PhyNexus PTV 92-20-02说明书



PhyNexus PTV 92-20-02说明书

Protein G PhyTip Columns

蛋白质G PhyTip柱

蛋白质G PhyTip柱显示功能性抗体(IgG)的高结合亲和力和高选择性亲和纯化。蛋白G柱显示出对不同同种型和IgG种类的高选择性,并获得高度浓缩的纯化蛋白

  • 高结合亲和力
  • 对不同物种的高选择性和抗体的同种型
  • IgG回收率为70-90%

使用我们专有的双流式色谱法  提供的蛋白G提示可  提供完整的抗体结合和高终浓度。PhyTip色谱柱兼容大多数8,12和96通道自动化液体处理机器人,包括  Agilent Technologies,  Beckman Coulter,  Dynamic Devices,  Perkin Elmer,  Hamilton和  Tecan。


含有蛋白G的PhyTip色谱柱已经过优化,可用于特定的PhyNexus试剂和仪器流速/体积,如下所示。使用PhyTip ME 1000和ME 200纯化系统收集该信息

所有带有蛋白G的PhyTip色谱柱都配有推荐的PhyTip缓冲液,包括:捕获缓冲液 – 适用于需要添加额外缓冲液以补充样品体积并确保正确捕获pH值的情况。洗涤缓冲液I – 磷酸盐缓冲溶液pH 7.4洗涤缓冲液II – 盐水溶液。注意:没有缓冲能力以确保有效洗脱富集缓冲液 – 用于终洗脱步骤 – 磷酸盐缓冲溶液pH 2.5中和缓冲液。 – Tris缓冲溶液pH 9.0

注意:富集缓冲液以4 mL pH 2.5磷酸盐缓冲溶液的形式提供,如果要纯化的蛋白质需要较少的酸性洗脱条件,例如pH 2.8,则可以如下更改富集缓冲液的pH值:取1 mL标准富集缓冲液(pH值) 2.5)加入30μL1MTris Buffer标准中和缓冲液,得到1 mL pH 2.8洗脱缓冲液(实际pH值可能因体积精度而异)对于pH 3.0浓缩缓冲液,取1 mL标准富集缓冲液(pH 2.5) )加入40μL1MTris Buffer标准中和缓冲液,得到1 mL pH 3.0洗脱缓冲液(实际pH值可能因体积精度而异)

对于中和步骤,添加25%v / v的洗脱体积,例如,如果洗脱体积为20μL,则添加5μL的1M Tris中和缓冲液


对于含有1mg BSA的5μgIgG2a(抗FITC MAb。)的200μL样品,使用下面显示的条件处理,在终样品体积中回收大于40%的原始IgG质量。此外,通过用考马斯检测的SDS-PAGE测定,回收的IgG纯度超过95%。


纯化:200μLPhyNexusProtein G洗涤缓冲液I,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床两个循环,然后用洗涤缓冲液II进行第二次洗涤,在树脂床上通过两个循环流动速率为500μL/ min。

富集:用10μLPhyNexusProtein G Enrichment Buffer将蛋白质洗脱到溶液中,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床5个循环。用3μLPhyNexus蛋白G中和缓冲液中和。

出厂时含有的蛋白G富集缓冲液含有:111mM NaH2PO4,140mM NaCl,14.8mM H3PO4,pH3.0


对于含有5μgBSA的10μgIgG2a(抗FITC MAb。)的500μL样品,使用下面显示的条件处理,在终样品体积中回收大于40%的原始IgG质量。此外,通过用考马斯检测的SDS-PAGE测定,回收的IgG纯度超过95%。


纯化:1000μLPhyNexusProtein G洗涤缓冲液I,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床两个循环,然后用洗涤缓冲液II进行第二次洗涤,以500的流速通过树脂床两个循环。 μL/分钟。

富集:用15mL PhyNexus Protein G Enrichment Buffer将蛋白质洗脱到溶液中,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床5个循环。用5μLPhyNexus蛋白G中和缓冲液中和。







  • 不要冷冻或储存冷冻。
  • 不使用时,请将盒盖关闭并密封,存放在冰箱中。
  • 在干燥环境中长时间储存​​,不要让亲和树脂干燥。



Protein G PhyTip色谱柱可用于这些机器人系统。


Agilent Velocity 11 Bravo和V-Prep

 Beckman FX&NX 96孔

 Caliper SciClone和Zephyr 96通道(现为Perkin Elmer)


 Hamilton STAR和Nimbus

 Perkin Elmer Janus Varispan 4或8孔

 Perkin Elmer Packard MiniTrack和Janus MDT 96频道

 PhyNexus MEA或ME

 Tecan Freedom Evo LiHa&Tecan Te-MO

 Tecan Freedom Evo MCA 96孔 










Agilent Velocity 11 Bravo和V-Prep




PTV 92-20-02



Beckman FX&NX 96孔



PTB 92-05-02



Beckman FX&NX 96孔




PTB 92-20-02



Caliper SciClone&Zephyr 96 channel_now Perkin Elmer



PTZ 92-05-02



Caliper SciClone&Zephyr 96 channel_now Perkin Elmer




PTZ 92-20-02







PTX 91-10-02

每盒含有10μL蛋白G亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-16-02

每盒含有160μL蛋白G亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-20-02

每盒含有20μL蛋白G亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-40-02

每盒含有40μL蛋白G亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-80-02

每盒含有80μL蛋白G亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






DAB 12-000-02

PhyTip column transfer tool for Beckman instrument

DAB 96-000-01

Adaptor for Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for Beckman

DAT 12-000-02

PhyTip column transfer tool for Tecan instrument

DAT 96-000-01

Adaptor for Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for Tecan

DPA 00-01-00

MEA Lysate Direct PhyTip column Adaptor kit (US)

DPA 00-01-01

MEA Lysate Direct PhyTip column Adaptor kit (UK)

DPA 00-01-02

MEA Lysate Direct PhyTip column Adaptor kit (European)

DPB 92-80-70

Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 1 box kit Beckman

DPB 92-80-70-10

Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 10 box kit Beckman

DPB 99-125-01

Precipitation Buffer for plasmid miniprep, 125 mL

DPR 11-80-70

Demo Kit, Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA box of 12 Rainin

DPR 91-80-70

Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 1 box kit Rainin

DPR 91-80-70-10

Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 10 box kit Rainin

DPT 92-80-70

Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 1 box kit Tecan

DPT 92-80-70-10

Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 10 box kit Tecan

PCP 96-00-10

Box of 100 Elution Sample Plates: 96 x 200 μL v-bottom wells. Polypropylene 

PCP 96-10-20

PhyTip Cover for Elution Plates: 100 covers per roll

PCP 96-20-10

Box of 5 Deep-well Sample Plates: 96 x 2 mL v-bottom wells. Polypropylene 

PCP 96-60-00

Pack of Neutralization Reservoirs: 36 rows of 12 wells

PCS 00-000-01

Pipette Calibration Service

PDR 41-20-06

Box of 48 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 200 μL of 5K desalting resin per column.

PDR 41-60-06

Box of 48 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 600 μL of 5K desalting resin per column.

PDR 91-20-06

Box of 96 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 200 μL of 5K desalting resin per column.

PDR 91-60-06

Box of 96 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 600 μL of 5K desalting resin per column.

PHH 10-00-96

MEA Heater platform – single position, controllable temperature plate

PHR 00-000-00

MEA Personal Purification System

PHR 00-000-01

MEA Personal Purification System – UK Voltage version

PHR 00-000-02

MEA Personal Purification System – European Voltage version

PHR 00-000-03

MEA Personal Purification System – “Other” Voltage version

PHR 96-000-00

MEA Personal Purification System – US Voltage version

PHR 96-000-01

MEA Personal Purification System – UK Voltage version

PHR 96-000-02

MEA Personal Purification System – European  Voltage version

PHR 96-000-03

MEA Personal Purification System – “Other” Voltage version

PHR 96-020-00

200+ pipette head for MEA System

PHR 96-100-00

1000+ pipette head for MEA System

PHR 96-900-01

Laptop computer for MEA Platform

PHW 96-010-01

U.S. Service Agreement

PHW 96-010-02

U.S. Service Agreement with Loaner System

PHW 96-010-03

European Service Agreement

PHW 96-010-04

European Service Agreement with Loaner System

PMT 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PMT 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PMT 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PMT 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PMT 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PMT 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PMT 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PMT 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PMT 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PMT 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PMT 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PMT 92-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PMT 92-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PMT 92-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PMT 92-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PMT 92-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PMT 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PMT 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PMT 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PMT 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PMT 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PMT 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PMT 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PMT 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PMT 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PMT 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PMT 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PMT 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PMT 92-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PMT 92-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PMT 92-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PMT 92-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PMT 92-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PSA 10-00-00

USB to Serial Adaptor

PTB 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTB 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTB 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTB 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTB 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTB 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTB 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTB 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTB 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTB 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTB 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTB 92-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTB 92-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTB 92-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTB 92-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTB 92-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTB 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5 μL of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTB 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTB 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTB 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTB 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTB 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTB 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTB 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTB 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTB 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTB 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTB 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTB 92-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTB 92-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTB 92-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTB 92-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTB 92-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTD 22-05-NS

Box of 24 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5 μl of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTD 41-10-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 41-10-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 41-10-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 41-10-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 41-10-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 41-10-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 41-10-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTD 41-16-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 41-16-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 41-16-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 41-16-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 41-16-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 41-16-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 41-20-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTD 41-32-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 41-32-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 41-32-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 41-32-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 41-32-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 41-32-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 41-40-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 41-40-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 41-40-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 41-40-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 41-40-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 41-40-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 41-80-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 41-80-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 41-80-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 41-80-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 41-80-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 41-80-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 91-10-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTD 91-16-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 91-16-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 91-16-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 91-16-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 91-16-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 91-16-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 91-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTD 91-32-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 91-32-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 91-32-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 91-32-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 91-32-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 91-32-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 91-40-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 91-40-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 91-40-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 91-40-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 91-40-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 91-40-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 91-80-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 91-80-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 91-80-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 91-80-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 91-80-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 91-80-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione  affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus  affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase 1 affinity resin per column

PTD 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5 μl of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTD 92-20-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTD 92-20-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTD 92-20-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTD 92-20-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTD 92-20-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTD 92-20-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTD 92-20-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase 1 affinity resin per column

PTH 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTH 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTH 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTH 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTH 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTH 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTH 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTH 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTH 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTH 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTH 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTH 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTH 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTH 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTH 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTH 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTH 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTH 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTH 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTH 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTH 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTH 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTH 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTH 93-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTH 93-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTH 93-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTH 93-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTH 93-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTH 93-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTH 93-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTH 93-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTH 93-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTH 93-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTJ 41-10-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-10-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-10-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-10-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-10-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-10-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-10-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-16-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-16-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-16-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-16-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-16-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-16-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-20-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-32-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-32-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-32-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-32-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-32-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-32-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-40-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-40-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-40-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-40-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-40-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-40-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-80-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-80-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-80-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-80-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-80-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 41-80-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-10-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-16-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-16-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-16-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-16-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-16-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-16-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-32-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-32-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-32-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-32-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-32-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-32-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-40-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-40-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-40-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-40-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-40-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-40-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-80-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-80-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-80-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-80-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-80-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column

PTJ 91-80-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTP 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTP 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTP 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTP 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTP 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTP 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTP 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTP 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTP 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTP 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTP 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTP 92-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTP 92-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTP 92-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTP 92-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTP 92-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTP 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTP 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTP 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTP 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTP 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTP 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTP 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTP 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTP 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTP 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTP 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTP 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTP 92-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTP 92-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTP 92-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTP 92-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTP 92-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTR 41-10-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 41-10-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 41-10-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 41-10-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 41-10-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 41-10-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 41-10-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 41-10-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 41-10-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 41-10-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 41-10-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 41-16-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 41-16-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 41-16-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 41-16-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 41-16-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 41-16-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 41-16-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 41-16-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 41-16-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 41-16-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 41-20-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 41-20-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 41-20-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 41-20-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 41-20-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 41-20-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 41-20-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 41-20-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 41-20-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 41-20-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 41-20-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 41-32-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 41-32-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 41-32-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 41-32-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 41-32-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTR 41-32-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 41-32-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 41-32-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 41-32-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 41-32-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 41-40-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 41-40-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 41-40-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 41-40-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 41-40-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 41-40-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 41-40-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 41-40-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 41-40-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 41-40-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 41-80-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 41-80-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 41-80-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 41-80-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 41-80-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 41-80-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 41-80-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 41-80-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 41-80-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 41-80-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 42-05-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 42-05-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 42-05-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 42-05-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 42-05-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTR 42-05-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 42-05-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 42-05-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 42-05-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 42-05-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 42-05-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 42-20-01

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 42-20-02

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 42-20-03

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 42-20-04

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 42-20-05

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTR 42-20-07

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 42-20-09

Box of 48 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 42-20-11

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 42-20-12

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 42-20-13

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 42-20-14

Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 91-10-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 91-10-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 91-10-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 91-10-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 91-10-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 91-10-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 91-10-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 91-10-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 91-10-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 91-10-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 91-10-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 91-10-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTR 91-10-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTR 91-10-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTR 91-10-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTR 91-10-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTR 91-16-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 91-16-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 91-16-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 91-16-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 91-16-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 91-16-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 91-16-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 91-16-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 91-16-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 91-16-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 91-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 91-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 91-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 91-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 91-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 91-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 91-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 91-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 91-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 91-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 91-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 91-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTR 91-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTR 91-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTR 91-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTR 91-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTR 91-32-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 91-32-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 91-32-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 91-32-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 91-32-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTR 91-32-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 91-32-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 91-32-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 91-32-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 91-32-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 91-40-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 91-40-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 91-40-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 91-40-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 91-40-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 91-40-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 91-40-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 91-40-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 91-40-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 91-40-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 91-80-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 91-80-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 91-80-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 91-80-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 91-80-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  Streptavidin per column

PTR 91-80-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 91-80-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 91-80-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 91-80-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 91-80-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptividin per column

PTR 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 92-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTR 92-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTR 92-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTR 92-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTR 92-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTR 92-05-NS


PTR 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTR 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTR 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTR 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTR 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTR 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column

PTR 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTR 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTR 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTR 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTR 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTR 92-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTR 92-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTR 92-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTR 92-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTR 92-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTT 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTT 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTT 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTT 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTT 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTT 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTT 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTT 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTT 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTT 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTT 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTT 92-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTT 92-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTT 92-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTT 92-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTT 92-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTT 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTT 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTT 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTT 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTT 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTT 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTT 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTT 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTT 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTT 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTT 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTT 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTT 92-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTT 92-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTT 92-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTT 92-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTT 92-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTV 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTV 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTV 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTV 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTV 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTV 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTV 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTV 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTV 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTV 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTV 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTV 92-20-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTV 92-20-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTV 92-20-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTV 92-20-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTV 92-20-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTZ 92-05-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-05-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-05-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-05-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-05-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTZ 92-05-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-05-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTZ 92-05-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTZ 92-05-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTZ 92-05-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTZ 92-05-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column

PTZ 92-05-21

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column

PTZ 92-05-22

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column

PTZ 92-05-23

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column

PTZ 92-05-24

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column

PTZ 92-05-25

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column

PTZ 92-05-NS

Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins

PTZ 92-20-01

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-20-02

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-20-03

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-20-04

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-20-05

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column

PTZ 92-20-07

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column

PTZ 92-20-09

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column

PTZ 92-20-11

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column

PTZ 92-20-12

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column

PTZ 92-20-13

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column

PTZ 92-20-14

Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column










6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,phynexus,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知*批发,欢迎合作。



PhyNexus PTV 92-20-19说明书


PhyNexus PTV 92-20-19说明书

C18 Mass Spectrometry PhyTip Columns


PhyNexus开发了一种自动化工艺,使用C18色谱柱和C4色谱柱对蛋白质/多肽进行脱盐或“清理” ,以简化样品制备,进行质谱分析(一次多96个)。当使用手动移液管进行反相纯化时,吸气溶液中的背压会给操作者带来不便,并导致结果不一致。PhyTip色谱柱具有与自动化相辅相成的一致性,易用性和可扩展性,可实现清理。凭借蛋白质结合的高容量和多功能性,PhyNexus C18色谱柱是开发流体MALDI或LC-MS工作流程的适选择。

由于PhyTip移液器吸头柱的床尺寸和容量增加,C18色谱柱与其他色谱柱相比,极性和非极性分子的选择性提高。这种较大的床尺寸将使捕获的平衡推动到增加量的捕获产物。当比较一些的C18的容量时,C18 PhyTip色谱柱的结合量是每毫升树脂蛋白质量的两倍多,同时具有相当的回收率和范围。



使用我们专有的双流色谱 C18提示   完整的抗体结合和高终浓度。C18 PhyTip色谱柱兼容大多数8,12和96通道自动化液体处理机器人,包括  Agilent Technologies,  Beckman Coulter,  Dynamic Devices,  Perkin Elmer,  Hamilton和  Tecan。




PhyNexus MEA个人净化系统的样品处理






6.用100μL70%ACN + 0.1%TFA洗脱4个循环

每个循环包括一次抽吸和一次排出,流速为1 mL / min。每个洗脱抽吸/排出步骤以4个增量进行,暂停5秒,而所有其他抽吸/排出步骤以8个增量进行,暂停30秒。该处理旨在模拟手动移液,同时补偿背压。密封洗脱板以防止挥发性洗脱缓冲液在处理期间蒸发,并且将溶液真空脱气以进一步确保空气不进入柱。











Agilent Velocity 11 Bravo和V-Prep




PTV 92-20-19



Beckman FX&NX 96孔




PTB 92-05-19



Beckman FX&NX 96孔




PTB 92-20-19



Caliper SciClone&Zephyr 96 channel_now Perkin Elmer




PTZ 92-05-19



Caliper SciClone&Zephyr 96 channel_now Perkin Elmer




PTZ 92-20-19







PTD 92-05-19







PTD 91-10-19

每盒含有10μLC18反相(300Å孔)树脂的96盒PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-10-19

每盒含有10μLC18反相(300Å孔)树脂的96盒PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTD 92-20-19







PTD 91-20-19

每盒含有20μLC18反相(300Å孔)树脂的96个PhyTip色谱柱(1 mL体积)



PhyNexus PTV 92-20-01说明书


PhyNexus PTV 92-20-01说明书

PhyNexus开发了一种*的技术,用于工程蛋白和抗体的微量纯化,使研究人员能够定期纯化和富集高达1 mL的样品。PhyTip™色谱柱的*设计使洗脱体积低至10μL,从而产生高达50 x的富集因子,纯化蛋白浓度高达5 mg / ml。


  • IgG回收率为70-90%
  • 获得高度浓缩的纯化蛋白质
  • 蛋白质A PhyTip柱显示从不同水平的背景蛋白质中提取具有非常高纯度的IgG蛋白质

蛋白质A PhyTip柱显示出功能性抗体(IgG)的高结合亲和力和高容量亲和纯化。

蛋白A柱采用我们专有的  双流色谱,可  提供完整的抗体结合和高终浓度。PhyTip色谱柱兼容大多数8,12和96通道自动化液体处理机器人,包括  Agilent Technologies,  Beckman Coulter,  Dynamic Devices,  Perkin Elmer,  Hamilton和  Tecan。

具有蛋白A的PhyTip色谱柱已针对特定PhyNexus试剂和仪器流速/体积进行了优化,如下所示。使用PhyNexus纯化系统收集该信息。带有蛋白A的所有PhyTip色谱柱都配有推荐的PhyTip缓冲液,包括:捕获缓冲液 – 用于需要添加额外缓冲液以补充样品体积并确保捕获正确pH值的情况。洗涤缓冲液I – 磷酸盐缓冲溶液pH 7.4洗涤缓冲液II – 盐水溶液。注意:没有缓冲能力以确保有效洗脱富集缓冲液 – 用于终洗脱步骤 – 磷酸盐缓冲溶液pH 2.5中和缓冲液。 – Tris缓冲溶液pH 9.0注意:富集缓冲液以4 mL pH 2.5磷酸盐缓冲溶液的形式提供,


对于含有1mg BSA的5μgIgG2a(抗FITC MAb。)的200μL样品,使用下面显示的条件处理,在终样品体积中回收大于40%的原始IgG质量。此外,通过用考马斯检测的SDS-PAGE测定,回收的IgG纯度超过95%。


纯化:200μLPhyNexus蛋白A洗涤缓冲液I,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床两个循环,然后用洗涤缓冲液II进行第二次洗涤,在树脂床上通过流动两个循环速率为500μL/ min。

富集:用10μLPhyNexusProtein A Enrichment Buffer将蛋白质洗脱到溶液中,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床5个循环。用3μLPhyNexus蛋白A中和缓冲液中和。

出厂时含有的蛋白G富集缓冲液含有:111mM NaH2PO4,140mM NaCl,14.8mM H3PO4,pH3.0


对于含有5μgBSA的10μgIgG2a(抗FITC MAb。)的500μL样品,使用下面显示的条件处理,在终样品体积中回收大于40%的原始IgG质量。此外,通过用考马斯检测的SDS-PAGE测定,回收的IgG纯度超过95%。


纯化:1000μLPhyNexusProtein G洗涤缓冲液I,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床两个循环,然后用洗涤缓冲液II进行第二次洗涤,以500的流速通过树脂床两个循环。 μL/分钟。

富集:用15mL PhyNexus蛋白A富集缓冲液将蛋白质洗脱到溶液中,以500μL/ min的流速通过树脂床5个循环。用5μLPhyNexus蛋白A中和缓冲液中和。




PhyNexusPhyTip®色谱柱是创新的纯化工具,可从根本上简化各种来源的蛋白质的捕获,纯化和富集。这些净化工具成功的关键是设计保留亲和树脂床的机制,具有小的死体积和大的捕获潜力。一组PhyTipcolumns包含蛋白A,以在特定适条件下特异性结合来自不同来源的抗体(IgG),从而允许去除核酸和其他污染物。在快速洗涤步骤后,用常用的低pH缓冲液容易地洗脱纯化的抗体。该技术允许特别高产率的IgG,这取决于各种条件,并且在非常高浓度的载体蛋白如BSA的存在下提供高度选择性的纯化。PhyTip色谱柱具有*的结合能力,可以结合超过100μg的IgG,并且可以有效回收少至200 ng的IgG – 代表近三个数量级的范围。PhyTip色谱柱非常适用于从杂交瘤上清液中筛选抗体或用于高通量提取和纯化亲和标记蛋白。


IgG以高亲和力和特异性结合蛋白A. 这种相互作用的强度和选择性使蛋白A能够有效地从复杂的蛋白质混合物中纯化IgG。为了检测PhyTip柱与蛋白A树脂的性能,测量了使用1000+蛋白A PhyTip柱的纯化IgG(抗FITC-MAb)的回收百分比。


含有5mg BSA的PBS中,或
2.含有10%FBS(胎牛血清)的DMEM ,或含有5mg BSA的3.SFM 
样品处理:使用以下方案在半自动ME 1000平台上处理所有样品:

  1. (1)捕获:通过将样品通过树脂床进行2个输入/输出循环(体积编程为0.6ml,0.25ml / min)来捕获特定蛋白质。
  2. (2)纯化:通过用0.5mL PBS(洗涤缓冲液I)进行1个输入/输出循环(体积编程为0.6ml,0.5ml / min)洗涤结合的蛋白质/亲和树脂,然后进行1个输入/输出循环,去除未结合的蛋白质(体积为0.6ml,0.5ml / min),用0.5mL盐水溶液(洗涤缓冲液II)。
  3. (3)富集:用15μLpH3.0洗脱缓冲液以4次进/出循环(体积编程为0.1-0.15ml,1ml / min)洗脱IgG2a。洗脱后,加入5μL中和缓冲液。注意,由PhyNexus提供的蛋白A和蛋白G PhyTip柱的当前洗脱缓冲液具有2.5的pH,并且当前的中和缓冲液的pH为9.0。


(1)为了制备还原的IgG2a,使15μl终洗脱体积与5μl新制备的TCEP(15μl10mg/ ml TCEP在水中反应,终体积为30μl)反应。

(2)使用HP 1050 HPLC系统将20μl还原的IgG2a注入无孔聚苯乙烯二乙烯基苯反相(C-18)柱中。溶剂A(水中0.1%TFA)和溶剂B(ACN中0.1%TFA)之间的梯度为25%至75%,使用5分钟。检测:214和280nm的UV。

  1. (3)T wo主要IgG2a峰在3.18和3.34分钟左右洗脱。在每种情况下,将这两个峰下面积从(3.3-13.5)min积分,并在214nm处记录相应的峰面积。
  2. (4)将相同反应条件下的TCEP处理的IgG2a标准品加载到柱中,并用作恢复计算的输入或标准。


在DMEM + 10%FBS中的回收率= 77%SFM中的回收率+ 5mg BSA = 64%。



为了验证载体蛋白对大IgG2a回收率的作用,并证明重现性,从多个样品(n = 4)中从PBS(以及含有5mg BSA的PBS)中纯化IgG2a。结果表明,在500倍过量的BSA浓度存在下,纯化的IgG2a的回收率提高(至少20%或更多),并且该方法也是高度可重复的。

PBS中的回收率= 42.25%(SD = 4.66%)PBS中的回收率+ 5mg BSA = 66.5%(SD = 7.5%)


为了表征和验证蛋白A-IgG亲和相互作用的选择性,将5mg BSA作为载体蛋白添加至0.5μg样品体积(333倍过量)中的15μgIgG。使用Protein A PhyTip柱处理样品。


样品:在0.5ml含有5mg BSA(10mg / ml或1%w / v BSA)的PBS或PBS中的15μgmFITC-MAb(IgG2a亚类)。样品处理:如上文“恢复性能和分析程序”中所述。


(1)将15μl终洗脱体积分成两部分:13μl与新制备的13μl10mg / ml TCEP(终体积=26μl和[TCEP] = 17.5 mM)在室温下反应~16在每个实验中将2μl加载到凝胶上。

(2)使用HP 1050 HPLC系统将20μl以上26μl还原的IgG2a注入无孔聚苯乙烯二乙烯基苯反相(C-18)柱中。溶剂A(水中0.1%TFA)和溶剂B(ACN中0.1%TFA)之间的梯度为25%至75%,使用5分钟。检测:214和280nm的UV。

  1. (3)两个主要的IgG2a峰在3.17和3.3分钟左右洗脱。在这两个峰下面积在每种情况下从(3.13-3.5)min积分,并且在214nm处记录相应的mAU。
  2. (4)将在相同反应条件下经TCEP处理的IgG2a标准品(注射量为1.08,2.6,4.3,6.48和8.64μgFITC-M Ab)装入柱中并用作恢复计算的标准曲线。







  • 不要冷冻或储存冷冻。
  • 不使用时,请将盒盖关闭并密封,存放在冰箱中。
  • 在干燥环境中长时间储存​​,不要让亲和树脂干燥。




蛋白质A PhyTip色谱柱可用于这些机器人系统


Agilent Velocity 11 Bravo和V-Prep

 Beckman FX&NX 96孔

 Caliper SciClone和Zephyr 96通道(现为Perkin Elmer)


 Hamilton STAR和Nimbus

 Perkin Elmer Janus Varispan 4或8孔

 Perkin Elmer Packard MiniTrack和Janus MDT 96频道

 PhyNexus MEA或ME

 Tecan Freedom Evo LiHa&Tecan Te-MO

 Tecan Freedom Evo MCA 96孔 















Agilent Velocity 11 Bravo和V-Prep




PTV 92-20-01



Beckman FX&NX 96孔



PTB 92-05-01



Beckman FX&NX 96孔




PTB 92-20-01



Caliper SciClone&Zephyr 96 channel_now Perkin Elmer



PTZ 92-05-01



Caliper SciClone&Zephyr 96 channel_now Perkin Elmer




PTZ 92-20-01







PTX 91-10-01

每盒含有10μL蛋白A亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-16-01

每盒含有160μL蛋白A亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-20-01

每盒含有20μL蛋白A亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-40-01

每盒含有40μL蛋白A亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)






PTX 91-80-01

每盒含有80μL蛋白A亲和树脂的96个PhyTip柱(1 mL体积)