor Blocker, 5ml (trial size) 5 ml 2193 innovexbio2021
NB309 Fc Receptor Blocker, 60ml 60 ml 11815 innovexbio2021
NB309-15 Fc Receptor Blocker, 15ml 15 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB309-30 Fc Receptor Blocker, 30ml 30 ml 7225 innovexbio2021
NB309-4X-15 Fc Receptor Blocker; 4X Concentrate, 15ml 15 ml of 4X 12665 innovexbio2021
NB335 Azide-Free Fc Rreceptor Blocker, 30 ml (Small volume) 30 ml 7735 innovexbio2021
NB335-60 Azide-Free Fc Receptor Blocker, 60 ml (Large volume) 60 ml 12495 innovexbio2021
NC912 Goat negative control sera (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 2975 innovexbio2021
NB315 H&E Mount, Permanent Mountindg media for mounting H&E stains from water, 125ml (Large volume) 125 ml 6375 innovexbio2021
NB315-40 H&E Mount, Permanent Mountindg media for mounting H&E stains from water, 40ml (Small volume) 40 ml 3315 innovexbio2021
NB307 Immuno Diluent and Block (with green color indicator) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 125ml 125 ml 5355 innovexbio2021
NB307-50 Immuno Diluent and Block (with green color indicator) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 50ml 50ml 4165 innovexbio2021
NB307-1L Immuno Diluent and Block (with green color indicator) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 1 Litter 1 Litter 26945 innovexbio2021
NB307-C Immuno Diluent and Block (clear solution) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 125ml 125 ml 5355 innovexbio2021
NB307-C-50 Immuno Diluent and Block (clear solution) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 50ml 50 ml 4165 innovexbio2021
NB307-C-1L Immuno Diluent and Block (clear solution) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 1 Litter 1 Litter 26945 innovexbio2021
NB365-60 Azide-free ImmunoDiluent for diluting and storing antibody conjugates and enzymes sensative to sodium azide, 60ml (Large volume) 60 ml 5695 innovexbio2021
NB365-35 Azide-free ImmunoDiluent for diluting and storing antibody conjugates and enzymes sensative to sodium azide, 30ml (Small volume)     NEW 30 ml 3825 innovexbio2021
NB326 Innovex Nuclear Red counterstain (permanent), 10ml 10 ml 2465 innovexbio2021
NCM802M Mouse negative control sera (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 2635 innovexbio2021
NG903 Mouse IgG Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 3145 innovexbio2021
NG903C Mouse IgG Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Concentrate Minimum 1:50 dilution 1 ml 4675 innovexbio2021
NG904 Mouse IgG1 Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 3315 innovexbio2021
NG904C Mouse IgG1 Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Concentrate 1 ml 4675 innovexbio2021
NG905 Mouse IgG2a Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 4165 innovexbio2021
NG905C Mouse IgG2a Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Concentrate 1 ml 4845 innovexbio2021
NG907 Mouse IgG2b Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 4165 innovexbio2021
NG907C Mouse IgG2b Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Concentrate 1 ml 4845 innovexbio2021
NG908 Mouse IgG3 Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 4165 innovexbio2021
NG908C Mouse IgG3 Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Concentrate 1 ml 4845 innovexbio2021
NG906 Mouse IgM Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7 ml 3825 innovexbio2021
NG906C Mouse IgM Isotype control (purified) validated for IHC; Concentrate 1 ml 4845 innovexbio2021
NB303 PBS Isotonic Buffer, 1 Liter; 20X Concentrate 1 Liter 3995 innovexbio2021
NB317LF 1-step Polymer HISTO STAT Alkaline Phosphatase Fast Red-KIT for IHC staining of Mouse & Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 900 slides plus (Large size kit) KIT (900 slides) 14535 innovexbio2021
NB317LF-20 1-step Polymer HISTO STAT Alkaline Phosphatase Fast Red-KIT for IHC staining of Mouse & Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (Small size kit) KIT (350 slides) 10625 innovexbio2021
NB312LC 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Peroxidase (HRP) M*lent-AEC KIT for IHC staining of Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 900 plus slides (Large size kit) KIT (900 slides) 14535 innovexbio2021
NB312LC-20 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Peroxidase (HRP) M*lent-AEC KIT for IHC staining of Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (Small size kit) KIT (350 slides) 10625 innovexbio2021
NB312LD 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Peroxidase (HRP) M*lent-DAB KIT for IHC staining of Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 900 plus slides (Large size kit) KIT (900 slides) 14535 innovexbio2021
NB312LD-20 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Peroxidase (HRP) M*lent-DAB KIT for IHC staining of Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (Small size kit) KIT (350 slides) 10625 innovexbio2021
NB317L 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Alkaline Phosphatase m*lant (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 900 plus slides 50 ml 9775 innovexbio2021
NB317L-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT Alkaline Phosphatase m*lant (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse, Rabbit & Rat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides 20 ml 6715 innovexbio2021
NB312C-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Chicken (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Chicken antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 6375 innovexbio2021
NB312G-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Goat (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Goat antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 6375 innovexbio2021
NB312H-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Hamster (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Hamster antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 6375 innovexbio2021
NB312L-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP, m*lent (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse, Rabbit & Rat antibodies 350 plus slides 20 ml 6715 innovexbio2021
NB312L 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP, m*lent (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse, Rabbit & Rat antibodies, 900 plus slides 50 ml 8415 innovexbio2021
NB312R-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Rabbit (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Rabbit antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5525 innovexbio2021
NB312T-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Rat (SecondaryReagent Component) for staining Rat antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5525 innovexbio2021
NB312MRA-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Mouse Adsorbed (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Rat antibody-on-Mouse tissues, 250 plus slides 15 ml 7225 innovexbio2021
NB312S-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Sheep (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Sheep antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5525 innovexbio2021
NB312M-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Mouse for staining Mouse antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5525 innovexbio2021
NB312RMA-15 1-step Polymer HISTO-STAT; HRP anti Rat Adsorbed (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse antibodies-on-Rat tissue, 250 slides plus 15 ml 7225 innovexbio2021
NB316 Probe Mount, Permanent Mounting media for permanent mounting and coverslipping of Special stainsd & Immunofluorescence and In-Situ Stains FROM WATER, 60ml 60 ml 6375 innovexbio2021
NG910C Rabbit IgG Isotype control, Concentrate 0.5 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NG911C Rabbit IgM Isotype control, Concentrate 0.5 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NCP801R Rabbit negative control sera 7 ml 2703 innovexbio2021
NC915 Rat negative control sera 7 ml 2975 innovexbio2021
NC909 Sheep negative control sera 7 ml 2975 innovexbio2021
NB330DB STAT Double Staining ragent for Double staining Mouse and Sheep antibodies, 450 Plus slides 25 ml 10115 innovexbio2021
NB327DB STAT Double Staining Reagent for Double staining of Mouse and Goat antibodies, 450 plus slides 25 ml 10115 innovexbio2021
NB326DB STAT Double Staining reagent for Double staining of Mouse and Rabbit antibodies, 450 plus slides 25 ml 10115 innovexbio2021
NB305A STAT Hematoxylin (Nuclear counterstain) for IHC and H&E, 1 Liter 1 Liter 6375 innovexbio2021
NB305 STAT Hematoxylin (nuclear counterstain) for IHC and H&E, 125ml 125 ml 3315 innovexbio2021
NB311KLF STAT-Q Alkaline Phosphatase Fast Red KIT for staining Mouse, Rat & Rabbit primary antibodies, 1000 plus slides (Large size kit) KIT (1000 slides) 15045 innovexbio2021
NB311KLF-20 STAT-Q Alkaline Phosphatase Fast Red KIT for staining  Mouse, Rat & Rabbit primary antibodies, 350 plus slides (Small size kit) KIT (300 slides) 10625 innovexbio2021
NB311L STAT-Q Alkaline Phosphatase-streptavidin label (kit component), 1000 plus slides 60 ml 8415 innovexbio2021
NB311L-20 STAT-Q Alkaline Phosphatase-streptavidin label (kit component), 350 plus slides 15 ml 6035 innovexbio2021
NB317LC-20 STAT-Q anti Chicken Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Chicken antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5525 innovexbio2021
NB318MR-20 STAT-Q anti Mouse, Rat Adsorbed Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent component) for staining Mouse antibodies-on-Rat tissues, 250 plus slides 15 ml 6035 innovexbio2021
NB619RK-20 STAT-Q anti-Rat, Mouse Adsorbed Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent component) for staining Rat antibodies-on-Mouse tissue, 250 plus slidesl 15 ml 6035 innovexbio2021
NB318LG-20 STAT-Q anti Goat Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Goat primary antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB318KH-20 STAT-Q anti Hamster Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Hamster antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5525 innovexbio2021
NB314KLC STAT-Q M*lent AEC KIT for staining Mouse, Rat and Rabbit antibodies, 1000 plus slides (Large size kit) KIT (1000 slide) 14875 innovexbio2021
NB314KLC-20 STAT-Q M*lent AEC KIT for staining Mouse, Rat and Rabbit antibodies, 350 plus slides (Small size kit) KIT (300 slides) 9605 innovexbio2021
NB314KLD STAT-Q M*lent DAB KIT for staining Mouse, Rat and Rabbit antibodies, 1000 plus slides (Large size kit) KIT (1000 slides) 14705 innovexbio2021
NB314KLD-20 STAT-Q M*lent DAB KIT for staining Mouse, Rat and Rabbit antibodies, 350 slides kit (Small size Kit) KIT (300 slide) 9605 innovexbio2021
NB314KM-20 STAT-Q anti Mouse Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB314KR-20 STAT-Q anti Rabbit Secondary Linking antibody (secondary Reagent Component) for staining Rabbit antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB318KR-20 STAT-Q anti Rat Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Rat antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB318LS-20 STAT-Q anti Sheep Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Sheep antibodies, 250 plus slides 15 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB314RAK-AEC STAT-Q Rat Adsorbed AEC Kit for staining Mouse antibodies-on-Rat tissues 250 plus slides kit KIT (200-250 slides) 11815 innovexbio2021
NB314RAK-DAB STAT-Q Rat Adsorbed DAB Kit for staining Mouse antibodies-on-Rat tissues 250 plus slides kit KIT (200-250 slides) 11815 innovexbio2021
NB314KL STAT-Q M*lent Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse, Rabbit & Rat  antibodies, 1000 plus slides 60 ml 6715 innovexbio2021
NB314KL-20 STAT-Q M*lent Secondary Linking antibody (Secondary Reagent Component) for staining Mouse or Rabbit & Rat  antibodies, 350 plus slidesl 20 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB314L STAT-Q HRP-streptavidin label (kit component) 1000 plus slides 60 ml 6715 innovexbio2021
NB314L-20 STAT-Q HRP-streptavidin label (kit component) 350 plus slides 20 ml 5015 innovexbio2021
NB314MAK-AEC STAT-Q Mouse Adsorbed AEC  KIT for staining Rat antibodies-on-Mouse tissues 250 plus slide kit KIT (200-250 slides) 11815 innovexbio2021
NB314MAK-DAB STAT-Q Mouse Adsorbed DAB KIT for staining Rat antibodies-on-Mouse tissues 250 plus slide kit KIT (200-250 slides) 11815 innovexbio2021
NB314KLRD-20 STAT-Q Rabbit DAB KIT for staining all Rabbit antibodies, 350 plus slides 20 ml kit 9775 innovexbio2021
NB314KLRC-20 STAT-Q Rabbit AEC KIT for staining all Rabbit antibodies, 350 plus slides 20 ml kit 9775 innovexbio2021
NB314KLGD-20 STAT-Q Goat DAB KIT for staining all Goat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides 20 ml kit 9775 innovexbio2021
NB314KLGC-20 STAT-Q Goat AEC KIT for staining all Goat primary antibodies, 350 plus slides 20 ml kit 9775 innovexbio2021
NB304 Tissue Recovery HIER solution (pH-independent high-heat Retrieval solution); Ready-To-Use, 1 liter 1 Liter 3315 innovexbio2021
NB325 UNI-TRIEVE Mild Temperature Retrieval Solution (37-75 degrees celcius retrieval), 1 liter 1 liter 5695 innovexbio2021
NB325-200S UNI-TRIEVE Mild Temperature Retrieval Solution (40-75 degrees celcius); Trial Size, 200ml 200 ml 2465 innovexbio2021
TS900 Core Panel Multi-Tumor control slides, set of 5 Set of 5 2465 innovexbio2021
TS900-25 Core Panel Multi-Tumor control slides, set of 25 Set of 25 6375 innovexbio2021
TS901 Breast Panel Multi-Tumor control slides, set of 5 Set of 5 2465 innovexbio2021
TS901-25 Breast Panel Multi-Tumor control slides, set of 25 Set of 25 6375 innovexbio2021
TS902 CD Marker Multi-Tumor control slides, set of 5 Set of 5 2465 innovexbio2021
TS902-25 CD Marker Multi-Tumor control slides, set of 25 Set of 25 6375 innovexbio2021
Control Slides Positive control tissue section for each antibody; Based on availability INQUIRE Set of 25 5865 innovexbio2021
Control slides Positive control tissue section for each antibody; Based on availability INQUIRE Set of 5 2023 innovexbio2021
HP1000-10 Peroxidase Block (Stable); Ready-To-Use, 10ml 10ml 1275 innovexbio2021
HP1000-60 Peroxidase Block (Stable); Ready-To-Use, 60ml 60 ml 2975 innovexbio2021
HP1000-500 Peroxidase Block (Stable); Ready-To-Use, 500ml 500 ml 6613 innovexbio2021
329ANK-20 STAT Universal Animal IHC KIT-Small Small Kit 9775 innovexbio2021
329ANK-60 STAT Universal Animal IHC KIT-Large Large Kit 15215 innovexbio2021






在 Innovex Biosciences,我们每天都在努力为您带来先进的技术和产品,以及质量和创新。 我们致力于为客户提供可简化和缩短染色时间且无需故障排除或预处理的产品,这一承诺已得到证实。 Innovex 一直忠于其对创新和质量的最初承诺,现在以诸如 STAT-Wash Free、无背景染色试剂盒、无背景动物 IHC 产品、室温染色扩增技术、Uni 等革命性产品服务于该领域。 -Trieve、Fc Receptor Blocker 和 Background Buster 技术等等。 我们将继续以过去 28 年来同样的奉献精神和热情为该领域服务,我们非常感谢您的持续支持。

Innovex 一直忠于其对创新和质量的最初承诺,现在以诸如 STAT-Wash Free、无背景染色试剂盒、无背景动物 IHC 产品、室温染色扩增技术、Uni 等革命性产品服务于该领域。 -Trieve、Fc Receptor Blocker 和 Background Buster 技术等等。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
NB335 Azide-Free Fc Rreceptor Blocker, 30 ml (Small volume)    Ready-To-Use 30ml 7840 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB309 Fc Receptor Blocker, 60 ml;   Ready-To-Use 60ml 12720 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB335-60 Azide-Free Fc Receptor Blocker, 60 ml (Large volume)   Ready-To-Use 60ml 12720 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB309-4X-15 Fc Receptor Blocker; 4X Concentrate, 15 ml   Concentrate 15mlof4Xconcentrate 12720 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB309-4X-40 Fc Receptor Blocker; 4X Concentrate, 40 ml   Concentrate 40mlof4Xconcentrate 26480 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB309-5S Fc Receptor Blocker, 5 ml (trial size); Ready-To-Use 5ml 2544 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB306-50 Background Buster, 50 ml;  Ready-To-Use 50ml 5200 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB309-30 Fc Receptor Blocker, 30 ml;    Ready-To-Use 30ml 7440 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB309-15 Fc Receptor Blocker, 15 ml;    Ready-To-Use 15ml 5360 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB300 Advantage Mounting Media for permanent mounting/coverslipping of IHC & ICC and special stains from water, 60 ml 60ml 6080 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB300A Advantage Mounting Media for permanent mounting/coverslipping of IHC & ICC and special stains from water, 125 ml 125ml 7840 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB300-30 Advantage Mounting Media for permanent mounting/coverslipping of IHC & ICC and special stains from water, 30 ml 30ml 4160 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB319 AEC Enhancer, 15 ml 15ml 3600 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB314SCS AEC Chromogen & Substrate (stable) 2-component AEC system, 70 ml (Large volume) 70ml 5840 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB314SCS-35 AEC Chromogen & Substrate (stable) 2-component AEC system, 35 ml (Small volume) 35ml 4560 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB302S Alk.Phos Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinsing IHC and Fluorescence stain, 1-Liter; Ready-To-Use 1Liter 3040 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB302 Alk.Phos Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinsing IHC and Fluorescence stain, 4-Liter; Ready-To-Use 4Liters 5840 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB302-5C Alk.Phos Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinsing IHC and Fluorescence stain, 1-Liter of 5X; Concentrate 1Liter 6320 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB306-7 Background Buster, 7 ml (trial size);  Ready-To-Use 7ml 2320 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB306 Background Buster, 125 ml   Ready-To-Use 125ml 7840 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB306-1L Background Buster, 1-Liter;   Ready-To-Use 1Litter 44160 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB321NBT BCIP/NBT, permanent blue chromogen for immuno-alkaline phosphatase (IHC & ICC) staining, 10 ml 10ml 3120 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB319-SBB Black-DAB Substrate/Chromogen System (stable) for IHC staining, 30 ml (Small volume);   Ready-To-Use 30ml 5200 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB319-BB70 Black-DAB Substrate/Chromogen System (stable) for IHC staining, 70 ml (Large volume);   Ready-To-Use 70ml 7120 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NC914 Chicken negative control sera, (purified) validated for  IHC; Ready-To-Use 7ml 3920 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB310 Cyto-Blue, Cytoplasmic counterstain for counterstaining nuclear IHC & ICC stains such as ER, PR, Ki-67 and all antibodies staining nuclear markers, 10 ml (Small volume) 10ml 2320 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB354 Cyto-Blue, Cytoplasmic counterstain for counterstaining nuclear IHC& ICC stains such as ER, PR, Ki-67 and all antibodies staining nuclear markers, 100 ml (Large volume) 100ml 6160 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB308 DAB Enhancer for ampliying and darkening DAB stains in IHC staining, 60 ml (Large volume) 60ml 6960 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB308-30 DAB Enhancer for ampliying and darkening DAB stains in IHC staining, 30 ml (Small volume) 30ml 4560 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB314SBD DAB Liquid/Substrate (stable), Background-free; 2-component system, 70 ml (Large volume) 70ml 5680 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB314SBD-35 DAB Liquid/Substrate (stable), Background-free; 2-component system, 35 ml (Small volume) 35ml 4720 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB301 Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinse/amplification of IHC-DAB & AEC stains and for fluorescence stains, 4-Liters; Ready-To-Use 4Liters 6160 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB301S Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinse/amplification of IHC-DAB & AEC stains and for fluorescence stains, 1-Liter; Ready-To-Use 1Liter 2960 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB301-5C Enhancing Wash Buffer for rinse/amplification of IHC-DAB & AEC stains and for fluorescence stains, 1-Liter of 5X Concentrate 1Literof5X 6800 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB322 Fast Red Enhancer for amplifying Fast Red-IHC stains, 15 ml 15ml 4560 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB317SBF Fast Red Substrate/chromogen, 2-component system, 70 ml (Large volume) 70ml 6320 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB317SBF-35 Fast Red Substrate/chromogen, 2-component system, 35 ml (Small volume) 35ml 5520 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NC912 Goat negative control sera (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7ml 3440 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB315 H&E Mount, Permanent Mountindg media for mounting H&E stains from water, 125 ml (Large volume) 125ml 7280 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB315-40 H&E Mount, Permanent Mountindg media for mounting H&E stains from water, 40 ml (Small volume) 40ml 3920 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB307 Immuno Diluent and Block (with green color indicator) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 125 ml  of Ready-To-Use 125ml 6320 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB307-50 Immuno Diluent and Block (with green color indicator) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 50 ml  of Ready-To-Use 50ml 4640 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB307-1L Immuno Diluent and Block (with green color indicator) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 1-Litter of Ready-To-Use 1Litter 30240 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB307-C Immuno Diluent and Block (clear solution) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 125 ml  of Ready-To-Use 125ml 6160 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB307-C-50 Immuno Diluent and Block (clear solution) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 50 ml  of Ready-To-Use 50ml 4640 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB307-C-1L Immuno Diluent and Block (clear solution) for diluting and indefinate storage of antibodies, 1-Litter  of Ready-To-Use 1Litter 30240 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB365-60 Azide-free ImmunoDiluent for diluting and storing antibody conjugates and enzymes sensative to sodium azide, 60 ml (Large volume); Ready-To-Use 60ml 6320 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB365-35 Azide-free ImmunoDiluent for diluting and storing antibody conjugates and enzymes sensative to sodium azide, 30 ml (Small volume);  Ready-To-Use 30ml 4640 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NB326 Innovex Nuclear Red counterstain (permanent), 10 ml 10ml 2640 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
NCM802M Mouse negative control sera (purified) validated for IHC; Ready-To-Use 7ml 3600 innovexbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物

关键词:innovexbio、 STAT-Wash Free、无背景染色试剂盒、无背景动物 IHC 产品、室温染色扩增技术